Chapter 464 464. Tied

"Xiao Feng..."

Lin Ying, who was about to fly forward, was grabbed by a pair of small hands, and Shi Xiao walked out from behind him.

"Such a person is not worthy of your anger." Shi Xiao said lightly.

"Tsk tsk tsk... The young city lord's woman is really courageous enough, how about a beautiful woman tell my brother what kind of person he is! I have grown up so much, I still don't know what kind of person I am, I really want to know! "

This dude's appearance really looks like he deserves a beating!

Shi Xiao glanced lightly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and slowly stepped forward a few steps, and walked out of the door of the bookstore, he must not block the door to hinder the bookstore's business, isn't it? Trouble.

As she moved, the people at the door also retreated voluntarily, and they all felt baffled, how could they feel a palpitating feeling on this seemingly delicate female cultivator.

But this idea was quickly dismissed by them, because the female cultivator in front of them was too beautiful, and they retreated together because they were tempted.

She is really very beautiful, it can be said that she is the most beautiful woman they have ever seen since they grew up, bar none.

The faint glance over them made their hearts almost melt.

The corners of Shi Xiao's mouth slightly raised and he looked at the few people opposite, especially the one who was obviously in charge among them.

"Young master just said that he wants to know what kind of person he is, right?" Shi Xiao quietly looked at Xiao Feng and said softly, the upward arc of his mouth obviously did not reach his eyes.

Those who are familiar with Shi Xiao know that she is already very angry at this moment, and when the girl gets angrier, her tone becomes calmer and calmer.

Xiao Feng flicked his sleeves lightly, looking at this beautiful female cultivator in the red dress, her hands are like catkins, her skin is like creamy fat, her collar is like a grub, her teeth are like a gourd rhinoceros, her head is like a moth's eyebrows, every point is more, Minus one point is less, she is indeed a rare beauty in the world, looking at his heartbeat, the light in his eyes is shining.

The tip of his tongue couldn't help licking his chin, and his eyes rested on Shi Xiao presumptuously, "Indeed, but does the beauty really know?"

Shi Xiao nodded, waved to Xiao Feng, and said softly: "But I can only talk to you and listen to you alone."

"Oh..." Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Shi Xiao fixedly, his gaze was extremely oppressive, while Shi Xiaoying still looked at Shi Xiaoying quietly.

"Hahaha...interesting" Xiao Feng laughed suddenly, "Beauties have good intentions, so I'll go and listen."

As he said that, he was about to walk forward and was grabbed by the person beside him, "Young Palace Master, you must not, this woman is obviously deceitful, I am afraid she is using beauty tricks... Shao..."

It's just that the words disappeared in Xiao Feng's gloomy eyes before he finished speaking, he lowered his head in fright and quickly let go, how could he forget that the Young Palace Master didn't like to be pecked at by others.

Xiao Feng gently brushed the wrinkled sleeves, the displeasure flashed in his eyes, and then approached the beauty with a smile on his face.

Seeing this figure flash by, Lin Ying stood in front of Shi Xiao again, looking at Xiao Feng who was approaching with an unkind expression.

"Lin Ying, the beauty invited me here, it has nothing to do with you," Xiao Feng snorted, looking at the opposite person with the same unkind gaze.

"Yes, Young Master Lin, I will just have a word with this Young Master." Shi Xiao, who came out, said softly.

"Shi..." Lin Ying glanced at Shi Xiao, and found that his eyes were firm and confident, and finally took a step back silently.

"I'm here, beauty, just say what you want, brother can't wait." Xiao Feng looked at Shi Xiao frivolously, his words were full of teasing.

Then Shi Xiao smiled instead of anger, slowly approaching Xiao Feng with a smiling cheek.

As she approached, a faint fragrance that was different from the strong scent of powder on other female cultivators hit, making Xiao Feng's heart flutter, his body tensed up, looking at this beautiful face, he couldn't help but move closer, Then he heard a sound of "Indecent, prostitute" his hand was inexplicably placed on the beauty's clothes, and then the beauty struck him with a palm.

In the eyes of the onlookers, this scene was a weak female cultivator talking to this young man, who would have thought that the young master suddenly became lustful and touched the female cultivator, who couldn't bear the molestation and yelled "Indecent adulterous thief" and then Get justice for yourself.

Private fights are not allowed in Shangyuan City, especially private fights that form cliques, but the law is nothing more than human feelings. As long as you are bullied and molested in broad daylight, you can still get some justice for yourself as long as you don’t hurt people’s lives. Of course The premise is that you can get it back for yourself.

This is the purpose of Shi Xiao.

As for people, it's normal to have a few people who don't deal with it, it's not pleasing to the eye or enemies, but this young palace master is really uncultivated, she shouldn't be used as a raft, and her words are full of insults, if Shi Xiao can bear it Then it wouldn't be her.

When Xiao Feng got close to being seduced, Shi Xiao secretly controlled the vines and pulled Xiao Feng's hand to attack him. The vines were too fast and the angle was problematic, giving outsiders the feeling that Xiao Feng was agitated and his hands were irregular. In addition to her yelling, the charge was confirmed.

Unable to endure humiliation, she would of course stand up and fight for her own breath.

Shi Xiao slapped his palm and slapped it up without hesitation. The seemingly weak palm was like a strong wind, and it struck Xiao Xiaofeng with overwhelming force.

Xiao Feng, who was reacted in time, backed away and was surprised that he was careless. The more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous he was. He actually forgot this sentence, and Xiao Fengqi's nose almost crooked.

Shi Xiao didn't give him time to react, he missed a hit, and then several vines rolled towards Xiao Feng.

The speed was too fast, only a few green lights flashed in everyone's eyes, and the man in the green shirt quickly dodged and blocked it with his scabbard.

Private fighting is not allowed in Shangyun City, let alone airing blades, which is why Xiao Feng can only use his scabbard to block them.

Xiao Feng's movement is fast enough, but his fighting power is greatly weakened without weapons. Although he cut off many vines with his palm like a knife, the more he cut, the more vines appeared, and finally countless vines killed them. Wrapped in it, and Xiao Feng didn't have time for him to use many ultimate moves at all, and it was impossible for Shi Xiao to give him time to make formulas and seals.

At the same time, seeing the Young Palace Master being attacked, several people in the company hurriedly wanted to bully him, but Lin Ying stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Do you want to cause trouble?" The cold words made several people stop the moves in their hands, glared and finally did not move.

If the private fight in the city is caught, punishing the spirit stone is a trivial matter, and I am afraid that he will be sent to the arena, and it will be difficult to figure it out at that time.

They looked anxiously at the Young Palace Master who was wrapped in green vines and could only look anxiously, but fortunately they knew that the Young Palace Master would not be in danger.

Xiao Xiaofeng's palm blade in the vines was fast enough, but he was not as fast as the number and speed of the vines, and in the end he was defeated and was hit and bound firmly.

No matter how he tried to control the spirit, the vines did not move at all. You must know that although his full strength is not as strong as ten thousand, it is equivalent to thousands of strength. He was really surprised that this seemingly inconspicuous plant was so tough.

In addition, its sudden appearance also surprised Xiao Feng. It appeared in front of him without any warning at all. This kind of speed may only be able to be achieved by the realm of Nascent Soul and above.

(End of this chapter)

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