I just want to have a good time

Chapter 369 369. Learning

Chapter 369 369. Learning
Shi Ma, who was looking at her husband eagerly, was a little embarrassed, and turned her head to stare at him, and she was also stunned.

Mama Shi seemed to see Papa Shi when she was young, handsome, with her eyes all over her, Mama Shi couldn't help but blushed slightly.

This state is more than ten years old, there are teens, and it looks like they are in their early thirties. If they go out, they will definitely attract the attention of young women or young women.

Then Mama Shi suddenly stood up, ran directly to the bedroom, sat in front of the vanity mirror and looked at herself in the mirror who was both familiar and a little strange. Although her husband's change had made her mentally prepared, she still held her hands in disbelief. mouthed.

"Mom, isn't it a surprise?" Shi Xiao, who came in together, said mischievously.

Shi Ma nodded, it was more than a surprise, it was too much of a surprise, she was not so beautiful when she was young.

Dad Shi also came in, and he was relieved to see himself younger in the mirror. Just now, he was worried that his wife would be ashamed if she became so beautiful. He looked at himself in the mirror smugly. up.

The couple sat down one by one and stood by the other, you looked at me, I looked at you, the tenderness and sweetness of the blue waves flowed, and Shi Xiao who was watching was snickering, and one of them couldn't help but let out a sound, breaking the atmosphere.

The old couple and the old wife glared at their daughter at the same time, then Mama Shi left the bedroom with Papa Shi's gracious support, and then saw her son's wicked smile.

Like Song Qian, Shi Yu didn't change much due to his youth, but the changes in his parents made Shi Yu have great hopes for Jin Yanzi. In other words, even if it didn't work, he wouldn't lose anything, and his sister wouldn't harm them.

When everyone sat back on the sofa again, Papa Shi, the second head of the family, took his eyes off his wife with difficulty, coughed twice, and spoke.

"Smile, please tell me about the old fairy in detail, what else is there besides the spirit fruit?"

Shi Xiao nodded, what he wanted to say, otherwise the things in the space would not be able to be taken out, as well as the formations, which had been digested by the family in the past few days, and then she was going to put the protective formations on the base.

With the protective formation, even if it snows again, you won’t be afraid of snowflakes. The snowflakes will be isolated by the formation. At the same time, it also has the effect of locking the temperature, and it will automatically adjust according to the seasons. It’s a pity that Shi Xiao just came into contact with the formation and knows too little. Not sure why.

Now the snow in the base has already been cleared away, so once the protective array is opened, it will isolate the low temperature from the outside and lock the temperature in the base. Without a steady stream of cold air, the temperature in the base will naturally rise.

In the following time, Shi Xiao explained the information about the old fairy vaguely, as well as the fact that she followed the old fairy to another world in a daze, and came back in a daze, although these are all She made it up.

Then from the space, he also took out a few basic spells and secret realm exercises, as well as materials such as array disks for array formations, and spirit stones to activate arrays.

When dozens of low-grade spirit stones were placed on the coffee table, the room was brighter.

The shape of the milky white spirit stones is almost the same, there is not much difference in size and weight, and the spirit power is very abundant. Once taken out, the breath in the room changes obviously, and it is much more comfortable, and the spirit energy becomes sufficient.

Seeing these things placed on the coffee table, Papa Shi was a little dumbfounded. He always knew that his daughter had a secret, and what he should want to do this time, so he used the old fairy as an excuse, but what he saw in front of him made Papa Shi be very suspicious of his daughter. I can't help but believe it a little bit.

Especially the various cheats on the coffee table, and the formation boards, especially the formation boards, the meaning of the joke, it seems that I have gone to the world of the old gods in a daze and I have learned simple formations.

If Xiaoxiao is just a mouthful, how can he learn it? Daddy Shi doesn't think he can learn things like formations in a short time, and he just flipped through them just now. The fonts in these cheat books are all ancient characters. With just a glance, I found several words that he didn't know. My daughter's university major was not in language and Chinese, so she couldn't be much better than him. Also, he had never seen many of the formation materials that he had come up with. What's more, there are a lot of spirit stones.

To be honest, Papa Shi is confused now.

Mama Shi didn't worry so much about her husband's confusion. Although some of them were unreasonable, women always think irrationally, and they are not as rational as men. Because it was said by a daughter, Mama Shi was willing to believe it.

As for Shi Yu, since he was a child, he has always followed his elder sister's lead. If her elder sister said that there are old gods, there will be old gods. No matter how doubtful he is, he will bury them in his heart.

What's more, Shi Yu knows his sister well. Although her sister loves to bully him more, she never keeps the good things she gets privately. If there are good things, she will give them to him and her parents as soon as possible.

It was the space bag weapon last time, so if there were these things before, my sister would not be able to hold them back for such a long time, and this spiritual fruit is freshly picked from the fruit tree.

In addition to the lack of emotional thread, my sister has been very lucky since she was a child, so it is not impossible for her sister to meet a fairy.

Song Qian simply believed that she had supernatural powers, and it was normal for Xiaoxiao to have adventures, so what Xiaoxiao said before and accidentally ran around in other worlds was not a joke as she thought.

Several people in the living room were digesting, but Shi Xiao didn't rush to read the comic book with the baby girl.

It wasn't until the old Shui Shi dad who regained his senses picked up one of them that Shi Xiao came together again.

Then they found a few books of basic spells and threw them to their parents, brother and Sissy.

Then I demonstrated to them the dust-removing technique, the breath-holding technique and the rain-making technique, etc. These basic techniques only require spiritual power and are not restricted by spiritual roots.

The few people in the living room were stunned, and then they looked at the thread-bound book in their hands with fiery eyes. This spell can still cross borders, laughing, but it’s unbelievable that the wood system can cast rain, fire snakes, etc. up.

Now they couldn't help but they didn't believe it, Xiaoxiao seemed to follow the old fairy to another world in a daze as she said, otherwise how would she learn these spells.

Among these techniques, everyone is most eager to remove dust. This is so convenient that it is a must-have at home. Whether it is a room or clothes, it will be as clean as new after one technique, and you don't have to worry about hygiene after learning it.

Especially Shi's father and Shi's mother were the most interested. They couldn't bear it for a moment and started to look through it, but they looked up at the girl before looking at it for a minute.

"what happened?"

"Smile, I think you'll have to play a guest role as a Chinese teacher before I read it." Father Shi unfolded the basic spell book and pointed to the traditional Chinese characters inside.

Shi Yu and Song Qian were not as anxious as Shi's father and Shi's mother. Before they had time to look through it, they saw that there were many traditional characters that they didn't know when they saw the job that Shi's father had opened.

But Shi Xiao held back her laughter, and nodded quickly. If she dared to laugh out loud, her parents who were furious from embarrassment would definitely make her look very good.

Blame her, for a while, it didn't occur to me that there are many rare ancient characters in the spell book, and I really need to learn it first.

(End of this chapter)

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