I just want to have a good time

Chapter 370 370. Surprised and Joyful

Chapter 370 370. Surprised and Joyful
So in the following time, Shi Xiao cameo Song Qian's profession ~ Chinese teacher, first handed in the first few simple spells, especially for the uncommon ancient characters, and taught them a few more times, mainly because he was afraid that his parents would forget. Can't live.

Then I translated the relatively uncommon words in the technique into modern languages ​​that are easy to understand, so that parents will not be afraid that they may not understand.

The rest is the question of personal enlightenment, and there is not much she can do to help except to mention a few points.

The premise of learning spells is to be able to control spirits. As supernatural beings, they can do it at the moment of awakening supernatural powers, and this is even more advantageous than monks who have just practiced.

Shi Xiao believed that with their family's ingenuity, it shouldn't be too difficult to learn these simple spells.

Shi Yu was the first to succeed in the cross-boundary rain distribution technique. A drizzle fell over a pot of plants in the living room. The few pots of the pot will not be spared in the days to come.

Then, in the following time, except for Shi Xiao's mother who was surprised to be the next one to successfully cast the spell, neither father nor Song Qian succeeded before going to bed.

To be honest, I really didn't expect my mother to successfully perform the dust removal technique. She thought that Sissy would be the next one. After all, she should have better understanding when she is young. It seems that she took it for granted.

After a dreamless night, Shi Xiao, who was full of sleep, left the room full of energy, and then saw Song Qian who was listless and excited.

Shi Xiao frowned, and said in disapproval, "You didn't rest all night, did you?"

"No, I was a little too excited and went to bed late." Song Qian couldn't help yawning as she spoke.

"Cultivation is not something that can be accomplished overnight, so don't do it next time, since you haven't had a good rest, go to sleep again."

Song Qian shook her head, "Already woke up, let's rest at noon." As she spoke, she walked into the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. The cold feeling immediately lifted her spirits a lot.

When he went downstairs, Shi Xiao realized that not only Song Qian, but also the other three were too excited.

Shi Yu should have stayed up all night, otherwise, why would he have appeared in the living room on the first floor so early? When he saw his sister, his eyes lit up and he pulled her to start the demonstration.

Yesterday's rain distribution technique controlled a larger area, and he also learned the dust removal technique. This was the focus of his demonstration, and there was a hint of color in his eyes.

Seeing his sister stretching out a thumb to him, Shi Yu was instantly satisfied with that affirmative look. He had a handsome face with a bright smile. If he had a tail, he would be very happy at this moment, and then he nestled comfortably on the sofa in the living room.

Father Shi became much more restrained, he didn't show it again like his son, but just told his daughter that she also mastered the dust removal technique.

Seeing the clean and new appearance of the room, Shi Xiao couldn't help laughing, thinking that the room has been cleaned countless times by his parents and younger brother.

After breakfast, as if they had made an appointment, Mo Beibei, Da Ni, Xiao Ni and Li Ruyi came to Shi's house at the same time.

As soon as Shi Xiao met, he gave Li Ruyi a big hug, making Li Ruyi a little confused, wondering if she is different today?How come you smile so enthusiastically.

Then Li Ruyi was dragged into the room by Song Qian, who Shi Xiao agreed to, and whispered for a while. When the girl returned to the living room, she looked at Shi Xiao like a wolf seeing meat, and her eyes made people panic.

But I still know that the occasion didn't do anything excessive, and after Mo Beibei and the others took Da Ni and Xiao Ni away, she stretched out her tender white hands and waved non-stop at Shi Xiao.

"Here..." Shi Xiao looked at Ruru with a broken smile, feeling sorry for her for waiting for so long.

Seeing two mouth-watering fruits in front of her, no, Sissy said they were spiritual fruits, Li Ruyi decisively put them in the space, thinking about enjoying them when no one else was there.

"Thank you dear Xiaoxiao, love you?" After saying that, she wanted to catch Shi Xiao's porcelain-white cheeks, but was pushed down on the sofa by Shi Xiao's palm.

"Godmother... Your daughter bullied you as a goddaughter." Li Ruyi glanced at Shi Xiao resentfully, then moved to another sofa, and acted like a baby to Mama Shi who was looking at Zhengle, making Shi Xiao want to help her forehead impulse.

"Okay, I'll take care of her in a while." Mama Shi patted Li Ruyi's hand and said in cooperation.

"Yeah, what a good godmother." Li Ruyi made a face at Shi Xiao, and leaned her face on Shi's mother's shoulder.

Shi Xiao: "..." He turned his head and ignored this playful girl.

At noon, Li Ruyi ate lunch at Shi's house, took a nap with Song Qian, and then returned home in the evening.

Shi Xiao, who waved back to the room with Qianqian, entered the space. He originally wanted to enter the secret realm, but after thinking about it, there are not many earth-level exercises in the secret realm, and they are all heaven-level.

Picking and choosing in the space, I chose a Heaven-level Vulcan Kungfu and a Heaven-level Yin-Yang Jue, which is a cheat book for weekends, which is just right for parents.

There are also several prefectural-level exercises suitable for various attributes. You can choose the one that suits you according to your own situation. Together with a book on body training and prefecture-level exercises that are suitable for all people to practice together, they are all ready to be handed over to Shi Yu.

Except for the body training technique which is open to the public, other exercises are arranged by Shi Yu, the head of the base.

Of course, my two good girlfriends are also indispensable. After a while of picking and choosing, I finally chose two books of exercises.

After teasing Xiaoyuan Lingshi for a while, he left the space and entered the secret realm again.

Entering Zetian Palace directly, I feel that I am really busy, but no matter how busy she is, she is happy, who can be as lucky as her, who can bind two life spaces, it would be great if they can be integrated, of course, I can only think think.

As soon as she appeared in the hall, the silver-horned beast appeared in front of Shi Xiao.


Now the silver-horned beast has uttered the word "Master" fluently, and there is no lag or unwillingness in the slightest.

"Yinjiao, take me to the treasure house and Dan Pavilion in the temple."

"...Yes" sounded a bit reluctant.

Can you be willing?In the past, it was the biggest in the secret realm, and it was the only one to order others to bully others. Who would dare to order it.

Obviously, the entire secret realm belongs to the master, and it must lead the way for a place that can be reached with a single thought, so it's no wonder Yinjiao is willing to do so.

Shi Xiao did it on purpose, the purpose was to sharpen the temper of the silver-horned beast. This creature is used to being free and easy, so it needs to get used to the fact that it has a master.

But the silver-horned beast didn't know Shi Xiao's thoughts, and kept slandering in its heart, but even so, it still bent down obediently, a pair of ink-like wings suddenly stretched out from its back, and the wide pair of wings was several meters long. Long, watching Shi Xiao was both surprised and happy, very unexpected.

"Master, come up!" The silver-horned beast urged, it was not going to the treasure house, it was slower than the beast, and a trace of disgust flashed in this guy's eyes.

Only then did Shi Xiao realize that it was the Silver Horned Beast who asked her to sit on it, and his eyes lit up immediately, he could have this.

Shi Xiao sat firmly on the back of the silver-horned beast, which was wide enough for two people to sit on. In order to prevent it from slipping, she decisively added a protective cover with her spiritual power, which made the silver-horned beast, who wanted to be the master of Shining, overturned. With a blank eye, he honestly flew into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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