I just want to have a good time

Chapter 365 Chapter 365.

Chapter 365 365. Back

After leaving the Qin residence, Shi Xiao searched for a forest, and chose a thicker tree. Standing on the tree, she took a last look at Shangyuan City, and pressed her fingertips on the wood spirit bead.

After a period of dizziness, when Shi Xiao opened his eyes, he found that he was already in the space, and Xiao Yuanling, whom he had not seen for a long time, was looking at her with surprise.

Seeing everything familiar in the space, she breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came back. The happy Shi Xiao hugged Xiao Yuanling in his arms, and after a while, she went out of the space in a flash.

Looking at the desolate and messy supermarket, Shi Xiao felt for the first time that the environment was so friendly and felt the cold breath. Through the glass window, the white world was telling Shi Xiao that it was still winter. After she was relieved a little Enter the space again.

She had a lot to ask Xiao Yuanling, especially about time. Although she saw and felt the warmth in reality, she would never feel at ease if she didn't listen to Xiao Yuanling's own words.

This little guy obviously knew that Shi Xiao had something to ask, so he sat honestly on the stone bench in the courtyard.

Shi Xiao, who appeared in the space, only had Yuan Ling on the stone bench in his eyes.

"Master," the little guy yelled.

"Good boy," Shi Xiao replied perfunctorily and then went straight to the point, "Yuan Ling, tell me how long I've been gone?"

"Master, don't worry. The master never disappears in the space. The moment the master leaves, time stops at that node. No matter how long the master stays in another world, this place will always look like when he just left."

Xiao Yuanling's words made Shi Xiao heave a sigh of relief, he didn't have to worry about the safety of her parents and younger brother after being away for so long, and he didn't have to rack his brains to figure out how to explain to his parents why she suddenly disappeared.

"So you knew the moment I left," Shi Xiao reacted.

Xiao Yuanling nodded, "The spiritual power in the space fluctuated greatly before the master left."

"I see, even you can't stop it?"

"Why do you want to stop it? This is a good thing. The owner is very lucky. He accidentally triggered the Wood Heart of the Wood Spirit Orb to activate the Chaos Heart Stone, which then absorbed the chaotic spiritual power of the universe to complement the spiritual power of the Wood Spirit Orb. At the same time, it also triggered With the hidden function of the Lingzhu, that's why I have this time-traveling trip. The master doesn't have to worry about not being able to come back, because the world corresponding to the Wood Lingzhu is the coordinates set by my former master. I believe the master already knows the way to come back. .”

"You're not afraid that I won't come back if I find out!" Shi Xiaole laughed.

"It doesn't exist. With Master's ingenuity, even if he can't find it in the short term, he will definitely find it in the future." What Xiao Yuanling said was resolute.

He wanted to tell the master how to get back, but the situation at that time was too special to allow him to speak. Even if he had the opportunity to say that the master was in a deep sleep, he would not be able to hear anything, so it is really not his fault for not doing anything.

Even if this little guy has vision, he knows that she is smart and intelligent, but thinking about the situation at that time, he can't blame Xiao Yuanling.

The little guy said that the spiritual power in the space fluctuated quite a lot at that time, but she didn't have any impression of it at all, which shows that she slept really deeply at that time.

"The little guy can really talk." Shi Xiao, who was in a relaxed mood after understanding the situation, couldn't help pinching the little Yuanling.

"Master taught me well", it can be said that Xiao Yuanling knows things like flattery without a teacher.

"You just said coordinates?"

Xiao Yuanling nodded.

"Then it's not a one-time trip to another world."

Xiao Yuanling nodded quickly again, "It's not a one-off, but it's not without conditions. Every time you travel to another world, you need a lot of energy, so you need a period of buffer period. You can travel to another world after accumulating spiritual power." .”

Shi Xiao understood, this is not like going through the door and taking a few steps, she would feel strange if it could be done at any time.

"How long does the typical recovery period take?"

"Usually half a year to a year. If the door representing the Wood Spirit Orb can be pushed, it means that the energy is sufficient."

I understand, Shi Xiao is fine now, I thought it was just a one-time time travel, but I didn't expect to come back with a surprise.

When the body and mind are relaxed, there is room for mental observation.

After staying in a different world for nearly a year, she often threw things into the space. I don't know if the space has changed.

As a result, she was taken aback by this look. It was not just a change, but a big change.

The area of ​​the space has been multiplied many times, and even the fenced yard where she sits has also been enlarged several times, but the stone room has not changed much.

The biggest change is the field. I don't know how much Shi Xiao has added. In short, she can't see it at a glance. There is a forest behind the stone room. The purple gold bamboo and black bamboo dug out of the secret are impressively in this forest. Growing up, there seems to be an additional medicine field next to the forest. The spiritual plants in it are very familiar, and she dug them in the secret realm.

It is almost unnecessary to think that it must be the little Yuanling's credit that these things can stay in the land well.

In fact, she already had a hunch that there would be changes in the space. During these days in the other world, the Nine Spirit Orbs have never stopped absorbing spiritual energy crazily, but knowing it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another, and it still can't stop her. Surprised from the bottom of my heart.

So whether the changes seen in front of him were upgraded after the space was repaired or just expanded, thinking of this, Shi Xiao looked at Xiao Yuanling.

Xiaoyuan Lingmiao hurriedly shook his head. Although the space has been repaired a lot due to the sufficient aura this time, the distance upgrade is still not enough.

She nodded and understood, she was not disappointed, after all, the current space is already very good, besides, this trip to another world has benefited her a lot, she can't be too greedy, she is very content.

Looking at the greatly changed space, Shi laughed with interest, got up and walked along the space, focusing on the extra forest medicine field and the lotus pond she dug out with spiritual power.

These things were brought back by her with great effort, so they must be taken seriously.

At present, it seems that these things are growing very well, there is no sign of sluggishness, they are all full of energy, and they have good adaptability.

Shi Xiao smiled and looked at the little Yuan Ling who had been following him all the time, thanks to him, her growth is so good, it should be that she was dealt with by the little guy in time because she was still in the space.

With the little guy around, she could lie flat in the space, Shi Xiao couldn't care less about the chubby doll in front of her.

After calming down the excitement in his heart, Shi Xiao didn't stay in the space for too long, and he still had to continue the unfinished business.

Appearing in the supermarket, she immediately unleashed her powerful mental power, and then in the next few hours, thoroughly cleaned up the remaining areas of Jiangcheng City, including the remaining zombies and animals.

Before leaving, she used her mental strength to go through the entire urban area of ​​Jiangcheng. After solving a few fish that slipped through the net, she returned to the base before dark.

Looking at the gate of the base, she felt as if she was in another world in a trance. In reality, she just left from morning to night, but in fact she has lived in another world for nearly a year. Fortunately, the time point of the trip to another world is static.

(End of this chapter)

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