I just want to have a good time

Chapter 376 376. Sinking

Chapter 376 376. Sinking
Not to mention the small bases, but fortunately, the major bases purchased a batch of space bags from the Shihe base. Except for a few space bags for missions, the rest were filled with food, medicine, ammunition, etc. An emergency was carried out before the buried materials were cleared out, otherwise the situation would be even worse.

For fear of aftershocks, no one dared to enter even though there were few well-preserved houses under the earthquake.

Leading the tents temporarily distributed by the base, nearly a dozen people squeezed into a very small tent.

There is no way, the situation is special, tents are limited after all, this is the only way in this case, another advantage is that it is warmer if you squeeze them together, otherwise it is difficult for ordinary people to bear the extreme cold even if they wear cotton clothes to keep out the cold living.

This night is destined to be sleepless, and more ordinary people look at the messy base and are confused about the future. Can they really survive in this difficult environment?
The next day, at the moment when the sky showed fish-belly white, people in all the bases in Xia Kingdom started to move.

Looking at the ruins of their homes, most people still couldn't help but burst into tears, and then joined in the excavation work.

At the moment of the earthquake, except for putting on their clothes and grabbing some emergency items, most of their supplies were buried in the rubble, especially the most important food and warming supplies, and they had to dig them out if they wanted to survive .

What's more, they only had time to put on warm clothes and didn't have time to bring out anything. It can be said that if the base didn't distribute food for free, they would have to starve.

Fortunately, after the end of the world, everyone's physique has improved to varying degrees, and the excavation work is not as difficult as imagined.

It's not just the survivors who dig spontaneously, the troops at the major bases, and the supernatural beings are the main digging teams.

Especially for those with supernatural powers, the excavation speed increased significantly when using supernatural powers. Not only did they rescue some survivors who survived the earthquake, they also dug out the materials stored in the base from the buried ruins in the first place. , Alleviating the shortage of supplies.

All the bases of Xia Kingdom are in the process of self-rescue, so that they have no time to take into account the surrounding situation after the earthquake. They don’t even know that this earthquake has greatly changed the geographical appearance of Xia Kingdom. The continent has been redrawn, with mountains, rivers and even plains. All have changed.

The Shihe base should be the most unique existence among all the bases in the Xia Kingdom, without any loss, except for being frightened, after the aftermath of the earthquake, they returned to normal that night.

It was not until the next day that we realized the tragedy caused by the earthquake.

Outside the base, towering giant trees tens of meters high collapsed to the ground in all directions, making a mess. This is just outside the base, and it is almost impossible to know what the outside world will be like now without even thinking about it.

Many people wore thick cotton clothes, and went out with the base patrol team to clean up the fallen giant trees outside the base, and organized the roads. When they cleaned up the villages and towns closest to the base, they also realized more intuitively the tragedy caused by the earthquake. , I couldn't help but rejoice once again that they came to Shihe base early.

After Shi Xiao had breakfast, he greeted his parents and left the base. Yan Xu, who was leading people to clean up the base after the earthquake, looked at Shi Xiao's disappearing figure in the air, with a gloomy look in his eyes, but also I am more determined to become stronger and do a good job in practicing and comprehending.

As long as the kung fu he practiced reached the second level, he could use the power of thunder to fly objects.

In fact, with his current sixth-level spiritual power, if the accumulation of spiritual power in his body should reach the foundation-building stage of the cultivation world, he can fly imperial objects, but unfortunately there is no flying formula, otherwise he can really try it.

Shi Xiao didn't think of this because of the difference between supernatural powers and cultivation levels in the realm of comprehension, so Yan Xu and Shi Yu didn't know that they could also try to learn how to fly imperial objects. When they accidentally learned the secret and tried it, Shi Yu often slandered his sister in his heart .

Here, Shi Xiao directly skipped the area touched by his spiritual power last night, and flew straight to Jiangcheng City. He saw the dilapidated eaves and broken walls in the urban area, and all the high-rise buildings collapsed. Most of the people who survived were those with lower floors. High-quality buildings, although compared with the collapsed floors, there are still too few buildings that survived.

Seeing the desolate and dilapidated scene in the city, Shi Xiao felt sad.

After crossing Jiangcheng City, she continued to fly eastward, and Shi Xiao stopped within a hundred miles of flying.

Because there was a wide river in front of her.

If she remembers correctly, this is a county in Jiangcheng City, and there are no rivers around it at all, but at this moment it has turned into a river basin.

Shi Xiao stared dumbfounded at the river in front of him, so the county town had already sunk to the bottom of the water, and it was at this time that Shi Xiao realized that the earthquake was more terrifying than she had imagined.

The river basin in front of me is beyond sight at a glance, and its depth is even more unpredictable, but it is conceivable that a county town can sink into the bottom of the water without a trace, and its depth can be imagined.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Xiao found a stone the size of a human head and tied it with a strong rope, and the colorful wings flew away from the lake at a height of more than ten meters and threw it down.

It's not too boring, but I want to test how deep the river suddenly appeared.

Shi Xiao, who was in the air, kept holding the ropes in his hands, he let out one and then connected it again, Shi Xiao stopped measuring when he let it go out again.

One rope is 40 meters and two ropes are 80 meters. In addition to the dozen meters in hand, that is to say, there are more than 60 meters in the water, but it is still impossible to reach the bottom. There is no need to measure the depth.

Seeing the rope sinking into the bottom of the lake, Shi Xiao began to pull it up. The rope is also a resource that cannot be wasted, but when it was pulled out halfway, it was not known whether it was stuck or something unknown happened. .

Frowning Shi Xiao looked at the calm lake, suddenly gave up the rope in his hand and raised it tens of meters. The strange fish suddenly jumped out of the lake, opened its big mouth full of jagged teeth, and swallowed towards Shi Xiao.

The problem is that there is more than one, but two or three jump up together at the same time. After the huge waves on the lake subside, ripples begin to appear on the lake, and more of these strange fish appear on the lake. Such a fierce fish Classes are still gregarious.

From the behavior of their mouth full of serrated teeth jumping out of the water to hunt, it can be seen that this is a relatively ferocious fish. It is estimated that when she threw the stone to measure the depth, this group of strange fish had already started to stare at her. A bite out of those shapely teeth is definitely no joke.

Fortunately, her feeling was strong enough to increase the distance immediately, otherwise, although she would not die under the surprise attack, she would definitely be frightened. Thinking about it, it is really a bit disgusting. Tiger Shark's monster fish.

Looking at the individual strange fish still trying to jump up in the water, their appearance is obviously unwilling to give up. Very well, Shi Xiao smiled sinisterly, she was not happy about being attacked for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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