I just want to have a good time

Chapter 408 408. Reporting Safety

Chapter 408 408. Reporting Safety

As for the euphemism raised by the various bases about the protective formation, Shi Yu did not answer directly, and you did not refuse, but said that this issue will be discussed after the arrival of the people from Jingyun Base.

Then the bases signed the contract neatly. Although the contract stated that once they found the spiritual vein, they would give [-]% of the mining volume of the spiritual vein in the first three years, but the premise was that they could only count if they found the spiritual vein.

Without this contract, it is equivalent to non-existence, that is to say, suitable bases will provide them with a certain amount of spirit stones and flying boats for nothing.

But this is what they thought before they came to the suitable base. After you saw the Shihe base and you mentioned the energy of zero spirit stones, this kind of fluke thinking no longer exists. They all thought that they must recruit geological experts when they go back. Specialized in exploring spiritual veins.

Since the person in charge of the Jingyun base has not come yet, after signing the contract, they each returned to the room prepared for them by the base to rest. In fact, it is the Lihao Hotel not far from the base, which is now owned by the base.

Not only is there electricity, but also hot water, so that those who rest inside can't help but take a hot bath.

Shi Xiao directly led Liao Jingyi and the others into the base lounge. As for their dead brothers, they were temporarily placed in a room.

And Shi Yu, who got the news, also came to the lounge with several sets of cotton clothes.

Although Liao Jingyi and the others seemed to be fine now, the degree of danger could be seen from their severely damaged military uniforms.

"Thank you" Liao Jingyi thanked.

"You're being polite, aren't you? Put on your clothes first, and the food will be delivered in a while. You guys should have a good rest this afternoon. We'll talk about what you have to say tomorrow. By the way, I'm giving you this phone, and I think you need it to report your safety."

"Thank you." Liao Jingyi thanked again, he really needed to report to his father that he was safe.

Shi Yu smiled and nodded and left their lounge and walked to his office, where his sister Yan Xu was still waiting for him.

"Sister, Brother Yan has worked hard, you haven't eaten yet, I'm already ordering food, and it will be delivered in a while." Shi Yu, who entered the office, cared about his sister sitting on the sofa, glanced at Yan Xu, he just By the way, without his sister, he doesn't care if this smelly man who covets his sister is hungry or not.

Shi Xiao gave his younger brother a polite expression, and nodded ironically. Shi Yu was a good younger brother when he was normal, but now she is really hungry and growling.

She really wanted to eat on the flying boat, but thinking that Brother Yan Yan was controlling the flying boat and she was eating and drinking, she felt a little uncomfortable, so she endured it, and it didn't take long to get to the base.

"Sister, where did you find Liao Jingyi and the others?" Shi Yu looked at the dead soldiers in a miserable state.

Shi Xiao glanced at his younger brother, put down the teacup in his hand, and said, "Under the sky, they were lucky that the big plane fell into a gap in the crack, and luckily there was no explosion."

Shi Yu nodded approvingly. He was indeed very lucky. Not to mention whether it exploded or not, the moat would be bottomless. If it really fell, the ending would be hard to say.

"Sister, do you know the reason?"

Shi Xiao shook his head, "Have you not had time to ask yet?"

"However, aircraft failure can be ruled out."

"So it is likely to encounter something unknown."

When Shi Xiao said this, his expression was a little dignified, and Shi Yu couldn't help becoming serious.

Thinking that although the place where the accident happened is a certain distance from the Shihe base, this distance is nothing at all for things that can go up to the sky?
So take precautions, what should be prevented still needs to be prevented.


In the lounge, Liao Jingyi didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he dialed his father's private number with his mobile phone.

He was picked up almost instantly, thinking that he had been waiting for his call over there.


When Liao Zhongteng heard his son's voice almost the same as before, he kept saying "okay, ok".

During the few hours when the youngest son lost contact, Liao Zhongteng was full of froth in anxiety, but fortunately he was fine, and he has not dared to tell his wife so far.

"I'm sorry to make you worry." Liao Jingyi could hear his father's anxiety on the phone.

"It's good to know, remember, no matter what happens, saving your life is the most important thing." Liao Zhongteng originally wanted to say that the silly child who knows the words will turn into the words "know it and good".

"En." The corners of Liao Jingyi's mouth turned upwards. For his always serious father, it was not easy to say these few words.


"Tell me, what happened to you?"

Dad's question was exactly what Liao Jingyi was going to say next, so he began to make short and long stories on the phone.

In fact, they had almost reached the area of ​​Eastern Liao Province last night, but it was already late at that time, so they found a place to rest for the night.

After eating early in the morning, they set off again, but not more than ten minutes after the plane took off, several huge mutant flying beasts suddenly appeared in the sky.

The reason why he used the words mutant flying beast was because Liao Jingyi didn't recognize what kind of animal it was. Although it had wings and could fly, it was very different from the birds he was familiar with.

The huge body is not much smaller than an airplane when stretched out. The difference is that there is no feather on the wings or the whole body. The structure of the wings is very similar to the meat wings of a bat, but they are fundamentally different. Although they have no feathers, they have a layer of feathers. The fine scales are also different from bats in appearance, and bats are nocturnal animals. They will not come out against the sun in the blue sky and daylight, but this flying beast flies under the sun.

But the head looks like a bird, with a long beak. When the mouth is opened, there are densely packed fangs. There are sharp scale knives on the edge of the wings, and a pair of claws are also extremely sharp.

When they found these huge flying beasts, the plane quickly moved away from them.

But who expected these unnamed flying beasts to catch up and start attacking them.

Use their sharp claws to attack the plane from the side, and hit the plane with their bodies. Because of their huge size, the strength of each attack is amazing, and the sharp beak pierces and tears the plane severely.

Although they tried their best to stabilize the aircraft, they also tried to attack them with guns, but they ushered in more violent attacks.

After persisting like this for more than ten minutes, the plane finally lost control under the attack of these creatures, fell on the snow and slid into the depths of the sky.

Liao Zhongteng couldn't help being surprised even though he had experienced heavy wind and rain in "Sky Moat". He really didn't expect his son to fall into the sky.

"Yes, Tianzhu, Captain Shi from Shihe base rescued us. Dad, I have killed more than a dozen brothers." Liao Jingyi's voice became very low when he said this.

Hearing his son's deep voice, Liao Zhongteng couldn't help feeling tense. This time the blow to his son seemed to be serious, and he said, "I don't blame you. When you come back, Dad will make good compensation to the families of these dozen brothers."

"Thank you dad." Liao Jingyi couldn't hold back his eyes turning red, and the other soldiers who survived in the room couldn't help but turn red when they heard the captain talking about the dead brothers.

"Jing Yi, how are you doing? Are you okay?"

When he received his son's call, he heard his son's voice was quite full of energy and blood. He was indeed relieved. If the injury was really serious, his voice would definitely change.

Now he is not sure. The plane crashed into the sky and killed more than a dozen soldiers. It is impossible for his son and the others to be in good condition.

(End of this chapter)

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