I just want to have a good time

Chapter 460 460. Studying

Chapter 460 460. Studying
During the morning, the eight major bases all entered the Shihe base intermittently.

People continued to arrive in the afternoon, and they were small and medium-sized bases that persisted in various places.

These bases are also lucky. We must know that a large part of the small and medium-sized bases have been destroyed and disappeared under the trampling of monsters. If it weren't for the mutant animals participating in the battle of underground monsters, it is still unknown whether they can persist.

Although I was lucky enough to persist, but wanting to go further can only make myself stronger.

And the strong hope is Xiaoxuanyuan, which only started recruiting students last year in Shihe Base.

In addition to the normal subjects in Xiaoxuanyuan, the remaining subjects are the purpose of the bases sending students here.

There are martial arts, talisman studies, alchemy studies, array studies, instrument studies and so on.

Martial arts covers a wider range and is divided into general studies and spiritual cultivation studies. As the name suggests, general studies are aimed at ordinary people and mutants.

As the name suggests, spiritual practice is aimed at people with supernatural powers, that is, students with spiritual roots.

Among these disciplines, martial arts has the most subjects, and just a general science is divided into various disciplines: swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, etc.

The same is true for spiritual cultivation. According to the division of spiritual roots, there are countless exercises.

There are also formations, talismans, pills, and utensils, no matter which discipline is extremely attractive.

It's a pity that only young people under the age of 12 are recruited, otherwise the gates of the Shihe base will be broken.

If there is anyone who has a crooked mind, of course they have, but it is a pity that they can't touch the gate of the academy at all.

As for the students in the college who are found to be harmful to the college, then sorry, expulsion is only one of the lightest punishments.

All memories of the academy during this period will also be erased, and the direct or next-of-kin relatives who are related to it will forever lose the qualification to study in Xiaoxuan Academy, no matter how many generations.

This punishment is not insignificant, and it has successfully deterred the bases and students with unruly thoughts.

Of course, if the knowledge acquired by oneself is brought out, the academy will naturally not intervene.

Therefore, the college's annual enrollment can be regarded as a grand event for each base in the past two years.

Medium-sized bases without flying boats will rush to Shihe base many days in advance, and those who arrive early will wait outside until the major bases enter the base before delivering invitations to the base one by one.

Two years later, the Shihe base has also changed a lot.

The streets have also been expanded due to the population explosion, and the expansion has also stimulated the economy and employment.

The direct thing is to build houses, and the construction of houses has also driven more related industries, which in turn has enabled many people to have jobs, and the economy will naturally get better and better when their pockets are richer.

The original Shihe Town had three streets: Main Street, North Street and South Street.

Now, on the basis of these streets, not only have they been expanded, but South and North Streets and East and West Streets have also been added, and the area has expanded by more than ten miles.

The increase in population has also stimulated the formation of various industrial chains. Human beings cannot avoid food, clothing, housing and transportation, and these cannot always rely on what was collected before the end of the world. Self-sufficiency is the fundamental.

Therefore, the current population of Shihe Base has not only reached 20, but there are many shops on the streets, and the crowds are crowded. He and the students were stunned and couldn't believe it.

Compared with it, their base can only be regarded as a remote area, and there is no comparison, even after two years of recuperation and reconstruction.

"Captain, there is fried chicken here!" One of the students couldn't help exclaiming when he smelled the smell of fried chicken. It was a nostalgic smell.

"Calm down, don't yell." The man called the teacher said softly, but even so, he was not at peace deep inside.

Not only are they even the eight major bases, some people have come here for the second time, and they are still attracted by the lively scene of the Shihe base. The students they lead only feel that their eyes are not enough. There are many.

This kind of excitement lasted until ten o'clock in the evening. After ten o'clock, the base will return to calm. This is the base's regulations, and no one dares to disobey it.

The large and small bases who came to study here have found suitable hotels to live in. Although the price of staying for one night made many base leaders feel sad, especially small and medium-sized bases, but fortunately tomorrow is the time for the entrance examination, and it is only like this for a year. Once it hurts, it hurts a little bit.

Shijia Village should be called SJZ now, but in fact, it was changed by the villagers themselves. The main reason is that the place where the base leader and the brigade leader live is still more grand.

Papa Shi was elected to be the owner of the village, in fact, it was just a title, and Papa Shi, the owner of the village, was usually not busy. Just like Shi's father, if it really keeps him busy, he really won't like it. He practices martial arts every day and family affairs are enough for him to worry about.

"Sissy, I'm eating some fruit." Papa Shi said as he walked from the kitchen with two plates.

"Thank you, Dad." Sissy smiled sweetly, obediently eating the spiritual fruit on one of the plates.

"Eat more." Papa Shi also laughed, "My wife, eat more too."

"Dad, what about me?" Shi Xiao, who was sitting on the side, pretended not to be happy, and fought for favor.

"I don't have long hands!" Shi's father squinted at his daughter, but he still used a toothpick to insert a piece of spiritual fruit from the plate and stuffed it into the daughter's mouth, his eyes full of disdain.

"Thank you Dad" Shi Xiao was satisfied.

"Hey, Fragrant Spirit Fruit, this is delicious, juicy and moderately sweet and sour, Sissy should eat more of this." Shi Ma pointed to a red spiritual fruit and said.

"I see, Mom." Sissy nodded immediately, this fruit tastes really good.

"Eat more, eat more fruit, the child will be more juicy." Shi Ma looked at Song Qian's bulging belly with satisfaction, and then turned to look at her daughter, "Smile, is there any Xiang Lingguo?"

Shi Xiao nodded, pouted and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mom, I've already given it to Dad, and I will definitely make your grandchildren grow up to be juicy."

"Poor" Shi Ma laughed at her daughter, "But Xiaoxiao, your younger brother has been married for two years, and even a child is about to be born, when are you going to wait!"

Mama Shi began to talk clichéd again.

Ever since Sissi became pregnant, Shi's father seemed to be fine on the surface, but Shi's mother was a little anxious, and would teach Shi Xiao a lesson whenever she had the opportunity.

Shi Yu and Song Qian got married two years ago, one month after Shi Yu proposed, and that wedding is still talked about.

In order to give his best friend and dear brother an unforgettable wedding, Shi Xiao has made great efforts.

They brought back beautiful ancient costumes from another world, silver-horned tigers and black balls, and even the different owls were wearing ribbons and hovering in the air.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids were all dressed in ancient costumes, as well as uniformed patrolmen and city guards in armor. It can be said that even before the end of the world, this wedding could be called extremely grand.

The base was really lively that day, and the water banquet was also set up for free for a whole day.

(End of this chapter)

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