I just want to have a good time

Chapter 463 463. Too Much

Chapter 463 463. Too Much

Look, now Da Snake Sui Rod doesn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and he still follows us.

"Is it just that you have nothing to do, son?" Shi Xiao was going to deal with Lin Ying first, otherwise she would not be able to read and choose books properly with him around.

Lin Ying seemed unable to comprehend the meaning behind the words, she opened the folding fan swiftly, and slapped it a few times in a seemingly unrestrained manner, made the most handsome appearance and smiled at Shi, saying, "You guessed right, I just came out of retreat to think Relax for a few days, there is really nothing to do these days, I have decided, I will be your tour guide and bodyguard for Shi Xiao, no money will be charged."

Shi Xiao: "..." This cheek is really thick.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness, but it's not necessary. Although the defense of men and women among monks is not as strict as that in the secular world, it's better to pay attention. Also, it will hurt your reputation if you follow a woman."

"Shi Xiao, is this worried about me? It really is my friend. Only friends will really worry about friends. Thank you, but you don't have to worry about it. I dare not say it in other places, but I still have some face in Shangyuan City. Ben In fact, you don’t have much reputation to care about, and what you said about men and women, the folk customs of Shangyuan City are simple and there are no twists and turns in the secular world, so you can rest assured, besides, we monks live freely and no one will Go care about that."

Shi Xiao: "..." I have nothing to say.

I thought she said that Lin Ying left because of her status, but she far underestimated how thick-skinned this guy is.

In this case, don't blame her for not giving face, Shi Xiao said lightly: "Master, I don't mind, but I do. I am just a little girl wandering around like duckweed, and I cherish my wings very much, so I still hope Young Master, you are considerate, and Young Master also interrupted my reading."

It has been said to this level, presumably Lin Ying should retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Unexpectedly, what this guy said next made Shi Xiao almost want to greet some kind of animal.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully, women should cherish their own wings, so if I take a few steps back, no one will say anything."

Speaking of which, Lin Ying really took a few steps back, keeping a distance of two or three meters between Shi Xiao and Shi Xiao. Shi Xiao's hands were really tickled by this scoundrel's appearance.

Seeing the innocent smile on this man's face, Shi Xiao moved his hands, held back, turned around and walked in the other direction, not going to talk nonsense with this man, but going to pick up a few books and go back to the inn, it should be fine to go back to the inn Be quiet.

Soon Shi Xiao picked out the book and was carried by the book boy in the bookstore to the counter to pay the bill. Lin Ying, who had been following her, subconsciously wanted to pay the bill. Seeing Shi Xiao's displeased expression, she abruptly stopped speaking.

I almost forgot that although I just met this girl, she didn't like to take advantage of others.

Lin Ying quickly took two steps back, making a gesture of invitation.

Shi Xiao resisted the urge to roll his eyes, paid the bill neatly, and when he collected his books and wanted to leave, he was blocked by several monks who came in from outside.

Shi Xiao didn't move and looked at these people coldly, but judging from their provocative eyes and Lin Ying's sudden change of face, it was obvious that their target was the thick-skinned Lin Ying.

Among them, a man in a blue shirt stretched out his hand to block Shi Xiao's path, and looked at Shi Xiao with malicious intent, "It is indeed stunning enough, no wonder our Mr. Lin likes it so much, and he followed him every step of the way. You said yes no!"

The man's words of molestation made the other people who followed him laugh out loud, very arrogant, and unscrupulously looked Shi Xiao up and down, with contemptuous and lustful eyes, as if it was just a commodity, which made Shi Xiao very unhappy.

While the man was speaking, Lin Ying immediately stepped forward to protect Shi Xiao behind her.

"Xiao Feng is going too far. You and I can say whatever you want, but you can't involve this girl. I hope you can be more careful when you speak." Lin Ying's aura suddenly changed, and she looked at the people opposite with a cold look in her eyes.

"Yo Yo, this is threatening me. Did you hear that, the son of the majestic city lord is actually threatening people." After speaking, he laughed, very arrogant and provocative.

"Xiao Feng, don't go too far, enough is enough." The air pressure on Lin Ying's body became even lower.

"I'm just going too far, so what can you do to me, but I'm just the son of the city lord, the young palace lord of my majestic Xuanwu Palace can still be afraid of you, and in Shangyuan City, do you dare to do anything to me?"

The provocation in the words was full of provocation. He looked at Lin Ying with evil eyes, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "Look... I forgot the rules of Shangyuan City. You said that you, as the young city lord, broke the rules with your own city. Will the punishment be increased!" Xiao Feng who finished speaking to the people beside him laughed, looking completely confident.

"Young palace lord, do you need to talk about it? The punishment will definitely be heavier! Who doesn't know that the lord of Shangyuan City is upright, and he always treats everyone equally if he doesn't engage in favoritism or fraud." Feng was extremely flattering, but he looked at Lin Ying with naked malicious intentions.

"That's right, the Young City Lord, as the son of the Shangyuan City Lord, can't know how to break the law!" Another person laughed.

Lin Ying's anger and anti-smile made her even more heroic, "Thank you, Young Palace Master Xiao, for your awareness. I naturally know the rules of Shangyuan City. Young Palace Master should be glad that this is in Shangyuan City and not outside, otherwise the Shaogong Palace Does the Lord have the confidence to beat me?"

"You..." Xiao Feng flicked his sleeves to suppress the anger in his heart, "Lin Ying, don't be too arrogant, you just beat me once in the academy, I really thought I couldn't beat you."

Lin Ying squinted at Xiao Feng, and said sarcastically, "It's possible to fight, but you'll know only after you fight. Shaogong mainly refuses to accept and make an appointment for a fight, so you'll know."

Private fights are not allowed in Shangyuan City, but a competition arena was built in a humane manner. Those who have personal grievances here can settle their personal grievances in the arena as long as they report and sign an agreement and pay a certain amount of spirit stones.

Of course, this is just one of the functions in the arena. At the same time, an ornamental arena is also set up, which can be watched or gambled.

Most of the monks who appear in the arena are monks who have made serious mistakes. As long as they play [-] rounds in the arena, they can reduce their crimes, but it can be said that there are no monks who can walk out of the arena. Only a few came out of the Colosseum.

Hearing this, Xiao Feng's eyes flashed, "You hit me if you say so. I am not interested in you, but I am more interested in the beauty behind you. I am a beauty who loves people more than Lin Ying. Why don't you just follow me?" ? Guaranteed to make you popular, hot and spicy, and have endless resources." After speaking, he looked at Shi Xiao with evil eyes, and the people behind him even laughed in cooperation, their eyes were exposed.

"Xiao Feng, I said you don't care about me, but you can't insult others." Lin Ying was really angry, her eyes were dark.

"Oh, I didn't see it. The young city master is still a person who loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, but why? Isn't she just a good-looking female cultivator. The young city master likes to turn around. I will send a few to the city lord's mansion, and keep the young city lord every day. Fresh taste."

(End of this chapter)

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