I just want to have a good time

Chapter 374 374. The Only Relative

Chapter 374 374. The only relative

It's useless to be jealous, whoever made them not be selected when the base recruited staff, some of them didn't apply at all, and now their intestines are green with regret.

This also made them make up their minds that they must actively participate in any work at the base in the future, so as to have the opportunity to obtain contribution points and certain preferential treatment.

However, there are also a small number of people who are not employees of the base, but the supernatural beings who actively participate in group activities are happy. Although they will use most of the contribution points and points they have accumulated with great difficulty, they can choose a skill. Sometimes there will be someone to guide you during the initial practice. Although it will hurt, it is really not a loss.

Fortunately, the base still has body training techniques. There is no entry level for this exercise. As long as you want to learn and pay a part of the book fee, you can buy a copy of the body training technique in the lobby of the base.

So much so that for a whole week, the hall of the base was overcrowded, and there were base personnel everywhere who bought body training skills and exchanged exercises.

As the beneficiaries of the first batch of exercises, Su Yiyuan and the others will bear the heavy responsibility of guiding some people to practice.

Of course, Shi Yu would not let people work in vain. Twenty energy cores per hour of work can be regarded as a heavy salary.

Shi Yu was very busy in the hall of the base because of the exercises, and Shi Xiao was not idle at home, he also built a defensive formation for his own home, and carved out several formation signs for entering and leaving his home with jade cards With her, she can freely enter and leave the house without deliberately opening the eyes.

As a member of the Shi family, each of them has one, and the baby girl is also not an exception.

Having been in Shi's house for so long, the two children have already regarded them as members of Shi's family, especially the baby himself is very forgetful when he is young, and he hasn't mentioned his grandfather, grandma, and parents for a long time.

Speaking of the baby, it is worth mentioning that in an inadvertent chat, I learned that Meng Xier and the baby are actually relatives, although they are distant relatives, they are related after all.

Originally, Meng Xier liked Baobao very much. When he knew that Baobao was his only relative now, he had the idea of ​​adopting Baobao. After a few months, even a small animal has feelings.

In the end, the baby is unwilling to leave. Almost no one is surprised by the baby's idea.

Although a child is small, he is more pure, knowing who treats him well and who treats him badly.

Although Meng Xier has relatives with him, Shi's father, Shi's mother, and Shi Xiao Shi Yu are really kind to him. As soon as he heard that he might leave, he immediately hugged Shi's mother's hand and slammed his head, which was already very meaningful. Obviously, in the end, Monhir respected the baby's opinion, and the idea was dropped.

In fact, even if you don't keep it by your side, you can still see it every day, and you can get better care by the side of Shi's father and Shi's mother. Thinking about it this way, Meng Xier also feels that the baby stays in Shi's house than by his side The other side is better, so there is no more entanglement.

In the following time, the Shihe base fell into a frenzy of cultivation. It can be said that the entire base entered a closed period. There was no exit, but there were occasional entrances.

It was the other survivors of Jiangcheng who finally chose to go to the base because they couldn't stand the cold and the hardships of life in the outside world. It's just that coming to the base now is more painful than a few months ago, and it takes a lot of money to travel hundreds or even tens of miles. The time is up.

If the roads around the base hadn't been cleared and there was nothing but whiteness everywhere, these survivors might not have been able to find the base.

Even when they got there, they were stunned. They clearly saw a gate, but when they approached, they were blocked by an invisible layer of resistance. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't penetrate this layer of resistance.

They really didn't know what to do if it weren't for the sudden sound of a horn that appeared.

It's really hard to come to the base in such a cold day, and I don't know if I can stick to it when I go back.

After the people outside admitted that they were survivors who had come to defect, Zhang Qiang, who was on duty, led the people out of the formation.

After careful inspection and confirmation, there was no abnormality. After registration and issuance of identity cards, these survivors were accepted and put into the base.

Although there were not many zombies in Jiangcheng City, the process still had to go, and the isolation still needed to be isolated. After a few hours, these survivors were able to choose a place to live and they were settled down.

The moment they entered the base through that invisible film, the survivors had only one feeling, warmth.

Compared with the temperature outside the minuscule hundred degrees outside, the temperature inside the protective formation was about zero degrees, it was like entering spring, and their frozen bodies were also warming up quickly.

Even though they were quarantined outside for a few hours, the survivors still looked happy. The journey was very hard, but they were really glad they made the decision to go to the base.

At this temperature, there is no need to worry about the danger of freezing to death.

What they don't know is that they are more fortunate in the future.

When night falls, everything is silent, and it is the time when people are sleeping soundly.

Suddenly the ground began to shake, and auroras appeared in the sky, illuminating the dark night like day.

Sleeping people woke up amidst the more violent shaking, panicked, put on warm clothes indiscriminately, called for their families, grabbed some emergency things and stuffed them into their bags in a panic, and rushed out of their shelters or tents. When he came out, his face was full of lingering fear.

This scene appeared throughout Mercury, and it can be said that the entire planet was shaking violently.

There was a loud explosion in the sky, and the ground began to shake. A series of red auroras sprinkled the ground from the sky, and at the same time, the terrified screams of the beasts on the Yunwu Mountain closest to the base were repeated one after another.

Shi Xiao, who was sleeping, woke up at the first moment when the ground shook, put on his clothes and rushed out of the room immediately, almost colliding with Song Qian and her younger brother, and went downstairs quickly without even making eye contact. Room for parents and two children.

Finding that the parents were already fully dressed, they quickly helped the baby to put on clothes, and the whole family appeared in the yard one by one.

And the black balls and little whites were circling in the yard restlessly, and they felt more at ease when they saw their master.

Almost at the same time, most of the survivors in the Shihe base came out of their rooms fully dressed, carrying emergency packages that had been prepared a long time ago and placed them in the yard or on the road.

Most people in the last days dare not really fall asleep. Although it is indeed a lot more stable in the center of the base, the string deep in their hearts still hasn't really let go.

So the moment the ground began to shake, most people woke up from their sleep and reacted quickly.

Of course, there are also some unresponsive ones who are still asleep. Only after waking up the next morning do they realize how much the world has changed overnight, and then realize that if there is no protective formation set up by the base, they may be in their sleep with their families. We went to meet.

But now they don't know anything, the ground is still shaking, and these big-hearted people are still sleeping soundly.

The people who came out of the houses in the Shihe base found something unusual after they became a little more stable.

Although the ground shook violently, they didn't shake from side to side. It seemed that the base had been moving along with the vibration, maintaining a weird sense of balance.

No one could explain this strange phenomenon, but it made them think of the base's protective array for the first time, and they looked at the top of their heads almost at the same time. There was a layer of protection that they couldn't see but was protecting the base.

(End of this chapter)

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