I just want to have a good time

Chapter 407. Chapter 407.

Chapter 407 407. No Avoidance
Liao Jingyi's stomach grunted a few times in front of a bowl of porridge with a tangy aroma, and he took the bowl with an embarrassed smile.

I'm really hungry. I didn't feel too strong because my mind was focused on other aspects before. Now I can't bear it anymore when I see the food.

A bowl of porridge was eaten quickly, and a warmth dissipated from his stomach. At the same time, his body felt much better and his strength recovered. Just when he was embarrassed to pass the bowl to Shi Xiao, one of the people opposite him The famous soldiers moved.

Seeing this, Liao Jingyi couldn't sit still anymore, and quickly moved to his side, "Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai wake up" whispered.

In a daze, Zhao Hai heard someone calling his name, and finally opened his eyes slowly with great effort, but his eyes were blurred, but the voice continued, and he also recognized the captain's voice.

Anxiously, he wanted to open his mouth to call the captain, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

"Don't worry about talking, slow down, your neck was hurt before." Liao Jingyi grabbed Zhao Hai's raised hand and said softly.

Before he fell into a coma, Zhao Hai was not far away from him. He could see clearly that a piece of metal was inserted into his neck. Even if such a serious injury was healed by Miss Shi, it would take time to recover.

The captain's comforting voice made Zhao Hai's sanity recover quickly, and his eyes gradually became clear. When he saw the safe and sound captain from the side, he was surprised at first, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

Captain is fine...that's great.

He will never forget the muffled sound of being hit by the captain in order to protect them when the plane was out of control and kept rolling and falling into the sky.

If it wasn't for the captain, the metal object on his neck might have penetrated not one side, but the throat directly. It was the captain who hit him hard with his body to give him a chance to survive.

Seeing the captain Zhao Hai alive and in very good condition couldn't help but burst into tears. He lost consciousness a little later than the captain, and he clearly knew that the captain had suffered multiple injuries. He was completely covered in blood and his whole body was almost intact A great place.

He opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he didn't call out the word captain, and instinctively held the captain's hand tightly.

Liao Jingyi patted Zhao Hai's hand and said, "Don't worry about it, we were rescued by Captain Shi from Shihe base."

"Yes, you're all fine now," Shi Xiao said, "It's because of your previous injury that you can't speak, just take it easy, come on, finish the porridge first." Pass the porridge to Liao Jingyi.

"Thank you" Liao Jingyi nodded at Shi Xiao, wanted to feed Zhao Hai himself, but this guy refused decisively, shook his head and moved to correct his sitting posture, and looked at Shi Xiao gratefully.

This will be better than when he first woke up, not so weak, how could he ask the captain to feed him, stretching out his hand carefully and trembling slightly to send it to his mouth.

After eating a bowl of food, his health really improved a lot. He thought he was in the hospital, but he realized whether they were on a ship or a ship sailing in the sky, and he was as shocked as the captain.

But then there was no time to surprise him, because the remaining comrades also woke up intermittently, and Shi Xiao continued to contribute several bowls of chicken porridge, so that the few chicken porridge in her space started Urgent.

After drinking the steaming chicken shredded porridge, these soldiers also gradually recovered. With Huichun Dan as a base and a bowl of porridge made from mutated poultry meat, they have gradually recovered. It is no problem to stand up and walk slowly. up.

As for why their plane broke down, and why their abilities fell into the sky without time to jump out of the plane, there is no way to know these for the time being, because they are almost at the base.

When Shi Xiao led them to stop in a huge open space, Liao Jingyi and the others were still wondering.

There is still a certain sense of familiarity here, and the orientation is very similar to the Shihe base, but apart from a large open space, there are some trees and dry plants, and there is no trace of the Shihe base.

It didn't make them entangled for too long, when they followed Shi Xiaoyan and Yan Xu through the thin film and saw a sudden change in front of them, they realized how ignorant they were.

The Shihe base is not missing, but hidden in a layer of membrane. If Liao Jingyi hadn't accidentally touched it, he would not have been able to discover this layer of membrane.

Then there is still shock, what was the Shihe base like when they left last time, it is still what it is now, it has not been affected by the earthquake at all, even a tile, a brick, a plant, and a tree seem to have not changed, which is very strange science.

Liao Jingyi's eyes were filled with surprise as to how the Shihe base could avoid such a violent crustal movement. Could it be because of the outer membrane, but it looks so thin, so there is so much energy?

With these questions in mind, Liao Jingyi boarded the spaceship again and flew to the headquarters of the base.

When Shi Xiao and the others arrived, the meeting had come to an end, and the contracts of all major bases except Jingyun Base had been signed.

At the same time, all the bases also asked Shi Yu why the Shihe base was preserved so intact after the earthquake, why it was not affected, and how such a large base disappeared without saying anything. These questions It makes them feel uncomfortable like scratching their hearts and lungs.

Shi Yu knew her sister's plan, and also knew that there were a dozen or so large protective formations in her sister's space, so she didn't evade these questions, but answered them seriously.

It was neither so unexpected nor unexpected when these people knew the answer.

Xia Guo's formation knowledge has been passed down for thousands of years, it can be said that it has a long history.

When they saw the abnormalities in the Shihe base, they had indeed thought about the formation, but it seemed to be very different from the formation they knew in reality.

They know that those who are well-versed in formations can put on some cover-ups, but that's just a cover-up, and it's only a small area. It's impossible to hide such a large base, so in the end they overturned their guesses in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, it was really a formation in the end, but it was completely different from the formation they had learned in the past.

This array is called the protective array, and like the flying boat, if you want to make this array work, you need to use spirit stones.

At the same time, Shi Yu also took out dozens of stones of different grades emitting different degrees of fluorescence for people from various bases to see.

Except for the future base, all the bases felt the strong spiritual power emanating from the spirit stones in shock. These are only low-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones. The spiritual power has increased geometrically. The purity of spirit stones Not the same.

Shi Yu also observed that when the person in charge of the Liaoyuan base got the stone, he seemed to fall into contemplation after being excited. The other bases were purely excited and asked about the conditions associated with the spirit stone. After all, whether it is a flying boat or a defensive formation, Spiritual stones are the most important thing. When they learned that there might be something found in the mountains, everyone was concerned.

Shi Yu glanced lightly over the person in charge of the Liaoyuan base, and secretly remembered it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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