I just want to have a good time

Chapter 391 391. Nameless Creature

Chapter 391 391. Nameless Creature
And a year later, it can basically be self-sufficient without accidents.

The fields around the base and all the land suitable for planting winter wheat have also been sown, and they are waiting for the next year's harvest.

After finding the granary, Liao Jingyi immediately took out the satellite phone and called the base. With only two planes and a few space bags, the food they can transport is very limited. The purpose of this call is to let the base send more planes. come over.

Even if a few more planes were sent to more than a dozen granaries, half of the granaries remained untouched before dark.

Therefore, Liao Jingyi and the others, who were worried about the food, decided to stay here at night.

Except for a spare plane, the rest of the planes flew away from the original city, transported food back to the base, and came back early tomorrow morning.

Winter nights always came very early, and it was already dark at six o'clock, and a group of ten people planned to sleep in the half-harvested grain depot at night.

A few big men also looked very small in the vast and empty grain depot. They piled up the dry firewood they had collected in the empty half, and lit two fires.

As supernatural beings, although they don't feel the cold, they still need lighting. The two fires can not only play the role of lighting, but also cook food.

Zhao Hai is the only one in the team who knows how to cook, and at the moment is serving as the chef and guarding the two large iron pots on the fire.

The food is all contributed by the captain. The limited conditions make simple noodles and noodles with sausages.

Even so, everyone is very happy. Drinking a bowl of steaming hot noodle soup in such a weather makes the whole body and mind feel comfortable.

"Okay, everyone, bring the bowls here." Zhang Hai's voice was as sweet as the sounds of nature, and it rang in everyone's ears. For a while, everyone took out the bowls and chopsticks from their backpacks and surrounded them.

They were already hungry, and they just ate a few mouthfuls of convenience food at noon. Apart from drinking a few sips of water, they can endure until now because they are soldiers and have amazing endurance.

Each of them took a super-large rice bowl and filled a bowl full. Although the taste was average, they all ate like delicacies from mountains and seas, even Liao Jingyi did the same.

The hot noodle soup in the two big iron pots is not long enough to drink up the soup.

Their stomachs were hot, and they couldn't help but start to feel sleepy after a hard day. Liao Jingyi looked at his sleepy subordinates and took the initiative to take up the night watch task with another soldier in the first half of the night.

The zombies here had already been dealt with when they arrived, but the necessary vigilance was still necessary.

Liao Jingyi picked up a book and sat by the fire to read it. Next to him, Liu Lin was holding a wooden cabinet and fiddled with the fire.

The night watch time passed by the slowest, and the two of them didn't practice, mainly because they were afraid that they would be too involved and ignore the surrounding movements.

Watching the captain reading a book with gusto, Liu Lin rummaged through his backpack for a while, but couldn't see even a piece of paper except some food.

Then Liu Lin couldn't help laughing, it would be really strange if he could find the book from his backpack.

He has never been a reader since he was a child. The only books he can read are books on military firearms. Unfortunately, he has taken them to his residence. It seems that he will have to prepare a copy when he goes on missions in the future. up.

Even though Liu Lin's actions were minimized, they still startled Liao Jingyi.

"What's wrong?" Liao Jingyi put down the paper in his hand and looked at Liu Lin expressionlessly.

"It's okay, I saw the captain reading and wanted to find a book to read, but I didn't expect to disturb the captain." Liu Lin grinned and shrugged embarrassedly, Hulu brushed his thorny short hair.

Liao Jingyi didn't speak, but took out a book from the space bag and threw it to Liu Lin.

Just when Liu Lin received the book and was about to thank him, there was a dull banging sound from the outermost gate of the granary.

"Thank you..." Liu Lin paused, his expression tightened, he stuffed the book into the backpack beside him, and moved towards the door with the weapon in hand.

The book in Liao Jingyi's hand had also disappeared, and with a gun in his hand, he also arrived at the gate at a speed no slower than Liu Lin.

The impact was still going on, and the sound of the impact was accompanied by a low roar of a beast.

At the same time, the sleeping team members woke up from their sleeping bags one after another, and appeared next to the captain and Liu Lin with weapons.

"Captain, what's the situation?" Zhao Hai approached Liao Jingyi and asked in a low voice.

Liao Jingyi turned his head and stared at the door of the grain depot, the sound of the impact was still the same, the door was knocked and rattled, and in the silent night, this sudden sound combined with the low roar outside the door added an eerie air.

It is almost unnecessary to guess that there must be a huge guy outside the door. Obviously, he has become so crazy because he sensed the breath of living things in the grain depot.

Fortunately, no matter how hard the things outside hit, the gate of the grain depot did not deform except for the rattling sound.
As expected, the gates of the grain depots used to store grain are all specially-made doors without exception. No matter in terms of thickness or hardness, the doors in the shopping malls outside can't keep up.

After a while, Liao Jingyi glanced at Zhao Hai beside him, and looked at the window of the grain depot closest to the gate.

The tacit understanding for many years was just a look, and Zhao Hai understood what it meant. Almost in an instant, Zhao Hai climbed onto the window sill a few meters above the ground, and looked in the direction of the gate through the moonlight.

He took a deep breath and almost thought that the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park had come out.

Through the moonlight, he saw a dinosaur-like animal standing outside the door. It had a huge body, thick and short limbs, a slightly long neck and a big mouth like a crocodile, and it was crazily hitting the door at this moment.

Resisting the surprise in his heart, Zhao Hai continued to check around carefully, but he didn't find the second one, then he jumped down from the window sill silently and returned to the captain.

Although the sound of the impact is still there, the warehouse door is strong enough. It should be very difficult to break through the door, at least it is impossible in a short time.

Knowing this, everyone returned to the fire under the gesture of the captain.

Under everyone's eyes, Zhao Hai was extremely serious, and whispered his discovery, "Captain, there may be a new type of creature appearing outside, which is bigger than an adult elephant and looks very similar to a dinosaur. Terrifying mouth."

A few of them couldn't stay here when they heard this, and jumped onto the window sill one after another. The impact they saw with their own eyes was even greater. It was indeed a creature that looked like a dinosaur. When they returned to the fire, they all looked at it solemnly. team leader.

Although Liao Jingyi didn't go to see it with his own eyes, the expressions on everyone's faces showed the problem.

"team leader?"

"Don't worry, the door of the grain depot is secure, we'll talk about it at dawn."

Although they awakened as supernatural beings have indeed become much stronger and their eyesight has been strengthened, they are still inferior to animals that walk at night.

Fighting animals at night is the most undesirable solution, not to mention that this is a dangerous unknown creature, he will not let his team take risks unless it is absolutely necessary.

The impact sound lasted for a long time this night, and it also witnessed the strength of the door. On the other hand, it also reflected the stubbornness of this creature. Fortunately, the impact sound stopped in the early morning, and everyone saw this creature through the window. Dragging its long tail through the snow and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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