Chapter 469
"Why, I like to watch you eat." Qin Yu said with a light smile.

Shi Xiao froze for a moment, sure enough a hundred years had not been in vain, Qin Yu's character seemed to have really changed, he couldn't say such things before.

Shi Xiao is really worried right now, whether he will be rejected if he asks Qin Yu for help later.

If it really doesn't work, Shi Xiao may have to consider the olive branch extended by the Artifact Refining Association.

It seems that there will be a certain number of places in the Association of Opportunities to study in prestigious colleges every year. These are all the news she got in the bookstore during this period of time. As for the authenticity, she has not verified it.

But where there is no wind, there are no waves, there should be some shadows.

"I'm a little embarrassed by what Brother Qin said." Shi Xiao smiled.

But you are acting a little embarrassed!
Hearing that the smile in Qin Yu's eyes deepened, Shi Xiao's temperament didn't seem to have changed at all, which is great.

At this time, the waiter in the lobby began to quickly clean up the mess on the table under Shi Xiao's gesture. After a while, the table was as clean as new, and a pot of spiritual tea was served again.

"Brother Qin, why did you come here?" Shi Xiao looked like a curious baby.

Qin Yu lightly touched the teacup, and said slowly: "It's just a coincidence, I happened to have something to do and went back to the house, and then I heard that a beautiful woman came to the city, she felt a bit like you, so I came to have a look, I didn't expect me My intuition is quite accurate, it's really you."

"It's really a coincidence. I was still wondering if I could meet Brother Qin? I didn't expect Brother Qin to appear." Shi Xiao thought deeply.

"By the way, how long can Brother Qin stay in Shangyuan City this time?" This was Shi Xiao's most concerned question.

Qin Yu: "There is no specific date for this. I just left the customs not long ago, and I have nothing to do in the near future after finishing my work. It should be as long as I want to stay."

Qin Yu gave an ambiguous answer.

Hearing this, Shi Xiao was relieved. If Qin Yu really had something to do and left, she would be ashamed to ask Qin Yu for help. She couldn't delay others' own affairs because of her affairs.

Therefore, the smile became brighter and more beautiful, making people unable to move their eyes away. The continuous breathing sound from around could tell how powerful this smile was.

However, under Qin Yu's intentional coercion, the inhalation sound disappeared instantly.

As before, Shi Xiao still looked unaware. Qin Yu had expected it a long time ago, so he blatantly released his coercion.

"Brother Qin, drink tea." When he was happy, Shi Xiao graciously helped Qin Yu store the tea.

"Okay, but don't be too busy. If you want to drink, I will add it myself." Qin Yu pressed Shi Xiao's hand to refill the water, but immediately released it, Shi Xiao didn't think much about it.

He said again: "Shi Xiao, when did you come to Shangyuan City? Didn't you visit the house?"

If he had gone to the mansion, he would have known about Shi Xiao's coming to Shangyuan City earlier.

Shi Xiao: "I thought about it, but I didn't go in the end. After thinking about it for so long, I'm afraid that things will go wrong."

Qin Yu nodded. Indeed, the servants in the house should have changed several batches. Steward Li left the house to join Shang Yuanzong after ten years of Shi Xiao's departure. It is normal for Shi Xiao to have such thoughts.

Qin Yu: "How long are you going to leave home this time?"

"I should stay for a while longer. In fact, I came out this time to experience life more. Speaking of which, I have something to discuss with Brother Qin."

How could Shi Xiaozheng worry about opening his mouth, but Qin Yu didn't expect Qin Yu to take the initiative to pass the words over.

Qin Yu glanced at Shi Xiao, and was a little curious. What could Shi Xiao discuss with him? Could it be that he wanted to join Shang Yuanzong.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yu asked.

"I want to study in Yuancheng College."

Qin Yu was surprised, "Academic?"

"Yes" Shi Xiao looked at Qin Yu firmly.

"Why do you suddenly want to enter the academy? If you want to study, joining the sect has more resources than the academy." Qin Yu sincerely hopes that Shi Xiao can join Shang Yuanzong, so that he can take care of him nearby.

Of course Shi Xiao has considered this issue, sects are good and have abundant resources, but Shi Xiao really doesn't need these resources, they are all available in Zetian Temple.

What she needs now is a place where she can learn everything, otherwise how can she train teachers of various subjects.

Thinking about how tired I really am, I can be comfortable, but I put such a heavy burden on myself.

What to say, it's all to make the base better.

Shi smiled and shook his head, "Brother Qin, the sect is certainly good, but I can't join, and I can't stay for too long, I always have to go home."

"Brother Qin, if it's difficult, just pretend I didn't say it."

Qin Yu thought for a moment, then said, "It's really decided."

"Hmm." "Brother Qin, is there a way?" Shi Xiao looked at Qin Yu hopefully.

Qin Yu nodded. Of course there is a way. Shangyuan Academy was originally founded by Shang Yuanzong and Shangyuancheng. He, the young master of Shangyuanzong, is still capable in the academy.

"Really, that's great." The happy Shi Xiao's beautiful eyes instantly turned into crescent moons.

"Brother Qin, come have some more tea." When he was happy, Shi Xiao couldn't help refilling Qin Yu's tea.

On the other side, Lin Ying, who put down the hammer in the refining shop, and Xiao Feng, who heard the news that Shi Xiao had left, and the two who didn't see eye to eye, snorted coldly and left the crafting shop respectively.

Xiao Feng originally wanted to go back and change his clothes before rushing to the inn where Shi Xiao lives, and continue to make things difficult for this girl. Who made him lose face before, but he can only use this method to make things difficult after being beaten again and again.

But before he changed his clothes, Xiao Feng felt a familiar feeling and immediately sat down cross-legged. After years of being stuck in the late stage of foundation establishment, he was finally about to break through.

The moment Xiao Feng sat down, he decided to write off his grievances with Shi Xiao. The breakthrough this time was really because of her.

Here, Shi Xiao and Qin Yu chatted for more than half an hour in the lobby of the inn, but from the smile on his brow and eyes, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood.

Qin Yu frowned when he heard that Shi Xiao hadn't heard from him for many days, and interrupted Shi Xiao for the first time.

"You haven't rested for so many days, you go to rest first, I just go to do something."

"Alright, I'll just live in this inn, brother Qin just ask me to come here." Shi Xiao really wanted to rest.

"Well, take a good rest, I'll come back tomorrow."

As Qin Yu got up with a slight smile, Shi Xiao also got up and sent her to the outside of the inn, and then she returned to the room after solving a big problem, and went back to the space to have a good sleep.

Qin Yu, who had left over there, ran directly to Yuancheng College, found the dean's office, and helped Shi Xiao settle the matter of admission.

When Shi Xiao heard the news the next day, she was so happy that she invited Qin Yu to have a good meal.

In order to thank him for taking out a few rare spiritual plants from Zetian Temple, Qin Yu, who wanted to refuse, watched Shi Xiao's insistence and finally accepted them all. He had experienced this girl's stubbornness before.

As for why Shi Xiao was able to take out these things, Qin Yu didn't want to explore at all, just keep some things in his heart.

One month later, Shi Xiao entered the school, accompanied by Qin Yu, and it was at this time that Shi Xiao discovered that Qin Yu had actually served as a guest teacher of the academy.

This made Shi Xiao think a lot, feeling a little guilty, she didn't want Qin Yu to lose his freedom just because he wanted to study in the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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