I just want to have a good time

Chapter 436 436. Preparation

Chapter 436 436. Preparation
Shi Xiao sighed, the most worthless thing in the last days is human life, and their base has done very well.

Although these people are gone, the compensation from the base is enough for their families to survive well, and they can be regarded as eyesight.

Soon, calm was restored in the hall, and the crowd outside gradually dispersed as the deceased's family members left.

"Sister, did you find anything during this trip?" Shi Yu asked after returning to the office.

Shi Xiao: "There are no substantive discoveries, but we traced them to Tianzhu through their footprints, and we can be sure that no less than a variety of underground reptiles have reached the surface."

Following her sister's words, Shi Yu's expression became more serious, so their living environment will become more severe in the future. It seems that many things need to be discussed in the long run.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu immediately asked his secretary, Song Qian, to inform him... to work overtime for a meeting.

For this meeting, Shi Xiao did not participate, the situation is the same, and there is Yan Xu, I believe that we can discuss a safe charter.

I didn't wait for my younger brother Shi Xiao to fly back home. I feel a little heavy today, and I need food to comfort me.

Shi Xiao didn't know when Shi Yu came back, she stayed in the space almost all night.

First in the Lingzhu space, I saw the flock of sheep in the space and reminded myself not to forget to hand it over to the base tomorrow, and then I went to Zetian Palace.

I sorted out some low-level cheats, and I plan to hand them over to my younger brother tomorrow, and it's time for my younger brother to get in touch with Yujianshu.

The reason why it was not taken out before is also because of the control of the spiritual power of the supernatural person after the supernatural power conversion.

There is still a big difference between supernatural powers and monks. First of all, although supernatural powers are also converted from spiritual power, they are too violent and direct, and once they are issued, they are out of control.

Cultivators practice different techniques, they pay attention to the control of spiritual power, so that they can be retracted freely. Imagine how to control the spiritual weapon that stores spiritual power if the output of spiritual power cannot be controlled.

Now that they have been practicing the exercises for several months, Shi Xiao believes that the control of spiritual power should have reached a certain level, and it is time for them to get in touch.

After sorting out these cheats, I went back to the Lingzhu space and tried to push the wooden door, but it didn't move.

Some of her ideas will not be able to be put into action if the wooden door can't be pushed.

Shi Xiao spent the rest of the time visualizing in the hall, and then fell asleep in the hall directly after it was over.

After waking up the next day, Shi Xiao handed Shi Yu the cheats he had packed up last night after dinner, and also gave him Yujianshu, emphasizing that he must be careful not to throw himself out of the way when practicing.

"Sister, what do you mean?" Shi Yu, who was holding a stack of books, was confused by his sister.

Then he saw his elder sister giving the sword control technique to his parents and Song Qian. Only then did Shi Yu realize the difference in this technique.

On the other side, Shi Xiao has already explained to his parents and Sissy the essentials of fencing and the points that need to be paid attention to, and also emphasized that they must be accompanied by her when they are fencing.

Rough guys like the younger brother and the others, if they fall, Shi Xiao doesn't feel bad. Parents and Qianqian Ruru must watch.

Of course, her situation is different. The spiritual power in the spiritual domain is so abundant that the output of little spiritual power in her eyes is actually very much.

Shi Yu went to work excitedly with a stack of books in his arms.

Because of yesterday's incident, he has enough work to do next, and the flock of sheep that his sister put behind the village, ... are all things.

After arriving at the office building, Shi Yu first arranged the things discussed in yesterday's meeting, and then began to contact the major bases.

After contacting them, I found out that not only they found underground objects here, such as Jingyun, Mengmeng, and restarting these bases also found their traces, but the difference is that they did not face the people in the Shihe base to collide with these things, Nothing to lose.

So all the bases were prepared, especially the mention on the radio that the underground creatures reached the surface, the ferocity of these creatures was emphasized, and the survivors from the outside world or the people in the small bases were called on to move to the nearest place. big base.

Once colliding with these things, it will be a devastating disaster, and ordinary people simply have no power to fight back.

The news played on the radio for days on end.

In fact, the effect of doing so is really good, and the news spread quickly, making many survivors care about it.

Originally, some survivors who barely survived the winter were planning to migrate to a large base, but seeing the temperature rising now, life was getting better and they were not so anxious. They couldn't sit still when they heard the news on the radio.

Of course, there are also some heads of small bases who disagree, thinking that this is just a means of a large base, and they want to expand the base.

Everything in the base that I created is in my own hands. Once they join the big base, they will have nothing.

As a result, some people in charge of bases who were reluctant to delegate power and were greedy for power had no intention of going to the big base at all, and even locked the gate of the base to prevent people from their bases from taking refuge.

Even so, many people tried their best to get out of the base.

Summer is fine, but winter in a small base is too tough. Who knows if they can survive this winter and the second winter. In the long run, it is more likely to go to a large base to survive.

There are those who are greedy for power, and naturally there are also those who are far-sighted and cautious. There are also many small and medium-sized bases that even moved the entire base to the nearest large base after receiving the news.

Shihe base.

In the past two days, the gate of the Shihe base has been closed again, the task bar in the lobby has also been temporarily closed, the base has been re-deployed, and the two major departments of the base are patrolling. If people meet the requirements, they can also apply for employment.

This news moved the hearts of many young people, and they flocked to the registration office in the lobby.

The main reason is that the official personnel of the Shihe base are treated very well. Although I know that once I join the patrol team in this situation, the city defense team will be very dangerous, and the probability of doing tasks is very high. If I don’t stay in the base safely , but there are still many people who can't stand this temptation, especially the temptation of exercises.

This time, the launch of the base does not require contribution points, and you only need to pay a small price to buy exercises that suit you. There are even martial arts cheats for ordinary people, and there will be special guidance.

The most important thing is that as long as they are regular employees of the base and have supernatural powers, they can learn Yujianshu for free. This is not a big temptation for supernatural beings.

So in a short period of time, nearly a thousand young people were recruited, regardless of gender, as long as they have the ability to base, they are welcome.

On the first day of becoming an official employee, each person will be issued a set of off-site official employee benefits, weapons, clothing and armor, and exercises can be redeemed in the lobby by paying a small amount of points according to one's own wishes, and then there will be a special person to teach you in places you don't understand. After reaching the level of spiritual power control, one can learn the art of controlling the sword for free.

(End of this chapter)

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