I just want to have a good time

Chapter 450 450. Blacklist

Chapter 450 450. Blacklist

Shi Yu, who was the first to react, was very satisfied with her sister's divine assist, and obediently hugged Song Qian in her arms tightly.

And Song Qian was shocked by Xiaoxiao's operation, and then her best friend's words made her face flushed with shame, and feeling Shi Yu's hot chest, her body was so weak that she didn't dare to move .

At this moment, Song Qian knew that she accepted it in her heart, otherwise she would break free the first time she was hugged by Shi Yu.

Shi Xiao could see the expression on Qianqian's face, she smiled secretly in her heart, and the previous bad mood was swept away.

Then he looked seriously at his bad brother, "Xiaoyu, I warn you, I have given Qianqian to you, if you dare to bully her, I will not forgive you."

"Sister, what are you talking about? I will always be the one being bullied in our family. Who do you think I can bully? Are you saying that it is easy for me to find someone I like? Don't scare my Sissy." Run away." Shi Yu pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, and put his other hand around the person in his arms, wrapping Song Qian in his arms.

Yoyo, this will become my Sissi, Shi Xiao really wants to complain about her younger brother, but looking at Song Qian in Shi Yu's arms, she is ready to let him go.

Talking about a girlfriend is an adult, and you can't always save face like before.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, I'm going home, tell my parents the good news, and celebrate in the evening."

After finishing speaking, Shi Xiao winked mischievously at Song Qian who was nestled in his younger brother's arms, and left the office happily.


Hearing that Xiaoxiao was going home to announce the good news, Song Qian held back her shyness and wanted to reach out to stop her, but Shi Yu grabbed her hand and placed it on her hot chest.

"Sissy, can't you feel my heart beating fast for you? I know you have feelings for me too, otherwise you would have pushed me away long ago. Don't reject me, okay?" When he said the last sentence, he even used It was the pitiful little boy he had never shown in front of outsiders.

Song Qian, who was forced to feel her heartbeat, was beating rapidly and violently just like the hot heart under her hand.

The phrase "Don't reject me, please?" completely disarmed Song Qian who had never been in a relationship before. How could she refuse such a handsome, capable, wealthy, entitled and nice man to her.

Song Qian looked at Shi Yu with a hopeful face, and finally nodded shyly. She was already in his arms. Isn't what he said already explained the problem.

This slight nod made Shi Yu almost cry out in excitement, he hugged Song Qian and spun around on the spot, his face was full of joy that his wish had been fulfilled.

On the other side, Shi Yu's office came out. Shi Xiao, who was about to go downstairs, paused, and rushed to Liao Chuanna of the Human Resources Department.

Seeing the laughing boss Liao Chuan was really startled, and heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what the laughing boss said, almost thinking that there was something wrong with him to offend the boss, with such a serious face.

Without him, I can feel relieved, but it is so rare to prevent a person from being admitted to work in the base, Liao Chuan readily agreed.

Seeing the figure of the boss leaving, Liao Chuan became very interested in Sun Shang who was laughing at the boss, and immediately walked out of the office.

He wanted to see what kind of superficial person this offended boss was, and he needed the boss to come to him specifically to say hello.

On the other side, Shi Xiao had already found Mo Beibei and they went downstairs, and they were ready to go home after coming out for a while.

Glancing at Sun Shang who was submitting his resume to the staff, Shi Xiao's eyes flashed coldly and left the hall.

Soon after Shi Xiao left, Sun Shang, who submitted his resume, also left the hall. The results of the primary election will not be known until the day after tomorrow.

What Sun Shang didn't know was that his resume was taken after he left.

And Liao Chuan, who went upstairs with his resume, looked at the introduction on the resume and had to say that although this person was a little older, he was indeed a man of talent.

Although he is not a supernatural person, he is a powerful mutant, a top student in a prestigious university, and was once the vice president of a multinational company.

If the boss hadn't greeted him in advance, based on the introduction on his resume, he would definitely be able to pass the first level.

How can someone who can achieve the position of vice president of a multinational company be a simple person? He should be very good in terms of experience and abilities in all aspects.

And their base is in need of talents right now. Even so, there is no pity. Liao Chuan burned the profile to ashes with a torch.

Offending the boss is equivalent to offending them.

After leaving the lobby, Sun Shang returned home confidently.

It's not far, it's about ten minutes' walk from the base hall, it's on the third floor of Beijie Community.

"Honey, you're back." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jin Zi hurried forward.

"You're back, where is Xiao Jing?" Sun Shang nodded with a gentle smile on his face, and asked with a glance towards his son's room.

"He went out for a walk with a few kids in the community who he could talk to." Jin Zi said, "These days, I'm scared almost every day. The kids finally dared to go out for a walk. Don't worry too much. There are a lot of people in the base right now." Don't worry too much about An An." Jin Zi hurriedly said as if she was afraid that her husband would get angry.

Sun Shang patted his wife's hand, "Don't worry, I'm not angry, the base is indeed very safe, we came to the right place."

"Indeed, by the way, did my husband hand in his resume well today?"

"It's okay. When the resume was handed over, the staff asked a few words. I think the meaning is satisfactory to me, but the results of the preliminary test will not be known until the morning after tomorrow."

"My husband is definitely fine. To celebrate in the evening, I have a piece of bacon at home and I'll make it." Jin Zi was happy, and she also felt that such an outstanding talent as her husband should not be buried at any time.

"Okay" Sun Shang also felt that there was no problem. He was full of confidence and had no idea that he had entered the blacklist of the human resources department of the base, and all the work at the base was closed to him.

Shi Xiao, who came home here, has already put Sun Shang's affairs behind him, and reported to his parents the good news that they will soon have a daughter-in-law.

Immediately, the old couple happily took out a lot of ingredients, ready to show off their talents and celebrate at night.

And this is exactly what she wants, so many delicious nights can comfort her stomach.

There were still two or three hours before dinner, and she couldn't help her parents busy in the kitchen, so she simply rode Huhu directly out of the base.

This time is enough for her to go around Jiangcheng a few times.

Not long after flying out of the base, he saw a convoy heading towards the base from a distance. Shi Xiao recognized at a glance that it was a mission vehicle from the base. In the truck at the end of the road, they pulled their battle prizes, the corpses of several underground insect monsters.

The people in the car also saw Huhu pulling the wind in the air, recognized it as the team leader, and waved vigorously to each of the tigers in the air, but it was a pity that Huhu was too fast and disappeared in a flash.

In fact, it wasn't that the captain didn't see it as they thought, but Shi Xiao could see it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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