I just want to have a good time

Chapter 396. 396. Flying Boat, Yes

Chapter 396. 396. Flying Boat, Yes
"What are you all doing in a group? Dispersed." Li Yong stepped forward, his eyes gliding across the flying boat and resting on several soldiers.

Seeing the vice-captain and the others hastily retreated a few steps, Wang Le also took the opportunity to get off the flying boat and walked to Shi Xiao's side.

"Miss Shi Xiao, thank you, Feizhou..."

Shi Xiao nodded slightly, leaped into the flying boat calmly and took out the spirit stone, and under everyone's gaze, the flying boat shrunk rapidly, until it finally became the size of a palm.

This change once again made everyone dumbfounded, can this kind of operation still be possible?It's so unreal, so unbelievable.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the small boat in Shi Xiao's palm, Lin Fan was no exception, but he took a second look at the milky white stone that Shi Xiao took out from the small boat.

"Shi Xiao, what is this?" Lin Fan stepped forward and pointed at the small boat in Shi Xiao's hand, his eyes burning.

"This is a flying boat, or it can also be called a spirit boat." Shi Xiao smiled lightly, not in a hurry to put the spirit boat into the space, and replied generously.

She was ready to be exposed when she took it out, besides, this thing could be kept hidden for a while, and it would be born sooner or later.

On the other hand, Shi Xiao also took it out on purpose. If there were no underground creatures found in this earthquake, she might not be so generous, but now that the living environment is obviously threatened again, and the survival of human beings is even more difficult, she simply took it out in advance. Contributed to the promotion of human development.

Now she has complete confidence that she can protect her family and the base, so even if too many things are exposed, Shi Xiao is not worried now.

"Spiritual boat" Lin Fan repeated these two words, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he looked at Shi Xiao hotly.

"You mean, its energy is spiritual power." Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao eagerly.

Shi smiled and nodded.

"Can you lend it to me?" Lin Fan knew that this request was a bit abrupt, but he really couldn't help it.

How can such a simple small boat be lifted into the air, especially the material? Lin Fan is really curious, and can't imagine what kind of material can be so flexible.

If other people wanted to see Shi Xiao, they might hesitate, but Lin Fan is a very reputable person, and Shi Xiao handed it to him without even taking a nap.

Shi Xiao's act of complete trust warmed Lin Fan's heart, he smiled, and took the boat solemnly.

Looking at the model-like material that looks like a wooden boat in my hand, my first impression is that it is heavy, heavy and delicate.

After stroking, the next feeling is that the material of the boat is very hard, even the well-informed Lin Fan can't tell what material it is.

While Lin Fan was observing, Li Yong also approached quietly. As for the others, although they didn't dare to approach, they surrounded Wang Le, who had personally experienced it, and muttered in a low voice.

After a while, the flying boat returned to Shi Xiao's hands, and she was sent into the space by her.

Until now, no one has noticed the huge underground creature that is tightly wrapped by vines and is still struggling.

On the other side, when they learned from Wang Le that the ultimate state of the flying boat could carry hundreds of people, these psychologically strong fighters couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked at Shi Xiao's hand, but it was a pity that the flying boat was already It was collected by the boss.

The exclamation attracted the eyes of Lin Fan and Li Yong.

When Lin Fan heard the words "hundreds of people", Lin Fan's eyes twitched. Just now he was still thinking that the flying boat is a good thing, but the space is too small, and it can only accommodate a few people, which is enough for a family, but Not enough for big teams, now it's clear he's shallow.

Then Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao, wondering if the real master was standing in front of him?
If it was as he thought, Lin Fan's heart would be agitated just thinking about it, wouldn't this be the tool they needed most right now?
I want to ask now is the best time, when will the next time I see Shi Xiao again?And he couldn't wait.

"Shi Xiao, can the flying boat really carry hundreds of people as Wang Le said?" Lin Fan didn't beat around the bush, and directly asked what he was concerned about.

Shi Xiao was not surprised by Lin Fan's question, and she could clearly hear the exclamation of the soldiers just now.

Shi Xiao smiled and nodded, it wasn't something that couldn't be said, Wang Le would know that it was she who mentioned it while teaching.

Hearing this, Lin Fan immediately became serious, looked at Shi Xiao seriously, and said, "Shi Xiao, my request is a bit too much, but I still want to ask you to demonstrate it, is it okay?"

In fact, Shi Xiao wants to say that if it is too much, then don't say it, but isn't this result exactly what she wants to see?

Shi Xiao didn't answer, but directly took out the retracted flying boat again, and it was still in the air, rapidly growing in size under the eyes of everyone.

Lin Fan and his party looked at the giant boat in the sky with fiery eyes. Yes, the giant boat. The few of them looked so small in front of this giant boat. Their size was no less than that of a large manned ship. Nothing less than that.

"Shi Xiao..." Seeing the giant flying boat, Lin Fan was completely uneasy and couldn't help it, and shouted.

Shi Xiao met Lin Fan's fiery gaze indifferently.

"Shi Xiao... Is there any spare... If possible, I hope that one can be given to our base."

Lin Fan knew that his request was unreasonable, but he still said it even so. On the other hand, he felt that it was impossible for Yi Shi Xiao to be so smart that he would treat such an important thing as a person at will. This girl must have her own plans. It is also the confidence he dared to say.

"Okay." Shi Xiao only spit out one word.

"Shi Xiao..." Lin Fan, who was about to continue to say something, was stunned, and he agreed without saying anything, and he agreed without asking any conditions.

Lin Fan stared at Shi Xiao in a daze, his squinted eyes showed his dark eyes, not only that, but other people also stared at Shi Xiao in a daze.

"Miss Shi said... yes." Li Yong was the first to break the silence.

"Yes." Shi Xiao looked at them seriously, "but...".

Hearing these two words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it might be true if conditions permit.

Shi Xiao: "..."

It's a bit dumbfounding, but the appearance of this group of soldiers is really cute, unpretentious, and real.

A smile flashed across her eyes, and she continued: "But even if the flying boat is given to you, you can't operate it without spiritual power."

"Yes, regiment...captain, the flying boat needs spirit stones to take off." Wang Le stood beside Lin Fan and said in a low voice, but everyone around could hear him clearly.

"Lingshi" This reminded Lin Fan of the milky white stone that Shi Xiao took out from the flying boat before, could it be the Lingshi.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Le took out a milky white stone from his body, "Captain, this is the spirit stone. It was given to me by Miss Shi before. The spiritual power content of a spirit stone is several times that of an energy core. Xia Shi is afraid that there will be some accidents for me to defend myself." Speaking of this, Wang Le glanced at Shi Xiao gratefully, he is a good person.

Shi Xiao, who was issued a good person card, smiled lightly.

Lin Fan was attracted by the spirit stone in Wang Le's hand, it was indeed not much different from the stone that Shi Xiao took out from the flying boat before.

(End of this chapter)

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