I just want to have a good time

Chapter 466 466. Convinced

Chapter 466 466. Convinced
Xiao Feng didn't care about Lin Ying's cold eyes at all. Although he didn't like this guy, he also knew that Lin Ying was an upright gentleman and didn't bother to do shady things behind his back.

On the contrary, watching the disappearance of the red dress, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of interest.

"Interesting" murmured, then flicked his sleeves and left without any intention of greeting the people around him.

Seeing this, the others quickly chased after him, and the sound of "Young Palace Master" was heard far away.

Shang Yuanzong.

As soon as Qin Yu left the cave where he was practicing, he saw the disciple who was assigned to inquire about Shi Xiao in Shangyuan City waiting outside.

"Any news?" Qin Yu asked, not having too much expectation in his heart, none of the female cultivators discovered by his disciples in the past hundred years was Shi Xiao.

"Yes, Young Sovereign, a female cultivator came to Shangyuan City half a month ago, she fits perfectly with the person on Young Sovereign's portrait, she is also a wood spirit root, she once made a move in the city, it is the vine that Young Sovereign described."

Hearing the word vines, Qin Yu was moved. Shi Xiao was indeed controlling the vines. Could it be true?

After waving the disciple and leaving, Qin Yu stood in front of Dongfu Mountain in silence for a long time, took out the parting letter that Shi Xiao had left for him, and finally decided to go to Shangyuan City to have a look, to know if he arrived or not.

Under Qin Yu's snapping fingers, a crane landed in front of Dongfu Mountain with a long cry, and an old man who heard the movement came along with the crane.

If Shi Xiao is here, he must recognize that he is the housekeeper Li of the house.

Butler Li bowed his head, "The young master is going out, is there any news about Miss Xiao?" Butler Li looked at Qin Yu expectantly, and then asked, "Would you like your disciples to accompany you?" "

"No, the news is not certain, you should practice hard."

"Yes" Li Butler bowed his head.

In Shangyuan City, Shi Xiao hadn't been to the bookstore for a few days, and spent most of his time in the refining shop from morning till night.

At the same time, Lin Ying and Xiao Feng, whom Shi Xiao hated to see, were also soaking in the refining shop together.

Since that day when Shi Xiao had a crush on Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng seemed to be at odds with Shi Xiao, and he was no longer with his group of cronies. He turned a blind eye to his cold face, and greeted him with a smile as if he was a different person, without the arrogance he had before.

Shi Xiao knew at a glance that this guy was holding back, and Lin Ying heard that Xiao Feng appeared beside Shi Xiao, so naturally she would not ignore things.

Originally, it was because he got Shi Xiao involved, if it wasn't for him, Xiao Feng wouldn't have troubled Shi Xiao, and the two wouldn't have met each other, so there wouldn't be anything like this now.

So the two of them showed up at the inn on time every day like a dot, Xiao Feng was looking for an opportunity to play tricks and Lin Ying was purely to watch over Xiao Feng.

In this way, Shi Xiao has two extra tails behind him, the kind that can't be shaken off, even when Shi Xiao enters the refining shop, the two of them follow together.

One is the son of the city lord and the other is the young palace lord of Xuanwu Palace, neither of them can offend, and there is no reason why no one will push the business outside.

Originally, it would be enough to hand in enough spirit stones and directly enter the rented equipment room, but what Shi Xiao wanted to enter was the forging room at the lowest level. Shi Xiao wanted to personally experience every process of the forging, only in this way can he be impressed. more profound.

Originally, the steward of the refining shop wanted to refuse. After all, there are big men in charge of forging in the forging room. The temperature in the room is extremely high, so the clothes are very cool. It is really not suitable for a delicate and beautiful woman to enter.

But looking at the two big Buddhas behind the woman, they finally agreed, uh, in fact, the most important reason is that Shi Xiao was willing to throw spirit stones, and they were all top-grade spirit stones, so the girls don't mind whoever makes them. What do you mind.

Shi Xiao just appeared in the forging room, and then the busy forging room seemed to press the pause button. The shirtless men in the room all stared wide-eyed. They saw the fairy, and then they saw the fairy Under the leadership of the steward, he came to a stove and drove away the two strong men in front of the stove.

So what is this for?
But then they knew why.

The steward smiled and said, "The fairy stove is satisfactory, if you are not satisfied, you can change it."

Shi Xiao looked at the scorching heat from the red flames in the furnace, "Yes, thank you." Shi Xiao nodded, obviously satisfied, but most people really can't adapt to this temperature.

"You're welcome, as long as the fairy doesn't dislike it." Then he shouted to the strongest man in the refining room, "Come here, come here, this fairy wants to learn forging, you can call the fairy for a few days."

"Yes, the steward." The man who called Qian Lai didn't dare to disobey his orders, and quickly agreed. Others in the refining room looked at the man enviously, and then hurriedly focused on forging weapons amidst the steward's scolding.

Shi Xiao just glanced at the shirtless men in the refining room, and treated them as if they didn't exist, completely without the shyness that women in this world should have.

Shi Xiao wanted to say: Isn't it just shirtless?Isn't it just that they are all muscular and good-looking? For people living in modern times, this is just a few more glances. If you want other reactions, I'm sorry.

"Are you still a woman?" Xiao Feng, who followed into the refining room, looked at Shi Xiao who hadn't responded anyway, and couldn't hold back his complaints.

He has learned how to make weapons, but the place where he studied is a separate forging room. He has never been in this kind of forging room mixed with various flavors. He is disgusting enough for a big man, but Shi Xiao has no reaction at all. .

What Shi Xiao did in the next few days completely refreshed his understanding of women, not only for him but also for Lin Ying.

Under the professor of Qian Lai, a big man, Shi Xiao personally started from the first day.

A hammer weighing tens of kilograms is indeed not heavy, but if you are allowed to swing a hammer weighing tens of kilograms for an hour, you will know whether it is heavy or not.

But this girl seemed to be okay, and she waved it continuously for an hour on the first day. Although the results of the forging were not satisfactory, everyone in the forging room was stunned by this strength alone.

There is one in the forging room, and it is very good for the first time among these big men to contact forging for the first time, they can persist for a quarter of an hour with their own strength.

Hearing the admiration for Shi Xiao from all over the room, Xiao Feng didn't believe in evil, so he rented another stove in the afternoon to forge tools with Shi Xiao.

In the first few decades, Xiao Fengjue was just doing the same thing and was not tired at all. Isn’t it just wielding a hammer to forge the embryo? Is there any difficulty?

But when he was pounding a hundred times, Xiao Feng's body started to heat up. After a quarter of an hour, his clothes were soaked. After two quarters of an hour, his arms were sore and weak. After three quarters of an hour, he finally couldn't hold on and couldn't lift the iron in his hand again. Hammer, sitting slumped on the side of the stove, at this moment he truly admired Shi Xiao from the bottom of his heart.

Although Lin Ying looked down on Xiao Feng's behavior, she really admired the durability of Shi Xiao's power, and became interested in forging tools. He also wanted to know how the durability of his power was.

So he directly picked up the hammer that Xiao Feng threw on the side of the furnace and swung it. Xiao Feng curled his lips but didn't say anything in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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