I just want to have a good time

Chapter 462 462. Too busy

Chapter 462 462. Too busy

Lin Ying's magnanimity and familiarity coupled with the fact that this person is very measured, Shi Xiao really doesn't dislike him. The most important thing is that this person has clear eyes, and it can be seen that he has no wrong intentions, just pure appreciation and curiosity about beauties.

Shi Xiao ignored him, and wandered around the city on his own, and when he saw something interesting and interested, he would go up to appreciate it for a while. Whenever this time, Lin Ying would take the initiative to transform into a guide to explain, which saved Shi Xiao saliva.

At the same time, one of the benefits of this is that with the son of the city lord as company, the journey is much calmer, and there are no people blocking the way, so there is less trouble.

For people like Shi Xiao who don't like trouble, Lin Ying acquiesced to follow, and Shi Xiao could see that even if she told this person not to follow, judging by the attitude of this person not caring Will leave, just follow if you want, there is nothing to lose by being around her.

She didn't stay on the street for too long, so Shi Xiao went directly to the bookstore, which was the place she most wanted to come to today.

In the past few days, at this time, she would come to the bookstore to stay for a while, read a few books and choose a few more by the way.

The main purpose of coming to another world this time is to choose more books and learn more knowledge. The school curriculum needs to be increased, and teachers must at least be trained, and these can only be relied on by Shi Xiao himself.

Originally, she had an idea, which was to bring a group of people to study in another world, and the method was also thought up, that is, to bring people into the secret realm so that they could be brought into another world.

But in the end he vetoed it. The main reason is that people's hearts are unpredictable. Sometimes relatives can be betrayed, let alone other people. Shi Xiao dare not take this risk.

This is also the ultimate reason why everyone in the family knew that her space was different, but she never confessed to her family.

Although you can buy many different kinds of books in the market, if you want to study better and more systematically, you need to enter the academy. This is the reason why she is waiting for Qin Yu here.

And Qin Yu is the young master of a sect, so there should be a way to send her to the academy.

With the arrival of Shi Xiao, the business of the bookstore has also risen in a straight line in the past few days. There are more talented monks and monks who come to the bookstore to select books than before, and the managers of the bookstore are very happy.

For Shi Xiao, the God of Wealth, he was quite welcome, and he specially arranged for a man to wait by his side, so Shi Xiao could just ask Shi Xiao if he needed anything.

Shi Xiao went directly to the reading area yesterday, took out yesterday's elementary refining tool, and read it seriously without distraction, completely ignoring Lin Ying's sizing eyes.

Seeing that Shi Xiao was so absorbed in reading, Lin Ying, who was aroused by interest, also pulled out a book of primary refining. He had read these books before and didn't think there was anything interesting. Could it be that these are different.

But after reading a few pages, Lin Ying lost interest. It was still the original content. He was not very interested in refining weapons. He just dabbled a little and knew some simple steps of refining weapons, but he was not interested Never actually practiced it.

Looking at the girl who was concentrating on it, he really didn't understand what's so good about this book, and then he flipped through it a few times, but he was not interested, so he put the book back.

I didn't expect that such a beautiful girl would be interested in refining weapons. She wouldn't think that the next place would be the refining industry.

Thinking of such a beautiful girl mixed with a group of stinky old men forging iron and sweating like rain, Ying Shengsheng trained herself into a strong man, the scene was really hot, Lin Ying quickly shook her head to stop her wild thoughts, almost Did not scare myself.

In fact, Shi Xiao really has this idea. Theoretical knowledge can be discussed on paper, but in practice, it is better to see the real thing and do it yourself.

I've already been thinking about it. I basically memorized the content in the primary refining tool. I read it repeatedly to deepen my impression. Isn't there a saying that read it a hundred times and you will see its meaning. Shi Xiao means this.

Of course, another advantage of reading in the bookstore is that you can ask the teacher in the bookstore anytime you encounter words you don’t understand.

There are teachers in the large bookstores here, the purpose is for students to ask questions if they don't understand.

From the day when he learned of Mr. Shi, Shi Xiao would read books in the bookstore for a period of time, and then began to choose the few books he wanted to go back to the inn.

Lin Ying stayed with her for a while, but in the end she still felt a little bored, so she couldn't help but said, "Girl, this book is really beautiful, and I can't always be called girl, girl. I wonder if the girl can tell you her name."

Shi Xiao pretended not to hear and immersed himself in the sea of ​​books, hoping that the son of the city lord would feel bored and leave on his own.

"Girl" thought she didn't hear Lin Ying's voice, and then a little louder, and at the same time stretched out a finger to try to remind her.

In the end, it was blocked by a slender vine with a few branches and leaves. The leaves were still flickering, and the vine moved with his fingertips, guarding cautiously. It seemed that as long as his finger advanced an inch, the A vine will open its mouth wide and take a bite.

Lin Ying withdrew her fingers and looked at the vines that appeared out of thin air with interest, so the girl said it was a wood-type spiritual root.

But this vine is quite interesting, it appeared out of thin air without seeing the girl make any movements, this kind of ability has never been seen before.

Sure enough, a single girl is such a stunning girl, if she has no support, how dare she appear alone, even though she looks not high in cultivation, I'm afraid these are all her disguises.

Lin Ying studied this vine with great interest. It was as emerald green as emerald green, and there were fluffy burrs on the leaf stems. These burrs should also hurt your hands.

Seeing Lin Ying poking the vines from time to time with a folding fan, Shi Xiao reluctantly put away the book. Anyway, she almost read it, but this Lin Ying really has enough time to read.

When Shi Xiao collected the book, the vines disappeared, Lin Ying felt quite sorry, he hadn't studied it well yet,
"Young master, you disturbed me." Shi Xiao frowned slightly, with a little displeasure in his voice.

Even so, Lin Ying was quite happy, always talking.

Lin Ying offered her hand, "Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lin didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me, Miss."

It's not intentional, it's just a bit boring, and I can't help but see the funny ones.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Shi Xiao, and then continued: "Girl, we have known each other, I wonder if I can tell you the girl's name."

Shi Xiao glanced at him, "Shi Xiao" finally spoke.

"Shi Xiao, a good name, your father hopes that the girl will keep smiling every day." Lin Ying praised, her handsome face was full of smiles, and she was not at all as lonely as the son of the city lord.

"Then I'll call you Shi Xiao from now on. It's too rare to bring a girl. We should be friends now after exchanging names." Lin Ying said familiarly, which is a bit similar to Su Yiyao, a chatterbox.

Shi Xiao didn't agree or nodded, the name was just a code name, it didn't matter what others called her.

"Shi Xiao, what shall we do next? Are you still reading?" Lin Ying asked with eyes full of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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