I just want to have a good time

Chapter 390 390. Search

Chapter 390 390. Search

There is no need to search around the capital city anymore, and almost all the things that can be collected have been searched long before the heavy snowfall.

This time, their team's destination was Yuanshi, a thousand miles away from Beijing.

There are no large bases around the city, so it should be easier to search for supplies.

Apart from food, the most important thing is the cement and sand used in building materials. Their first destination is the sand field near the sea in Yuan City.

There is also cement. There is a large cement factory in the original city. I hope it will yield something. To be honest, Liao Jingyi didn't have much hope for this.

A few ten minutes later, the plane passed through Tianzhu and landed in the open space by the sea in Yuanshi. This is a very famous coastal pier in Yuanshi, and there are several large sand fields around it.

The landing point of the plane is very close to a large shopping mall and can be seen at a glance.

With the exception of one pilot in the plane, the ten members of the team quickly approached the battlefield on skis under the leadership of Liao Jingyi.

The few zombies encountered on the way were trapped in the snow, and they solved them easily.

The gate of the sand field was closed tightly, and they were deeply sunken in the snow. Standing on the snow, they could easily see the scene in the courtyard through the fence. people exist.

However, after the earthquake, the sand field was relatively well preserved. Except for a two-story building that collapsed, the walls and bungalows sunken in the snow were all safe and sound. Obviously, the snow had protected them.

Seeing this scene, Liao Jingyi suddenly felt that the situation was not as pessimistic as he imagined.

The snow in these unmanned factories is very thick, forming an invisible protective layer, unlike the snow in their bases, which is why the losses are so heavy after the earthquake.

Entering the yard, first dealt with the few zombies that were not in the snow, and then walked towards the hill-like sand pile in the yard.

This time Liao Jingyi brought four interspatial bags, one of which belonged to him personally, and the other three belonged to the base.

After several months of research by scientists, although the structure of the space bag has not been studied, they accidentally discovered a method that the space bag can be used even if the owner is not recognized.

However, this process requires a strong spiritual power, as long as the spiritual power is poured into the space bag, it can be opened.

Hand over the other three to his companions, wrap the sand pile with spiritual power, and the hill-like sand pile quickly disappears.

Next, they plan to go to a cement factory tens of kilometers away from the sea.

There is not much space in the space bag, but there is still a lot of space on the plane. Loose sand cannot be placed on the plane, but cement in bags is still acceptable. The fuel must not be wasted after a trip.

When the plane passed over the original city and looked at the city in ruins from the sky, everyone was silent except for silence.

It took a few minutes longer than expected to find the largest cement factory in Yuan City.

The main reason is that there is a vast expanse of whiteness below. If it weren't for the huge collapsed cement tanks in the cement field and the surrounding ruins, it would have been even more difficult to find.

The plane landed on the road next to the cement factory and walked over the ruins of the cement factory. While Liao Jingyi searched in the huge factory building, they kept waving the knives in their hands.

Except under the ruins, the zombies wearing cement factory uniforms in the snow on the road all looked at them with stiff heads, and then they were dealt with one by one.

I also took a look inside the cement tank. Unfortunately, after two heavy snowfalls and an earthquake, several huge cement tanks all collapsed. Although there will be complete parts, the cement inside has all failed due to the extremely low temperature.

Now what they are looking for is a warehouse. Generally, warehouses are not built too high to facilitate transportation, but the area is definitely large. After the trip to the battlefield, they were reminded that there may be thick snow for protection. This trip has unexpected gains Maybe.

The factory area is too large and the zombies encountered along the way have to be dealt with. It has been more than ten minutes since they found a factory building similar to a warehouse.

It was not as good as they expected, but it was not bad. The walls and gates of the factory building were well preserved, but most of the roof failed to withstand the earthquake and collapsed.

What needs to be determined now is whether there is any cement in the warehouse. Don’t think about opening the door under the thick snow for the time being. Liao Jingyi took the lead and climbed up the wall of the warehouse. Yes, I am pleasantly surprised and I only hope that these cements can still be used.

So in the following time, several big men began to clean up the collapsed roof. It took more than ten minutes to clear out an area and successfully enter the warehouse.

Large quantities of cement are neatly stacked in warehouses, most of which are covered by collapsed roofs.

Then the result is not bad, although the upper layers and the surrounding layer have failed, but the surrounding ones are intact.

It's a pity that except for Liao Jingyi's space bag, which still has a little space, there is no room left.

Then it's time to show off their physical strength.

The supernatural being is also a soldier, and his physical strength is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Liao Jingyi took a bit of effort. He needed to use the space bag to collect the cement first, then climbed up the warehouse wall, and handed over the cement to the companions who also dug out, and watched them fight out of the cement factory with five bags each.

And he went in and continued, that is to say, the extra space in the two planes was full, and they also left here quickly.

When I came back to the base again, there was another plane behind me. After a few rounds, the cement that could be used in the warehouse was removed, and all the zombies in the cement factory were also eliminated. Of course, the most important energy Nuclear will certainly not forget.

The harvest this time can be regarded as solving part of the cement problem, but these are far from enough. Fortunately, the proportion of cement is not too difficult, as long as there are materials, they can be self-sufficient.

During the whole day, Liao Jingyi and his team harvested quite a lot. In addition to harvesting cement and sand, they also took some time to find the city's grain reserve.

A city's grain reserve will be built in a very secret place, and few people can know it. Even Liao Jingyi's father told him the most likely places before he left, and he has gone a lot of wrong roads. , Only then found the grain reserve depot.

The loss of the grain depot was not large, and the building was basically intact. It can also be seen how solid the materials used in the construction of the grain depot were, and it was still roughly preserved under the earthquake.

This time there was no wall to climb over, and the windows were covered with thick and long steel bars. The few people had to use the door again to clear the snow in front of the door.

At the same time, one of the gold-type supernatural beings attached his hand to the heavy metal door, and the assimilated combination lock controlled the opening of the door.

After going through three gates in total, it was like cutting five passes and passing six generals before reaching the interior of the warehouse. Seeing the neatly arranged grain in a warehouse, Liao Jingyi, who hadn't smiled for a long time, finally raised his mouth.

There are more than a dozen such warehouses here, and with the food in their bases, there is really no need to worry about it within a year.

(End of this chapter)

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