I just want to have a good time

Chapter 465 465. Apology

Chapter 465 465. Apology
Until now, if Xiao Feng still doesn't know that the woman in front of him is not someone he can afford, he is really stupid.

As the dense vines disappeared, Xiao Feng, who was tightly bound, appeared in front of everyone with a flushed face.

The name of Palace Master Xiao Shao is quite famous in Shangyuan City, and he can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation. His combat power is also obvious to all, and he is the object of many people's pursuit.

But what they saw in front of them silenced everyone collectively, and they all looked in shock at the red-clothed female cultivator with a pale face and a stunningly cold face.

So this female cultivator has a higher level of cultivation than Young Master Xiao, no wonder she has such a good looks and dares to be alone in Shangyuan City.

Such a movement also attracted the inspection army in the city. One of them was wearing armor and a mighty soldier in armor led several people into the crowd. The arrival of the inspection army also made the onlookers back quickly. The inspectors were very afraid.

The soldier looked at the kidnapped man and frowned slightly: Why is it this one, but he still shouted, "What happened? Private fighting is not allowed in the city, you don't know."

Just when he was waving his hand to grab someone, he saw the young city lord standing on one side. He paused, and hurriedly led the person forward to salute, "Young city lord", and at the same time, he also found the beautiful beauty cultivator standing on the side. Liu Lin, a female cultivator with a charming appearance, has heard a little bit about it, and she must be this one, but he did not expect that this female cultivator has something to do with the young city lord.

"Liu Duwei." Lin Ying nodded.

Liu Lin glanced at the tied Young Master Xiao, and said, "Young City Master, this is...?"

Lin Ying: "It's not a big deal. It's because our Young Palace Master Xiao got carried away when he saw the beauty, and offended this fairy with some inappropriate words and actions, so they exchanged ideas. There was no private fight. If Liu Duwei doesn't believe it, you can ask the onlookers."

Liu Lin glanced at the master Xiao Shao, who was tightly bound by plants. This master has never been a worry-free master. It is not surprising that he did such a thing, but it seems that today he met a master.

Liu Lin lowered his hand to Lin Ying, then gave his subordinates a look, and walked towards the bound Master Xiao Shao
Although he believed in the words of the young city master, there must be some procedures, after all, it is necessary to block the mouths of Youyou.

"Young Palace Master Xiao" Liu Lin clenched his fist, "Dare to ask Young City Master Xiao whether what our Young City Master said is true."

Xiao Feng glanced at Liu Lin with a bad complexion, and said, can you have a good complexion?Today is probably the most embarrassing time for him since I was this age. The most important thing is that there are so many onlookers. I guess it will not take a moment and a half for the story of his Palace Master Xiao's defeat and being tied up to spread throughout Shangyuan City.

Xiao Feng nodded reluctantly, whether it must be, as he said before, the city lord of Shangyuan City has a high level of cultivation and is always upright.

But he remembered what happened this time, Xiao Feng took a deep look at the female cultivator who was controlling the vines.

Palace Master Xiao's nod Liu Lin was not surprised, he would nod with a little brain, and then went to the surrounding soldiers who were in charge of evidence collection to whisper with Liu Lin, and Liu Lin nodded.

Said: "Since that's the case, let's let it go this time, but Liu said one more thing, and hope that this kind of thing won't happen again." Liu Lin stared at Xiao Feng until Xiao Feng nodded, and then waved his hand and spit out "Close the team!" " Two words, nodded to Lin Ying and led the people to leave, driving away the onlookers at the same time.

Xiao Feng, who couldn't break free until he couldn't see Liu Lin and the others, looked at Shi Xiao, "Girl, it's almost there." Xiao Feng glanced at the tied plants on his body, his tone was displeased, but it was gone The former mighty.

God knows how he endured the breath in his stomach, when he was so aggrieved, but his skills are not as good as people, and he has to hold back even if he is unhappy.

"Almost, that's what you think. If the position is changed today, can I give up on my son? You just met me. If you meet someone else, will you let the son insult you like this? As the youngest of the first palace Palace Master's self-cultivation and virtue are really unflattering, it's very easy for me to let go, I apologize." Shi Xiao said lightly.

"What are you, you dare to ask the young palace master to apologize to you, I think it's..." Xiao Feng didn't say anything, his attendant couldn't help it, but he couldn't finish his sentence and was thrown out by Shi Xiao's rattan whip heavily It hit the ground, and the rest of the words were also swallowed into the stomach, leaving only a wail.

This resolute method made the other followers who wanted to speak shut up in an instant.

This girl looked soft and weak, but she didn't expect her temper to be as fiery as the clothes she was wearing. She didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the fight, which really calmed the people on Xiao Feng's side. The important thing is that you can't see when she moves at all. hand, and the cane whip was already in front of them, making them truly realize that this is a person not to be messed with.

Withdrawing the cane whip, Shi Xiao looked coldly at the monks who pretended to be powerful. It's okay to pretend to be powerful, but if you can't see the form and get beaten, you can't blame others.

Shi Xiao's gaze made several people dare not speak for a moment, knowing that the female cultivator in front of them was obviously hiding her cultivation, otherwise how could Meng Xiang's cultivation at the foundation stage be knocked down without any defense.

"Shame" Xiao Feng gave them a disgusted look, completely forgetting that he himself was also in shame.

The mountains are high and the waters are far away, there is always time for him to take revenge, but right now the hero doesn't suffer the immediate loss, so he apologizes as long as he apologizes, in fact, it is indeed his words that are rude.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have spoken rudely to the girl. If you have a lot of girls, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Now that he has decided to apologize, Xiao Feng is also free and easy, and simply apologized.

Shi Xiao didn't expect this. He thought that even if the young master apologized at the end, he should be unwilling and eccentric. She was going to teach him a good lesson. What a pity.

So Shi Xiao kept his promise and immediately let him go. The cicada-like vines on Xiao Feng's body melted, and the green light spots returned to Shi Xiao's side and disappeared soon.

Xiao Feng took a long breath, shook his sleeves, adjusted his clothes, then turned around and faced Shi Xiao again.

"Since I'm apologizing, I think the girl's atmosphere won't bother me too much. We don't know each other. I haven't asked the girl's name yet. I can't be beaten and I don't know who the attacker is, right? "Xiao Feng squeezed out a smile.

Shi Xiao said in a cold voice: "You're wrong, this girl is not arrogant at all, and she is also very stingy, and I don't want to get acquainted with you at all." How about going back to the inn to rest and eat something.

Although Lin Ying brought the trouble, he still knew that it was a man who was protecting her. Shi Xiao nodded to Lin Ying and left slowly.

After today, no one should casually strike up a conversation with her, it was an unexpected gain, thinking of this, Shi Xiao's mood gradually improved.

It wasn't until Shi Xiao's figure disappeared that Lin Ying gave Xiao Feng a cold look and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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