I just want to have a good time

Chapter 470 470. Assessment

Chapter 470 470. Assessment
Later, it was Qin Yu who found out that he was relieved to relax.

Knowing that it was not in exchange, Shi Xiao also let go of the burden in his heart, studied hard in the academy, and worked hard to absorb knowledge.

Qin Yu was also in the fifth year of the academy, he left the academy and returned to the sect, saying that he was on a mission.

In this way, Shi Xiao studied in the academy for ten years, and voluntarily left the team during an experience and returned to reality.

"Smile, mom is talking to you, what are you thinking?"

Mama Shi looked at her daughter who had been silent, interrupting her thoughts.

"Ah... I'm listening, my mother, don't worry about it so much, you should care more about Sissi, she is about to give birth, and you will be busy in the future."

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you talk about your life's major events, you kid will hit me haha, but this time, you have to take it to my heart. Do you hear me?" Shi Ma obviously didn't intend to let Shi Xiao go, and glared at Shi Xiao. she.

"Oh my mother, I got it, I got it, don't think about it so much, you won't be pretty any more." Shi Xiao hugged his own mother and quickly agreed, and if she didn't agree, her ears wouldn't be able to relax.

Song Qian ate the fruit, giggled at the helpless appearance of her best friend and elder sister, her face was full of gloating.

Looking at it like this, Shi Xiao's hands were itchy, but when he looked at Qianxi's big belly, he had to bear it no matter how itchy.

At this time, "I'm back" came in the voice of Shi Yuren who had been working all day before he arrived.

Father Shi heard his son's voice and hurried to the kitchen.

Shi Xiao swung his palm at his younger brother who entered the room the moment Shi Yu came in, but Shi Yu turned around quickly and dodged it.

The two siblings started fighting with fists and kicks, which meant that the living room at home was big enough, otherwise they really wouldn't be able to use it.

Shi Ma and Song Qian were as excited as watching a blockbuster movie, and had no worries at all.

This kind of thing happened almost every day after Sissy got a big belly.

The sound of the fight attracted the two children who were doing their homework in the room. They were more excited than the two who were fighting, clapping their hands and cheering.

And every ending ended with Shi Yu admitting defeat and cheating.

"Sister, why did Qian Qian mess with you again?" Shi Yu sat on the ground and looked at her sister weakly.

"It's nothing, just laughing at me." Shi Xiao clapped his hands, feeling comfortable after venting.

Shi Yu was speechless, "..." Because of this.

I really don't know who is pregnant?It is said that pregnant women have volatile tempers, and my sister's temper is even more volatile than pregnant women, and he is the one who is unlucky every time.

Shi Yu, who got up, looked at his mother and wife who were happy on the sofa, especially when he saw his wife Gao Song's belly, and immediately felt that it was bad luck, and it was worth it to make his mother and wife happy.

Regardless of the sound of his father calling him to eat, he first used a dedusting technique on himself, and then sat down beside his wife.

"Honey, how do you feel today? Be good, my child."

"I'm fine, and the child is also very good." Song Qian let Shi Yu rub her stomach, and said happily.

"That's good, babies, dad is back, come say hello to dad." Shi Yu was attached to Song Qian's stomach and communicated with the babies in her stomach in a serious manner. With a kick, Shi Yu's eyes lit up instantly.

"Okay, hurry up and eat something. After eating, I have time for you to communicate with your babies." Shi Ma patted her son lightly and urged.

In the past two days, Shi Yu has been very busy at the base because of recruiting students, how can a mother not feel distressed.

"Go quickly," Song Qian also urged.

"Okay." Shi Yu stood up like a stream of kindness, and he was indeed hungry.


The next day, Shi Xiao and Shi Yu left home together.

For such an important matter as enrolling students in Xiaoxuanyuan, it's fine if she, the principal, doesn't show up usually, but how could she not show up today.

Shi Yu forced her to dress neatly and set off early in the morning.

The address of Xiaoxuanyuan is not difficult to find. It is located in an abandoned middle school in the town. On this basis, some buildings have been added, and the area has also expanded a lot. It is surrounded by guards. famous brand.

But today is a special day, the guard formation of Xuanyuan was closed early in the morning, and hundreds of guards from the base were stationed around the academy.

At this moment, almost all the students waiting for the exam in the various bases were waiting outside the Xuanyuan early, waiting for the gate of the Xuanyuan to open.

When Shi Xiao arrived, he saw such a scene, and everyone waited eagerly for the gate of Xuanyuan to open.

Smiling at the familiar people in the team, Shi Xiao quickly walked into the academy.

A moment later, the door of the college was opened, which also meant that this year's enrollment officially started.

There are three exams in total, the first one is the assessment of the talent level and talent, and the second one is the phantom array, which is the assessment of the students' mental quality.

The third round is also a formation, which is a kind of phantom formation. Take the ladder, as long as you can reach this level and persist for a certain period of time, you will be admitted.

All three are indispensable for admitted students. Even if the talent is excellent, but the quality of mind is not enough, the college will still not admit it. The college is very stuck on this point.

It seems that each base has sent thousands of students, but in fact only half of them can be admitted.

Every student is going all out and wants to study in the college. There are not many such opportunities. Maybe they only have this chance in their life. No one wants to give up.

A day passed in a blink of an eye, and the students who took the exam all returned to their respective base team leaders, and the results would not be known until the next day.

It was rare for Shi Xiao to stay in school for such a long time, until the results of the enrollment came out.

"There are a few more good seedlings this time than last year, and some of them have even completed the ladder. Not to mention other things, just this perseverance alone makes people look at it differently."

As one of the teachers of the college, Su Yiyuan had endured for a whole day, and now he couldn't help it anymore, and said to the two bosses.

"Well, it's not bad." With this kind of perseverance, Shi Xiao is quite optimistic about these children.

"Okay, you can figure out the rest, I'm leaving" Shi Xiao said, then looked at Yan Xu beside him, "Brother Yan, together?"

Yan Xu nodded with a smile, took a step forward and took Shi Xiao's hand, and walked out of the office in full view.

Shi Xiao looked at his little hand that was being held tightly and smiled. It felt really good to be held, maybe it was time to consider marriage as mother said.

The Shihe base is not much lethal and powerful thermal weapons, but it has all kinds of talismans. The power of high-grade talismans is no less than that of thermal weapons. There are also various formations, supernatural powers and warriors. powerful.

Her original idea of ​​protecting her family has not only been realized, but also exceeded, so there is nothing to worry about.

The two of them walked slowly towards Shijia Village in the starry night, Yan Xu's hands were tightly held.

An hour later, the two of them walked back to Shijia Village without saying a word and stopped behind the village. Shi Xiao looked at the man who had been guarding her all the time, made up his mind and smiled brightly.

"Yan Xu, do you have anything to say to me? If you have nothing to say, then I will speak." Shi Xiao smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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