I just want to have a good time

Chapter 461 461. Otherworld

Chapter 461 461. Otherworld
For a while, Song Qian became the envy of all the women in the base.

The ancient costumes worn at the wedding are even more sought after by the younger generation, that is, the supernatural beings wear ancient costumes when they are wielding swords, regardless of whether they are Mrs. Pianpianjia or not, but they must be trendy.

Shi Xiao entered the other world for the second time after Shi Yu confirmed the wedding date. This time, he stayed there for a longer time, nearly ten years.

When Shi Xiao appeared in Shangyuan City, she didn't deliberately disguise herself, she showed herself as a woman, wearing a shark gauze dress, she attracted many people's attention as soon as she appeared in the city.

She was dressed in a fiery red gauze dress, which made everyone around her pale. Shi Xiaoshi, who did not wear a ribbon to tie her hair, entered the largest inn in Shangyuan City without paying any attention to the sensation she caused.

Soon, the news about a stunning female cultivator in Shangyuan City spread at the speed of light, and this was what Shi Xiao wanted.

She was waiting for Qin Yu to come and look for her. It wasn't that she didn't want to go to Qin Yu's other courtyard, but after some deliberation, she decided to forget it.

Although it is forbidden for her to go back, Shi Xiao is not sure about the time here.

Although this method is a bit too high-profile, as long as it works, it is good.

Shangyuan City belongs to Shang Yuanzong. I believe that as long as Qin Yu has not forgotten her, he will come to check on the news.

Shi Xiao is not in a hurry, she has plenty of time.

As for her safety, she is not worried about it. Force cannot be used casually in the city, and she is not a soft persimmon.

In this way, Shi Xiao lived in Shangyuan City with peace of mind. Apart from practicing in the inn every day, her favorite thing to do was to taste a lot of delicacies that she would miss.

This day, Shi Xiao went out to look for food after practicing kung fu as usual. When it comes to eating, I'm afraid she is the favorite food of the female cultivators in Shangyuan City.

Every time she went out, she would run into many male monks who claimed to be unrestrained and unremarkable. As long as she didn't disturb her, Shi Xiao would pretend that she didn't see them.

Shi Xiao, who was not sitting in the restaurant waiting for the food to be served, was drinking the spirit tea in his hand slowly, but was interrupted by a pretty pleasant voice.

"Girl, I'm Xialinying, the son of the Lord of Shangyuan City."

After finishing speaking, he fanned his fan a few times, boasting that he was chic, with a confident smile on his face, but it was a pity that even if he showed his identity, he didn't see the scene he wanted to see.

Lin Ying didn't get annoyed when her smile froze. A beauty has the right to be arrogant, so she uninvited and sat opposite Shi Xiao, staring fixedly at the girl in fiery red clothes. The beautiful Lin Ying couldn't help but exclaim that she was truly stunning.

He likes to look at beautiful things all his life besides his cultivation, of course he just likes to look and doesn't think about doing anything.

Uh, the exercises he practiced didn't allow him to do anything.

"How can this spiritual tea be worthy of the girl's celestial appearance? I'll buy this girl the best spiritual tea in the store." Lin Ying was at a loss for words.

The disturbed Shi Xiaoxiu frowned slightly, raised her eyes to look at him, said nothing, at least she was the best-looking one she had seen these days, but it was not comparable to Qin Yu, just I don't know if self-cultivation wants to look the same.

The waiter on the other side didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly served the best spirit tea in the store, but Shi Xiao didn't seem interested in it, and continued to drink the tea under his hand.

"Girl doesn't like it?" Lin Ying poured a cup for herself and sipped lightly, "It's really not the best, I'll treat the girl to drink condensate some other day." Lin Ying said to herself without any embarrassment at all.

Here, Shi Xiao's food arrived, and the table was fully covered. This posture made Lin Ying a little stunned, and at the same time, she became more interested in the girl opposite.

You must know that female cultivators also have concerns about their figure. Even if they want to be non-human, they must reach the cultivation base of Nascent Soul or above.

People below Yuanying cannot ignore the needs of the stomach, but no matter what they eat, as long as they have energy, they may cause physical obesity. After all, everyone's innate constitution is different.

But looking at the girl on the opposite side, she had no scruples about this at all, and ate quickly and gracefully at a table of food as if he didn't exist. After a while, the food on the table disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, which really made me feel uncomfortable. Lin Ying was taken aback. You must know that the food on this table is enough for several big men. The amount of food is really surprising.

Lin Ying just stared at Shi Xiao eating in a daze, and forgot to pretend to be chic with the folding fan in her hand.

At the same time, other guests in the restaurant who heard the news also reacted like him, but the stewards and guys of the restaurant didn't react too much. Shi Xiao came here almost every day, and they were used to it.

After eating, Shi Xiao didn't look at the person opposite, wiped his mouth gracefully, called a buddy, and calmly spit out the word "settlement".

"Here we come." A waiter hurried forward, "The fairy has five hundred low-grade spirit stones."

"Five hundred low-grade spirit stones" someone couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing that he ate [-] low-grade spirit stones for a meal, even monks around him couldn't help being surprised, it was too extravagant, and he looked at Shi Xiao differently. Hiding his edge, he thought to himself that this is a piece of fat.

Lin Ying also raised her eyebrows when she heard the money for the meal, but it was indeed worth so much. This is a very uncompromising girl who eats good food, but this amount of money is nothing to him.

While Shi Xiao was preparing the spirit stones, Lin Ying had already thrown five middle-grade spirit stones to the waiting man, but the man did not move but looked at Shi Xiao.

Don't think that the fairy in front of you looks weak and weak and think that she has a good temper. She is really good when you don't provoke her, but once you provoke her, she is a female evil star who will directly attack without saying a word.

In the past few days, such a scene has been staged almost every day in their diners and restaurants, so it is not allowed to use force in the city, but everyone who is making small troubles also turns a blind eye, no one cares, to be honest, the buddy really I am used to it, even if it is the son of the city lord who gave the money, I am afraid that this fairy will not accept it, so let's wait.

Sure enough, he was right in not leaving. The spirit stone in his hand rose out of thin air and landed directly on the table in front of the son of the city lord.

"No, I have it myself." Five spirit stones appeared in the hands of the man as he said.

After speaking, the voice was still as soft as he thought. Lin Ying's eyes lit up, and she didn't feel unhappy for losing face, but looked at Shi Xiao with more interest.

He likes this girl's voice, her looks are worth mentioning, and her temper is quite to his liking. I heard that a stunning beauty came to Shangyuan City because of curiosity, but now I really want to be friends with the girl in front of me. .

"Alright, since the girl doesn't use it, I'll put it away." Lin Ying naturally put away the spirit stone on the table.

"Where is the girl going next? I am very familiar with Shangyuan City, and I can be the girl's guide." Lin Ying got up and walked out of the restaurant with the stone statue, without the embarrassment of being ignored at all.

(End of this chapter)

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