I just want to have a good time

Chapter 392 392. Meeting

Chapter 392 392. Meeting

After the creature left for a while, Liao Jingyi led his team members out of the grain depot.

A long stampede stretched from the snow in front of the grain depot.

At this time, the sky was faintly pale, and Liao Jingyi left three people to wait here, and led several others to chase after the trace.

This trip was not to destroy this creature, but to find its hiding place.

The trail stretched far away, and in order to save time, several people were riding on skis at a high speed at a speed no less than that of a car.

An hour later, Liao Jingyi and the others couldn't help but become more dignified as they watched the crawling traces extend into the sky.

This is something they didn't expect. They thought that the strange animal that suddenly appeared was a mutant. When they arrived here and looked at the natural moat that looked like a giant beast's deep mouth, their previous thoughts were immediately overturned.

This may not be the mutant they thought, but an underground creature that crawled directly out of the abyss of the sky. One or many kinds of underground creatures they don't understand. There are more than one crawling marks on the edge of the sky.

Xiarao in Tianchao is already bright, and the light that can penetrate into it is very limited. It is still dark in the depths, and nothing can be found.

Taking a last look at Tianzhu, which was shrouded in darkness, Liao Jingyi led his people away with a serious face. This discovery was too important.

The next day, Jingyun base notified all bases about the appearance of unknown creatures in Tianchao through satellite phone, reminding them to take precautions early.

This news is indeed very important, and the bases also attach great importance to it. Almost at the same time, they started to move. The upper-level leaders of each base quickly sent a team to take a helicopter to check out the Tianchao closest to their base.

At the same time, they are more actively searching for building materials, and strive to build the wall that collapsed in the last earthquake at a faster speed.

Once there is any tall wall, it can block it for a while, no.

There is no way not to pay attention to it. After successive disasters, every base cannot withstand another disaster.

The Shihe base also received the news, and Shi Yu immediately told his sister the news.

Shi Xiao was taken aback when he got the news. The unknown creatures, dinosaur-like in appearance, Tianzhu, and what happened in the dark river world seemed to be more and more deviated from the track of another world in her memory.

Shi Xiao attached great importance to it, and the next day he got the news, he spread his wings and flew to the place where Tianzhu was to check.

Although it was hundreds of miles away from Jiangcheng City, and there was a wide underground river in the middle, Shi Xiao would be worried if he didn't go to check it himself.

After an hour, Shi Xiao flew across the dark river and appeared in the sky moat. The flat snow on both sides told her that there was nothing unusual here, so she continued flying along the edge of the sky moat without stopping.

After flying for a while, she was attracted by several black spots appearing in the snow, and there seemed to be a helicopter in the distance.

Is it that human beings can already determine it, but they just don't know where it came from?
With doubts, Shi Xiao descended from the sky and slowly approached these black spots.

She didn't try to dodge it, even if she did, it was too late. The person on the other side must have seen her such a big target appearing in the sky.

In fact, as she thought, the other party has indeed seen it.

That pair of colorful wings still exudes a faint brilliance in the sky. Although it is not as dazzling as the night, it is enough to attract people's attention.

Not long after she appeared in this airspace, she was spotted by the vigilant Lin Fan, because his gaze also made several others spot Shi Xiao in the air.

Then some kind of favored plant kept appearing in the hearts of several people, if it weren't for their amazing endurance as soldiers, they would have almost blurted out.

The shock in my heart can't be expressed in words, the eyes of several big men are wide open, looking at the people who are gradually walking towards them.

Among them, Lin Fan was the calmest, but that was only on the surface. As the person approached, he had already seen who it was with his excellent eyesight. Although his face was expressionless when he recognized Shi Xiao, his heart was at that moment. He was thumping uncontrollably, and looked intently at Shi Xiao who was gradually approaching. He didn't expect to see her here after a few months of absence. The excitement in his heart was beyond words.

He still remembers the people who flashed in his mind when the earthquake happened, and he finally let go of his worries when he learned that everything in the Shihe Base was safe.

"Captain, it's Miss Shi" Li Yong exclaimed, his words were very unexpected.

"It's really Ms. Shi!" Wang Le, who was traveling with him, also exclaimed. Two or three soldiers who had seen Shi Xiao couldn't stop nodding their faces with surprise.

Although it is too far away to see the face in the air, the fantastic wings can easily make people mistaken for the arrival of an angel. Only after seeing it up close can they know where the angel is, and it is a fairy.

Lin Fan only had Shi Xiao in his eyes at this time, so he couldn't hear what Li Yong and the others said.

And the main character, Shi Xiao, burst out of mental power the moment he landed, and almost instantly discovered that there was an acquaintance in the black dot seen in the sky.

Since there are acquaintances, it is even more necessary to go to say hello, and ask them about the situation by the way, maybe they have valuable news.

Although the snow is very thick on the snow, but Shi Xiao has been in this world for so long and she has already mastered the control of spiritual power. Walking on the snow with both feet, she walks steadily and quickly, There is a layer of faint footprints left on the snow, the kind that can't be found without looking carefully.

On Lin Fan's side, except for Wang Le, the wind-type supernatural being, everyone else skates here on skis. For safety, when approaching the sky, he can only rely on his legs to walk through the snow with difficulty, so as to leave behind in the snow. deep marks.

Compared with this, Shi Xiao is like a weightless paper man, which made Li Yong and others who were waiting in place refresh their understanding of Shi Xiao's ability again.

It seems that every time they see this girl, they will be surprised from ear to ear. Wings and this lightness kung fu make them feel admiration besides admiration.

I'm afraid that Wang Le, who is a wind-type supernatural power user, can't do it without using his supernatural power.

"Hello, Miss Shi Xiao, long time no see." The lively Wang Le couldn't help shouting forward in surprise when Shi Xiao stood in front of them.

"Hello." Shi Xiao pursed his lips and still had an impression of the lively soldier in front of him, then looked at Lin Fan, "Captain Lin, please stay safe" and stretched out a hand while speaking.

Lin Fan looked at the little hand stretched out in front of him, and lost his mind for a moment, but his good self-control allowed him to recover quickly. Before others noticed it, he pulled off the glove, and Lin Fan's big callused hand grasped the small one. , Just touch it and release it, although I feel extremely reluctant.

"Miss Shi, stay safe and sound" came out of Lin Fan's deep voice, looking at Shi Xiao with shining eyes.

"Captain Lin, we can be regarded as friends and call me Shi Xiao." Even though Miss Chang knew it was polite, Shi Xiao still couldn't get used to it.

"Alright then, don't call me Captain Lin, I'm older than you and call me Brother Lin." Lin Fan said.

"Is this suitable?" Shi Xiao looked at Lin Fan's camouflage uniform and a group of soldiers behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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