I just want to have a good time

Chapter 467 467. Success, leave

Chapter 467 467. Success, leave
Lin Ying's initial experience was no different from Xiao Feng's, but as time went on, her arms became more and more sore and weak, and in the end, she only persisted for half an hour longer than Xiao Feng, but Lin Ying was already very satisfied, beating Xiao Feng. The wind is fine, as for Shi Xiao, he is a pervert who is even more perverted than a man, there is no comparison at all.

Lin Ying was satisfied and Xiao Feng was not happy anymore. Originally, he was unhappy that Lin Ying's cultivation level was higher than his, so he made trouble for him everywhere.

At this time, even the forging tool was not as stubborn as he came up all of a sudden, after a short rest, Xiao Feng took a breath and held the hammer again.

In this way, Yi Yi persevered, and Lin Ying did not show weakness, and also persevered after renting a stove.

The rivalry between the two didn't affect Shi Xiao at all, and he didn't want to talk to them. The behavior of the two young people who don't know how old they are is almost no different from that of kindergarten children.

Shi Xiao is obsessed with the tempering of weapons. He feels the difference between each hammer when he swings the hammer. He is proficient in different tempering methods at each stage. Every day will bring Shi Xiao new experiences and gains. There are a lot of benefits. not coming.

Also rewarding is Lin Ying and Xiao Feng, because the two are very competitive, and neither of them wants to lose to the other, so neither of them wants to put down the hammer to break through their limits every time, and then in this infinite loop , the cultivation of the two of them loosened inexplicably, and they wanted to break through.

Especially Xiao Feng's realm has been in the late stage of foundation establishment for several years, and he is only one step away from the Great Perfection, but he doesn't feel the opportunity to break through at all.

But this time, after only staying in the refining room for a few days, he had this faint feeling, which really surprised him.

In the last remaining days, Xiao Feng was more active, even though Shi Xiao had finished his trials in the refining room, he did not leave.

Lin Ying also did not leave. Every time she used up her last bit of strength to reach the limit, and then performed the exercises, Lin Ying was pleasantly surprised by the energy returned.

At the same time, he also realized that the self who he thought was hardworking enough in the past was not as hardworking as he seemed.

At this time, Shi Xiao has entered the independent refining room, where he can only rely on himself for everything.

With the experience in the qi training room, Shi Xiao, who was alone in the weapon refining room, did not feel flustered at all, and moved step by step according to the method of forging, step by step to truly forge the first weapon that she personally forged in her life.

First of all, choose the material, the most common black iron in the cultivation world, and then put it into the furnace, refine it, which is a process of forging, commonly known as blacksmithing, and then forge the prototype of the weapon according to your own needs, or join the formation according to your own needs. method, and then into the furnace, the last thing that appears is the finished product.

If the step-by-step process does not make mistakes, the worst result can create a profound weapon in the secular world.

Shi Xiao is quite confident about this.

In this way, Shi Xiao stayed in the refining room for several days and nights, constantly tempering the sword-shaped embryo in his hand. After taking the shape, she finally created a satisfactory shape, and carefully engraved the formation that endows the sword embryo with spiritual power on the sword embryo. If the materials are complete, she can add the nucleus crystal of the spirit beast to the sword embryo formation. , can increase the spirituality of the sword to a greater extent, and it is even possible to create treasures.

Shi Xiao didn't have this thing, but Zetian Palace had it. After choosing for a while, she finally chose a python-tiger core crystal with foundation building skills to insert into the formation.

After everything was ready, Shi Xiao returned the sword embryo to the furnace, then cooled it again, and a weapon was forged.

After the intense whistling sound of white smoke, a long sword with a black body but a faint brilliance came out of the water, and waves of sharp military spirit rushed towards her face. Shi Xiao was pleasantly surprised, so she It was a success.

In order to verify that Shi Xiao took out an ordinary profound weapon and struck it, the mysterious weapon broke immediately, that is to say, this sword should be above the profound weapon, regardless of its grade, she could create a successful weapon for the first time. very satisfied.

The next step is to get it appraised by the appraiser of the sword shop. If the finished product reaches the level of spirit weapon, the appraiser is also a qualified first-grade weapon refiner.

After appraisal, this sword is three feet long, the sword body is black, and the long sword with a vine pattern engraved on the sword body has indeed reached the level of spiritual weapons. Not only that, it is also a high-level spiritual tool. The device is proper.

However, this also surprised the appraisers of the crafts shop. You must know that this female cultivator has only been in the crafts shop for less than half a month, and she can forge a long sword with a high-level spiritual weapon. In the art of refining, the aptitude is already quite good, which immediately made this craftsman cherish his talent.

"Girl, although Chu is an appraiser in the crafting shop, he is also a fifth-grade crafting master in the crafting association. Seeing that the girl is very qualified, Chu does not know if she has any idea of ​​joining the crafting association,"

Shi Xiao was taken aback by what the appraiser said. She didn't expect someone to hand her an olive branch. Shi Xiao had heard of the Artifact Refining Association, and those who wanted to join the Artifact Refining Association had to pass the examination and reach the level of a second-rank Artifact Refiner. Only then did he have the qualification to join the Artifact Refining Association, and Shi Xiao never thought about joining here at all.

However, once the refiner joins the refiner, some resources will be distributed for free according to the level, which is why the refiner will rush to join the refiner.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Once you join the Refining Association, it is equivalent to being affixed with the trademark of the Refining Association. Everything must be considered in the interests of the Refining Association. Every year, you must complete the tasks given by the Refining Association according to the grade. Although it will not restrict freedom, it will definitely be restricted, which is not what Shi Xiao wants.

Shi Xiao knew that this appraiser had good intentions and cherished his talents. Although she was not planning to join, she still smiled at him and said politely: "Thank you for your kindness, I have no thoughts about this for the time being." After finishing speaking, she bowed Body nods.

Chu Yuan was not surprised. After all, female craftsmen are too rare, and even fewer can go to high places. He was not disappointed even if he cherished his talents for a while. Those who change their minds can come to me here."

Shi Xiao nodded, "OK".

"I wonder if the girl with this sword is for sale?"

Shi Xiao shook her head, this is her first finished casting, it has a different meaning, it is definitely impossible to sell it.

Chu Yuan knew this kind of result before the questioning, but it was necessary to ask about the responsibility, so Chu Yuan nodded and left.

Then Shi Xiao went through the formalities of quitting the lease, and left the refining shop, completely forgetting that there were still two people in the refining room.

In other words, even if I haven't forgotten, and I won't have too much intersection with him, these two people are really troublesome.

Holding his first finished sword, Shi Xiao left the refining shop and prepared to go straight back to the inn.

She hadn't rested for several days and nights. Although she didn't feel too sleepy physically, she was told psychologically that she needed to have a good meal and then have a good sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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