I just want to have a good time

Chapter 397. Chapter 397.

Chapter 397. Chapter 397.
Lin Fan could feel a very strong spiritual power emanating from this stone, which was indeed beyond the reach of energy cores.

Before Lin Fan could hold it in his hand, Wang Le put the baby back into his pocket again. The speed was so fast that Lin Fan was so happy that he almost couldn't help giving him a kick. Is he a person who likes to steal other people's things?

Wang Le: "..." You are.

Lin Fan also understood at this moment that if there is a flying boat, there must also be spirit stones, otherwise it is also a dead thing.

Just when they were about to speak, Shi Xiao's unique soft voice rang in their ears.

"I can also provide spirit stones, but there are conditions."

Lin Fan: "What conditions, you say?"

"The supply of spirit stones cannot be unlimited, and there is only one time. You need to find the rest by yourself, and once you find the spirit stone veins, the total amount of spirit stone mining in the first three years will be distributed to the Shihe base. Twenty percent."

In fact, Shi Xiao is no different from giving away for nothing, the addition of this condition is just not to let others think that she is being taken advantage of.

If it is really based on the price of the flying boat, I am afraid that no base can afford it in this situation.

Who made her a part of this world? Since she has this ability, she should do her part for this world.

In the face of the issue of human survival, Shi Xiao really couldn't do this kind of thing if she had to watch from a distance.

Not only that, Shi Xiao, a body training technique, is also preparing to use it together, so that ordinary people can exercise their bodies, so as to improve their personal abilities and increase their hope of survival.

Lin Fan didn't expect it to be this condition, the spirit stone vein, [-]% in three years, to be honest, this condition seems to be very high, but its premise is that the spirit stone vein can be found, if not, it is just empty talk.

In other words, if you can't find it in your life, the thing will be given away for nothing.

Shi Xiao and Lin Fan looked at her deeply, and the fire waves in the bottom of his heart kept rolling, she was indeed the girl he liked, and then Lin Fan solemnly gave Shi Xiao a standard military salute amid everyone's surprise, Li Seeing this, Yong and others hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you." Lin Fan spat out these two words very seriously, his eyes were deep and restrained.

Being given such a solemn military salute by a dozen or so soldiers, Shi Xiao went from being at a loss at first to accepting it calmly.

She is truly well-deserved for making such a big contribution.

However, what should be said should be clearly stated, especially the division of spirit stones. Although it is unlikely that spirit stone veins will be discovered in a short period of time, who can say clearly in the future.

Shi Xiao: "Don't thank me in a hurry. I have something to say. The people in charge of this matter must meet formally, sign a contract formally, and only provide one ship."

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded.

"Then it should be sooner rather than later, the time should be set in three days' time, at the Shihe Base." Shi Xiao set the time point neatly.

Don't worry if they can't find it, the earthquake caused a lot of changes in the terrain of Xia Kingdom, but the area where the Shihe base is located has not changed too much. It is not difficult to find it if you really want to, especially there is an iconic Dashan Yunwu Mountain.

"Yes, we will definitely arrive at the future base on time." Lin Fan resolutely agreed, but hesitantly looked at Shi Xiao after thinking of something, and opened his mouth as if hesitating to speak.

"What's the matter?" She had never seen Lin Fanshi like this before. She always had the impression that this man was not sloppy, honest, brave and capable.

"It's okay." Lin Fan still didn't say what was in his heart in the end. He is a soldier who thinks more, but he can't selfishly put his thoughts on others, and how could there be many such things.

Shi Xiao raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said: "By the way, you can also inform other bases about this matter. Although I don't get many rare things like flying boats, it is still possible for each base to provide one." , the same Shihe base in three days' time if you have an idea."

Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao in surprise, and then laughed in his heart. In fact, there was a smile on his face. How could he judge Shi Xiao by a normal person? Yes, this girl dared to take out the flying boat. It is impossible to have only a few ships.

"Okay" It's just that Shi Xiao didn't hear the good word. At this moment, she was already watching the underground creatures covered with vines on the ground, and at the same time, everyone's eyes were focused on these underground creatures.

Before the attention was all attracted by the flying boat, no one cared about what Shi Xiao brought up, but now when he saw it, his expression became serious.

Shi Xiao circled around the underground creatures he brought up, thinking about how to get them down when he was underground, he didn't observe them very carefully, and just caught a few casually when he came up.

Two of them are different crustaceans, like small insects that have suddenly grown in size, exaggerated to the size of a small car. If it weren't for the vines that were entangled with spiritual power, they might not be able to trap them.

They have sharp tentacles and hard carapaces, and the dark fangs hidden in the tentacles are gnawing on the vines around their mouths, and their bodies still haven't given up struggling.

Shi Xiao looked at the hard carapaces on their bodies and fell into thought. I wonder if ordinary weapons are useful to the carapaces?
Thinking of this, Shi Xiao took out the ax he was used to at home, and chopped towards the carapace with normal strength.

"Clang" the ax was knocked away, leaving only a shallow scratch on the crustacean.

This degree of hardness made everyone look solemn.

Lin Fan then took out the pistol on his body, and "slapped" two shots at the back of the crustacean.

I thought that such a close-range design should be able to penetrate the carapace of the crustacean, but who knew that the bullet was barely embedded in the carapace and did not cause substantial damage. This result made everyone more dignified.

Then, Lin Fan took out the long knife that Shi Xiao gave him, and slashed at one of the crustaceans.

Then, a burst of ink-colored liquid splashed everywhere, and the crustacean was cut in half abruptly, and the liquid flowed all over the ground.

This terrifying scene caused several other underground creatures to scream in horror and struggle more violently.

Everyone's eyes lit up, staring at the knife in the captain's hand, even Li Yong and Wang Le did the same.

The things the boss sent were different, even if the bullets couldn't get through, it was solved with a single knife. Li Yong looked at the knife in the captain's hand enviously.

Seeing the crustacean that had been cut in half and stopped struggling, Shi Xiao, already aware of it, shifted his target.

He looked at the other two types of underground creatures, one of which was the dinosaur-like creature that Jingyun base called.

At first glance, it does look like a dinosaur. To be precise, it should be a composite version of a dinosaur and a lizard. With sharp horns of different sizes on the top of the head and a mouth full of sharp teeth, it is almost unnecessary to think about it. It must be a carnivorous and ferocious creature. .

The other kind of appearance is more disgusting, it seems to be secreting a kind of liquid continuously, it is said to be a mollusk creature but it has two rows of densely packed feet, except for two eye-shaped markings on the head, it is all a mouth, and the mouth is full of The densely packed teeth are nearly two meters long and have the thickness of an adult man's thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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