Chapter 451
Flying all the way, did not find anything?
Even if there was anything, it was cleaned up by the mission team.

Half an hour later, Huhu flew around Jiangcheng, and found several zombies and zombie cats and dogs that slipped through the net. They were smashed to pieces by Huhu's claws. This guy still hates the smell of zombies as always. , there is no need for Shi Xiao to do it at all, and of course Hu Hu Shi Xiao is too lazy to do it.

Then I went to Yunwu Mountain again. Huhu hadn't come out for a few days, so naturally he let him sacrifice his internal organs after he came out.

At this time, Yunwu Mountain is completely different from that in winter, and it is full of emerald green colors.

By the way, this is also the first time Shi Xiao came here after winter.

A fresh and comfortable breath rushed towards Shi Xiao's body and mind, and Shi Xiao, who got off the tiger's back, easily followed behind it.

Watching how this guy hunts, how he feeds his stomach, and then pleases and dedicates the extra prey he hunted to his master.

Shi Xiao gave Huhu a disgusted look. It was full of blood stains on its mouth and paws that it hadn't licked clean.

Shi Xiaoyu waved a gust of wind-like spiritual power and landed on Huhu, and then he was a clean tiger again. This guy who only has a cleanliness was obviously satisfied with the changes in his body, and he used his huge head to flirt with his master. .

After picking up a wild goat whose throat had been bitten off, Huhu looked up the mountain vigilantly just as he was about to leave. Then he moved and ran towards the mountain, disappearing into the green bushes in the blink of an eye.

Shi Xiao: "..."

Chasing after him with doubts, he found a tiger that had stopped on the top of the mountain, and a tiger that was a little smaller than the tiger.

Shi Xiao was surprised, it was really a mighty tiger.

This place doesn't belong to the deep mountains either. Why did this big thing come here? Could it be that it was attracted by tigers?

Then Shi Xiao saw the tiger move, and the other tiger also moved, not fighting but circling around the opponent, Shi Xiao almost became dizzy watching it.

Then Huhu took the initiative to get close to another tiger's tail and sniffed it. Then he wanted to pick at the other tiger, completely forgetting that there was a master down the mountain.

Shi Xiao couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it. He was a little worried about the smaller tiger at first, but now he's not worried.

If she guessed correctly, it was a legendary tigress, and if nothing else, it was a tigress in heat.

Shi Xiao looked at the surrounding green trees and green grass, wild flowers on the ground, and everything revived. This spring is a bit short, but it does not affect the mutual love among animals.

Obviously Huhu is interested in the tigress, so the question is whether she will wait here or leave directly.

Seeing that Huhu completely forgot about her as his master, and followed him up the mountain, he had obviously given her the answer.

"A perverted tiger who emphasizes sex over masters," Shi Xiaoxiao snorted, spreading his colorful wings and disappearing on the mountain.

It's better not to bother Huhu's relationship. Anyway, this guy knows how to come back. Maybe a new little flying tiger will be born in a few months. Thinking of the little little flying tiger, I really look forward to it.

Then as soon as I got home, I saw Sissy sitting on the sofa, blushing shyly, while Mama Shi was holding Sissy's hand with a smile on her face, and Shi Yu, who kept saying "okay" and sitting on the side, smiled like Like a little fool, his eyes were glued to Sissy's body.

Obviously, the younger brother was too excited to be single, and took Sissy to leave early.

It's okay, if the base chief doesn't have this right, it's meaningless for him to be the base chief.

Walking into the living room, none of the three people in the room noticed her return. How happy they are!
Shi Xiao couldn't help shaking her head, Shi Xiao could already foresee that she would fall out of favor in this family in the future.

"Mom" Then she sat down in the space between Sissy and Xiao Yu, pushing Shi Yu who was smiling like a fool to the side.

Shi Yu: "..."

For the sake of my sister helping him today, I didn't care about it with my sister, and Shi Yu sat aside in a good mood.

"Mom, you can't do this! If you have a daughter-in-law, you won't be able to see your daughter." Shi Xiao smiled and teased his mother and winked mischievously at Sissy, making Song Qian's face even redder.

Shi Ma looked at her daughter reproachfully, "Of course, a daughter-in-law must be much more important than a daughter." Then she looked at Song Qian, "Sissi, if anyone of them bullies you in the future, you can tell the godmother that it's wrong and you can't call her now." Godmother, it's time to call mom, and watch mom clean them up."

Song Qian:"……"

The speed of the godmother was too fast, she had just agreed to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, and the godmother asked her to call her mother, but looking at the serious and expectant eyes of the godmother, Song Qian really couldn't refuse.

I also know that the godmother's words of favoring her are to make her happy, but this kind of heart is very rare.

To be honest, with Shi Yu's identity, appearance, and ability, the most beautiful women are the ones who throw themselves into their arms. The Shi family is unique in the base, and they are looked up to and flattered by others. The feeling is so deep, and it is even more touching.

Song Qian's eyes turned red immediately, she nodded heavily and said "OK".

"Good boy" Mother Shi looked at the red-eyed Sissi and quickly hugged her into her arms and patted her lightly a few times.Then he started to rouse his son and asked him to peel oranges for his daughter-in-law-to-be.

Said to Sissy: "Eat the oranges first, I'll go to the kitchen to have a look, what I made today is what you like to eat."

"Godmother..." Song Qian hurriedly got up, and shyly called "Mom" under Mama Shi's expectant gaze.

"Oh, good boy" Mother Shi agreed happily, and then entered the bedroom in a gust of wind, and would come out again soon, but there was an extra box in her hand.

"Here, here is the change fee from your mother."

"Thank you mom" for the first time, and the second "Mom" Song Qian yelled much more smoothly, and she was not pretentious, after all Shima said it was a change of mouth fee.

"Good girl" Shi Ma looked more and more happily at her prospective daughter-in-law.

Song Qian pursed her lips and smiled shyly, and put the gift into the space, "...Mom, I'll go to the kitchen with you"

"No need, it's almost done. You're tired after working all afternoon. Take a break and eat some fruit with a smile." Then he looked at his son, "Xiaoyu, what are you still doing here? Come into the kitchen with me. From now on, our kitchen But the inheritance is given to you, learn more."

"Good mother." Now Shi Yu answered very neatly, and walked to the kitchen with his mother in his arms with a wide grin.

At this moment, only Shi Xiao and Song Qian were left in the living room, and the two children were also doing their homework in their bedroom.

When the weather gets warmer, the baby girl is sent to the school in the village, and every afternoon after school, she goes back to her bedroom and does her homework first.

"Qi Qian, how do you feel at the moment?" Shi Xiao lightly bumped Song Qian with his shoulder, with a smirk on his face.

Song Qian:"……"

Song Qian looked at her best friend helplessly, seeing the smirk on her friend's face, Song Qian decided not to satisfy her friend's bad taste and not to tell her.

Song Qian, who had returned to normal, turned around and smiled softly at Shi Xiao, "I want to know."

Shi smiled and nodded.

Song Qian bared her arrogant teeth, "I won't tell you."

Shi Xiao: "..."

"Okay, you have a backer, don't you? You've got fat, don't you..."

Shi Xiao rushed forward, and the two of them made a fuss. The laughter spread into the kitchen, and the people inside couldn't help but smile knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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