I just want to have a good time

Chapter 366 366. Overexcited

Chapter 366 366. Overexcited
"Boss, you're back." Li Qiang ran out of the door in a jerk.

From afar, he saw Boss Xiao retracting his wings and landing at the gate of the base. He thought that the boss had something to do, but he saw the boss in a daze.

Li Qiang was a little surprised by the confused look in his eyes.

Who would have thought that the boss would smile at him when he saw him, God, this beautiful smile simply changed the color of the world, Li Qiang was instantly fascinated, and he didn't know where to go, and when he woke up, the boss had already disappeared.

I was even more puzzled in my heart, I don't know what happened to the boss when he entered the city today, he seemed to be in a particularly good mood, when did the boss smile so brightly at him alone in the past, the lethality was comparable to nuclear weapons.

Dizzy, Li Qiang returned to the base. At this time, it was already dark and the gate was tightly closed.

Shi Xiao landed directly in his own yard, eager to see his parents, but was surrounded by black balls in the yard.

"Is it a smile?" Whoshi's father, who was preparing dinner in the kitchen, heard the movement in the yard, and took the time to yell.

"Oh, it's me!" Shi Xiao, who was warmly received by the four big guys, quickly shouted too.

When Song Qian and the two children came out, what they saw was Shi Xiao, who was buried among the four big guys, frantically touching this and that.

The embarrassed appearance made three people, one big, two small, couldn't help laughing. Speaking of which, the four big guys seem to be a little too enthusiastic today, and it's not been a long time since we saw each other. left.

But Song Qian didn't dare to stop the big guys from making out with Xiaoxiao, black ball and yellow girl were fine, but Xiaobai and Xiaohua didn't get along for a short time after all, so Song Qian still had a little consideration in her heart.

Song Qian had some scruples in her heart, but the two children didn't have any scruples at all. They cheered and sneaked into the middle of the black ball and Xiaobai, and made a fuss together like crazy.

Now it's all right, with the two children joining, Hei Qiu and the others had some scruples and Shi Xiao finally broke free.

But his body was already covered with hair, so Shi Xiao didn't care, and just slapped him casually in the courtyard.

Animals are more sensitive, what is it aware of?
Yinjiao said that her body was filled with spiritual power, maybe this was the reason why Heiqiu and the others were so excited.

Shi Xiao hugged Song Qian who was standing aside, "Qi Qian, I miss you so much".

Song Qian:"……"

As if they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Song Qian couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, he reached out and touched the forehead of the beautiful woman lying on his body, "I don't have a fever!"

Shi Xiao, who said these words, was taken aback for a moment. Seeing Song Qian who had already taken the opportunity to break free and run into the house, he realized that Qian Qian was talking about her around the corner. She chased after her with a smile and returned to the living room amidst the fight. .

Seeing her father who was serving food outside, she immediately abandoned Song Qian and put her arms around her, "Dad, I miss you so much" coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I miss Dad." Shi Dad looked at the coquettish daughter helplessly, his eyes were full of enjoyment and irony, although they hadn't seen each other for just a day.

"How old are you, still acting like a baby, don't be shy." Mother Shi who came out of the kitchen glanced at her daughter and said with a smile.

"Mom, you are still a child in front of you, so you don't miss me! Anyway, I just miss you, and I don't want to leave for a moment." As he said that, he wanted to hug Mama Shi.

"Stop, stop, be careful with the food in my hand. This is your favorite braised pork, you child..." Mama Shi slapped her daughter's hand away with one hand, her eyes filled with disdain. The inside is full of pampering.

Song Qian, who was watching from the side, was very envious. She used to have parents who loved her so much, but... a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and she went up to take the braised pork in Mama Shi's hand with a smile.

"Godmother, I'm coming."

What Shi Yu saw was exactly this scene when he went downstairs, and he didn't miss the sadness in Song Qian's eyes. Looking at Song Qian, who had just grown a little, Qiaoxiao Yanran, Shi Yu's footsteps as he walked down the stairs felt strange, and his heart beat. Speeding up, this feeling made Shi Yu's eyes dim.

His eyes inadvertently crossed Song Qian's face to look at his sister, and said jokingly: "Sister, are you sure you didn't get any stimulation when you went out this time, so enthusiastic?"

This expression hardly shows that the evildoer He Fang hasn't shown up quickly.

Then I got Shi Xiao with a big white eye and a kick. What kind of truth is this stinky brother talking nonsense.

"Mom, look at your son." Shi Xiao's little daughter looked at her mother with a stance, and she held her hand and dangled it all night.

Shi Yu: "..." I just want to talk about one kind of plant.

"Xiao Yu..." Shi's mother looked at her son threateningly, and Shi Yu, who was biased, was already powerless to complain.

A dinner ended with laughter and laughter.

Returning to the familiar bedroom, lying on the bed that he had slept on for many years, smelling the familiar smell, Shi Xiao did nothing that night, and slept with his arms around the soft quilt, the most peaceful sleep ever.

After a night without dreams, when he opened his eyes and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling above his head, Shi Xiao was dazed for a moment before realizing that she had gone home, stretched his waist in a good mood and sat up from the bed.

Hearing Song Qian's footsteps outside, Shi Xiao casually put on his clothes and put them on.

Ever since Sissy came, she has been unshakeable. She wakes up at this time every morning, more punctually and harder than her.

Shi Xiao knew that the death of her uncle and aunt had hit her hard, so that her desire to become stronger was even stronger. Although it seemed that she had returned to normal and walked out of sadness, the pain in her heart could not be healed in a short time.

"Morning, Baby Qian", Shi Xiao squeezed toothpaste and brushed his teeth, regardless of Song Qian who was stunned by her three words, Baby Qian, and brushed his teeth on his own.

Song Qian glanced at Shi Xiao after swiping a few times, and looked at Shi Xiao again after swiping a few more times, her eyes were full of inquiry.

When did Xiaoxiao call her baby Qian? This girl is very abnormal, and there is definitely something wrong.

Hastily rinsed his mouth and spit out the white foam in his mouth, and returned to the room with Shi Xiao, who had also brushed his teeth well.

"Be lenient when confessing, and strict when resisting. Tell me, what did you encounter when you went out yesterday?" Song Qian looked at Shi Xiao with a serious face, but this expression collapsed completely within a few seconds. It was really her face. This face is so beautiful that men and women can take it all, how can I be willing to be tense.

And Shi Xiao was amused by Song Qian's serious appearance, knowing that she was a little too excited to go home and acted exaggeratedly, no wonder the family members were surprised.

"Still laughing," Song Qian couldn't help but patted Shi Xiao, her small mouth slightly pouted.

"Okay, okay, I don't laugh, don't be angry." Shi Xiao gestured to surrender, and then continued: "Actually, I didn't encounter anything, I just ran to other worlds for a while by accident."

"Do I look stupid? Why don't you go to heaven if you go to another world?" Song Qian rolled her eyes and smiled.

Shi Xiao: "..."

She seemed to be able to go to heaven, Sissy forgot when she got angry, but what she said was true, there was nothing she could do if she didn't believe her.

"Okay, let me tell the truth. In fact, I met an old fairy on the way out this time. He taught me something and gave me something, so I was a little excited."

This time the expression is much more serious. Although it sounds unreliable, but she wants to take out the things in her hand, she must have an excuse. Believe it or not, Shi Xiao will push the excuse to the old fairy body.

"Sister, is what you said true?" Before Song Qian could speak, Shi Yu, who appeared at the door, suddenly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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