I just want to have a good time

Chapter 375 375. Earthquake

Chapter 375 375. Earthquake
After the shock passed and they learned about the outside world, they realized how dangerous this night was, and they were even more grateful to the base chief for everything he had done for the base.

Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, who put on clothes indiscriminately, came outside Shi's house immediately, and Shi Xiao, who felt it, let them in.

Seeing the safe and sound Shi family, although he knew there would be no problem, Yan Xu was relieved, and Meng Xier also patted the baby's head.

"Sister, you stay at home, I'll go out and have a look." As the head of the base, Shi Yu's responsibilities make it impossible for him to stay at home all the time.

Shi Xiao looked at the aurora in the sky, and nodded at the protective formation. With the protective formation, the base should not be in great danger.

In fact, she would rather go by herself, but she still doesn't feel at ease looking at her parents and baby, so she can only work hard for her younger brother.

Seemingly seeing Shi Xiao's worry, Yan Xu, who never took the initiative to take matters into his own hands, said, "I'll go with him."

"Let's go too," Su Yiyuan and the others also said.

Shi Xiao naturally nodded, she was really at ease with Yan Xu around.

Shi Yu would not refuse even more. The group of people left Shi's house very quickly, just in time to bump into Li Qiang, Che Jun and others who rushed over. Not only that, the village guards and members of the city guard also spontaneously came to Shi Yu. Yu here.

A group of people left Shijia Village quickly, arranging work while Shi Yu was walking, while Yan Xu made supplements on the side.

The whole process is done by walking on both feet. In this case, the car has no way to drive. Even walking is due to the protective array. Otherwise, let alone walking, even standing would be difficult.

Under Shi Yu's arrangement, Che Jun, Li Qiang, Zhao Bin and Liao Chuan and others led them to take people to the nearest villages around Shijia Village to understand the situation, so that they can respond to emergencies as soon as possible. As for those farther away, we can only wait for the shock to end, and we can't take care of them right now.

In Shi's house, Shi Xiao was standing in the yard with his parents and two children. The big guys had already calmed down because of the master's emotions, and they lay down on the ground obediently.

Looking at the glaring aurora in the sky and the increasingly intense earthquake, no matter how Shi Xiao recalled, he had no memory of the earthquake.

With such a strong sense of shock, if there was one in her previous life, it is impossible for her to not be able to remember it at all, so there is only one possibility, the direction of this world has deviated from the previous life.

That's right, in her last life, she didn't have the spirit orb space, and she didn't have a trip to another world, let alone the protective array and various exercises.

I don't know what kind of harmful blow this sudden earthquake will bring to Mercury. Shi Xiao, who closed his eyes slightly at Aurora, became more and more serious.

"Smile, if you're worried, go out and have a look. Your mother and I and two children are in no danger in the yard. Although this feeling is strong, it doesn't seem to hurt as much as expected."

Dad Shi has always been surprised about this, but like most people, he finally attributed it to the defensive array of the base, not to mention that their home is still double-layered.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, with such a strong shock, even a solid building would collapse within minutes.

Shi Xiao nodded, she really wanted to go out and have a look.

"Mom and Dad, I'll come as soon as I go, and you should be careful not to enter the room."

Seeing his parents nodding, Shi Xiao let go of his mental power and spread his wings to fly out of the house. Instead of flying out of the base immediately, he appeared in the sky above his own yard, rose to a distance similar to the protective array, and looked into the distance.

As far as [-] meters high in the sky, under the aurora, he can clearly see a range of several miles. Except for the earthquake that is still going on, the place he sees is still normal and has not changed much, and the news from the mental power is also the same.

Then Shi Xiao spread his wings and disappeared over his house under the eyes of his parents.

In the next moment, people had already appeared at the gate of the base. Without disturbing Jin Yunchang and others who were waiting solemnly, they directly held the jade card and left the base's protective formation, rising to a height of several hundred meters in the air, Shi Xiao released his mental power infinitely.

And what he saw, even Shi Xiao was mentally prepared, was shocked. A large number of trees collapsed outside the base.

Under the continuous extension of his mental power, Shi Xiao saw that the road was full of ruins and broken trunks and trees. Under the aurora, he could clearly see the dust in the air, and the ground with varying degrees of cracks, devastated.

The situation in Jiangcheng City, which is full of high-rise buildings, is even worse. A large number of buildings have been destroyed, especially high-rise buildings. Under mental strength, Shi Xiao saw that only a small number of buildings are still standing tenaciously.

At this moment, Shi Xiao was very grateful for his decision to bring back the defensive formation, otherwise their base would never be spared from this earthquake.

It's a pity that her spiritual power can only be extended to this point. As for the disaster situation in other directions after leaving Jiangcheng City, it is temporarily impossible to know.

Because she was worried about her family, Shi Xiao didn't continue, she had already figured it out, she returned to the protective formation and appeared at the door of her house.

When Papa Shi saw his daughter walking into the yard with a solemn face, the first thing he thought of was that the situation outside was not optimistic.

"Is it bad on base?"

Mother Shi also looked at her daughter worriedly, cursing inwardly that God still makes people unable to live, and it is the end of the world, snow disasters and earthquakes.

Shi Xiao shook his head and calmed down his emotions. Knowing that his parents had misunderstood, he hurriedly said, "There is nothing wrong with the base, and no houses or trees have collapsed."

"That's good, that's good." Father Shi clapped his hands unconsciously, then thought of his daughter's face, and thought of something instantly, and said, "Is the situation outside very bad?"

Shi smiled and nodded, "There are broken and collapsed trees and houses everywhere, and the ground is cracked in some places. It can be said that apart from our base, the surrounding city and even the Jiangcheng city dozens of miles away were not spared, and the losses were serious."

Speaking of this, Shi Xiao couldn't help but start to look a little dignified.

Hearing that Shi's father and mother looked outside with a frown, they prayed in their hearts that the earthquake would end quickly. In fact, not only Shi's father and mother, but everyone in the earthquake was praying for the end of the earthquake as soon as possible.

The people in the Shihe Base were calm except for a little uneasy. They all gathered on the road and waited for the strong earthquake to pass quickly.

Different from the Shihe base, this sudden earthquake caused serious damage to bases of all sizes. It can be described as a fatal blow. Nearly a hundred years of technological civilization was almost destroyed. Even so, technology will stagnate or even go backwards for many years.

Although most of the survivors ran out of the house in time, some of them were still frozen in that moment.

After the earthquake, only two out of ten houses could be preserved. The ordinary survivors who escaped from the house huddled together. The shock and extreme cold made them unable to calm down. Many people collapsed in this situation, even men.

Fortunately, the earthquake didn't last too long. Half an hour later, except for a few faint aftershocks, it finally ended, and the blood-red aurora in the sky gradually disappeared, so it didn't make people completely desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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