I just want to have a good time

Chapter 435 435. Compensation

Chapter 435 435. Compensation
The two arms that were almost completely severed were put in the final treatment. Relatively speaking, their treatment needs to be more meticulous.

Under the strong wood spirit power, the wounds of several people who were seriously injured were rapidly healing, and the impurities in the wounds were also slowly being forced out of the body during the healing process, not even leaving a scar in the end. Then Shi Xiao walked towards Two people with arm injuries.

They were seriously injured and their bones were all broken. One of them was connected by several muscles, and the other got better later. This situation was very difficult even before the end of the world.

With the help of spiritual power, Shi Xiao Yuling accurately closed his arm on the wound, and then wrapped the injured part with thick wood spiritual power, and healed the broken blood vessels, bones and tendons one by one. The whole process lasted for more than ten years In a few minutes, one arm was connected intact.Then the other person also took about the same amount of time.

Seeing their arms recovering, the two excitedly stretched their arms gently under the direction of the captain, flexible and free, and then they looked at the captain with gratitude and admiration, and could only keep saying thank you.

Shi Xiao didn't treat each other lightly, even those who were slightly injured were treated with her wood spirit power, and gained the admiration of all the people.

In the following time, after tidying up and calming down, Wang Zhen took people to collect the bodies of the dead brothers.

It's just that few people were able to find their bodies fairly neatly in the end, and most of them only found fragments of clothes.

Everyone feels extremely heavy about these fragments.

Although most of them were prepared for the worst when they came out, seeing these teammates who were joking before disappeared in such a short period of time, most of them couldn't even find their bodies, and their emotions were out of control Sad down.

Shi Xiao is also in a bad mood after so many people died, but the world is so cruel now, so if he wants to live well, he can only make himself stronger.

There is no comfort, even adults don't need comfort, and only in the blood can they grow faster.

In the following time, under Shi Xiao's order, Wang Zhen returned to the base with the restrained corpse and the surviving brothers.

Shi Xiao and Yan Xu took Su Yiyuan and they were going to search carefully to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net or other underground monsters.

Shi Xiao said that the investigation does not need to rely on the legs to search bit by bit, everyone just needs to follow Shi Xiao.

No underground creatures were found along the way, but many zombies and animals in the ruins were found, and they cleaned them up one by one.

Zombies are nothing to fear now. After the earthquake, the number is very limited, and the most powerful ones are only Tier [-]. Zombie animals are slightly more powerful, but they are not the opponents of Su Yiyuan and the others.

Zombie animals are fast, but they are not as fast as superhumans whose level is higher than them. Almost all of them are wiped out when they launch an attack, and then they are gathered and burned to ashes.

The entire search operation lasted until the afternoon. Except for the elimination of many zombies and animals, no traces of underground creatures were found.

However, there was also an unexpected harvest. In the woods more than ten miles northwest of Xiao County, a group of mutated sheep were found, which looked like they were domesticated. Led by a head sheep, they were grazing in the woods.

I don't know where they came from, and how they spent the whole winter. Seeing Shi Xiao and the others, although the flock of sheep panicked and resisted people, they ran away without rushing.

Lured by Shi Xiao with the alfalfa he took out of the space, he took it into the space.

Sheep always like to eat sweet-smelling alfalfa grass, and it is produced by the space with a touch of aura, and the mutated sheep can't resist their attraction at all.

The alfalfa came from the last time the space was enlarged. Shi Xiao didn't have alfalfa seeds, and even if he did, he couldn't think of planting them.

Although no other underground creatures were found in the end, their footprints were found, and they flew all the way to Tianzhu in a non-boat along the footprints.

At this moment, except for many traces, there is no trace of living things.

Everyone jumped off the flying boat, Yan Xu led Su Yiyuan and the others to distinguish the footprints on the ground, while Shi Xiao stood on the edge of the sky and spread down with his spiritual power.

It's a pity that it was obviously late, and nothing was found below.

"Brother Yan, how did you find out?" Shi Xiao, who didn't notice, walked to Yan Xu who was observing the traces.

"There are some. It is already confirmed that there are at least three kinds of underground creatures crawling out here." Yan Xu nodded.

"Look at these footprints." Yan Xu pointed to another large claw-shaped footprint for Shi Xiao to see.

Shi Xiao recognized at a glance that this footprint was very similar to a reptile creature she had caught that resembled a combination of a lizard and a dinosaur.

Fortunately, the density of footprints is not that great, which should be regarded as good news.

Most of them are traces left by the beetles that were exterminated before, and there are also traces that are small and dense like myriads, similar to centipedes.

Since many traces are superimposed, superimposed, and superimposed again, it is difficult to identify them all, but what is certain is that these underground crawling creatures have reached the surface and are hiding in unknown places.

They didn't stay here for the rest of the time, and left in a spaceship to fly to the base.

After arriving at the base, the group went directly to the base office building.

At this time, many people gathered in the hall downstairs of the office building. They were all the people who heard the accident and came to check, and weeping could be heard vaguely.

The arrival of Shi Xiaoyan and others made the originally dense crowd split a passage in an instant, and walked into the hall under the eyes of everyone adoring.

In the hall are some remnants of the victims of this mission, which were covered with a layer of cloth.

And the ones who cried were all relatives of these people. When they left, they were fine, but when they came back, there were only remnants left, and some even had no remnants. This is indeed a very difficult thing to accept.

Shi Xiao walked past silently, and stopped at Shi Yu who was standing on the side of the hall. Che Jun, Liao Chuan, Wang Zhen and others were all here, and everyone was very sad.

"Sister, you are back." Shi Yu finally looked better when he found out that his sister had returned.

Shi Xiao said softly, and looked away from the corpse covered by the white cloth, "Do they...have a charter?" Shi Xiao asked.

Shi Xiao didn't expect that an hour had passed, and the body was still in the hall. She thought it had been settled.

"Yes, after all, these people are not on missions. The base will subsidize them with food for a year and [-] low-grade spirit stones at one time." Shi Yu said.

Shi Xiao nodded. These subsidies are already very high. One low-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for ten energy cores at the base, and one energy core can be exchanged for fifty catties of grain, which is enough to feed a family for one month.

Five hundred low-grade spirit stones are enough for a family to do nothing for a long time, so these people...how are they still here....

"They...don't agree?" Shi Xiao looked at the weeping crowd.

Shi Yu shook his head, "No, it took some time to find their family members, and then it took some time to make up for it, so..."

Shi Xiao understood and nodded.

It seems that they have accepted the reality, the cries in the crowd gradually dissipated, and then with the help of the base staff, they began to restrain the bodies of their relatives and left the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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