Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 102 Wang Lei is indeed rich

Chapter 102 Wang Lei is indeed rich
As Wang Minghui's words 'roared' out, the other villagers standing around were also startled.

"My God, how is this possible? It costs more than 100 million to build a road in the village..."

"No, let me calm down, how many zeros do I need after this one million? I have to do the"

"I used to think that it would not cost much to build a road..."

Jiang Hao looked at the exclaimed and astonished expressions of the surrounding villagers, smiled wryly, and said, "Everyone, you don't need to question the cost. Asphalt road construction is already expensive, not to mention that you not only have to build this main road in the village, but To connect with the road outside, this has virtually increased the cost."

"Mr. Wang has just said that changing the material of road construction from asphalt to cement can greatly reduce a lot of costs, but you can rest assured that I, Jiang Hao, hereby promise to all the folks and elders that I will use cement to build roads. , the quality will never be worse than that of asphalt roads!"

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Wang Minghui stood beside him and nodded repeatedly, supporting Wang Lei's decision very much. He was afraid that if he expressed his opinion a second later, Wang Lei would switch back to using the expensive asphalt road.

"How much does it cost to use cement roads?"

After learning about the astonishing construction cost of Bituminu Road just now, Wang Minghui is now very concerned about the price of cement road construction.

As Wang Minghui raised his question, the villagers who were standing around screaming in surprise instantly quieted down and turned their eyes to Jiang Hao. Just like Wang Minghui, their eyes were full of tension and apprehension.

Looking at the nervousness of the surrounding villagers, Jiang Hao signaled the big guy to rest assured, thought for a while, and gave a general reference cost: "Using cement can save half the money compared to asphalt, and it will cost about 70 million..."

When Jiang Hao finished speaking, Wang Minghui staggered two steps.

The surrounding villagers were all pale at this moment.

"My God... Didn't you say that using cement to build roads can reduce the construction cost? Why do you still need 70 to [-] yuan!"

"This... this is not a small sum..."

"It seems that this road in our village cannot be repaired..."

Wang Minghui smiled wryly in his heart. He thought that using cheap cement for road construction would be able to afford the required expenses, but when Jiang Hao told the cost, Wang Minghui's heart skipped a beat, like a boulder sinking into the bottom of the sea.

"It's too expensive..."

The villager smiled wryly. For a poor village with an annual income of only tens of thousands of yuan, the 70 million yuan needed to repair the cement road is an astronomical figure.

"If we want to develop, we must first build the roads! Since the use of cement roads is already the lowest cost, I think the whole village should be mobilized to raise funds!"

"Yes! This is the only way now..."

"The big guy finally sees the hope of development in Wang Lei. Now we must not be scared by the cost and shrink back. I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf. The big guy tightens the waistband again. When the road is repaired, we can go on the road. Under the leadership of Wang Lei, we are living a good life..."

Wang Lei, who had been standing by the side without speaking, was moved when he heard the decisions made by the surrounding villagers.

How long has it been since I said that I want to lead the villagers to make a fortune, and the villagers support me so much now.

Watching the surrounding villagers making decisions continuously, Wang Lei slowly smiled.

He waved his hands at the many villagers in front of him and said, "Don't worry, folks and elders. As I said before, I will repair the roads in our village, so I will definitely not let the big guys pay a penny."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, Wang Minghui, who was standing beside him, shivered twice, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Wang Lei.

He secretly tugged at the corner of Wang Lei's clothes, and said in a low voice: "You are stupid, although you earned 50 yuan in the hands of the Fuhong Group by relying on the super fruits you bred, but now what you need to build cement roads is 70 million RMB! Even if you put all the money you earned from Fuhong Group into it, it’s still not enough!”

Standing beside him, Jiang Hao smiled wryly after hearing Wang Minghui's scolding of Wang Lei at the beginning of the period. He just wanted to explain that Wang Lei had a large amount of RMB in his hands, but then he heard that Wang Lei actually made 50 yuan by selling fruits. Jiang Hao couldn't maintain his composure for a moment.

His face was terrified.

"In such a poor place, you can earn 50 yuan from the Fuhong Group by selling fruits...this..."

There was a huge wave in Jiang Hao's heart, and he felt that his outlook on life had been washed away at this moment.

Fuhong Group is a commercial giant in Huahai City, ordinary things will not be seen by such a terrifying existence, let alone ordinary people who make money from Fuhong Group, whether they can cooperate with this commercial giant or not A serious unknown yet.

But the farmer in front of him was able to earn 50 RMB from the business giant Fuhong Group...

Jiang Hao was speechless.

Now I know why the female secretary of the chairman of Fuhong Group tried her best to curry favor with the farmer in front of me when she was in Huahai City.


Jiang Hao expressed his sincere admiration to Wang Lei.

At the same time, on Wang Lei's side, he shrugged lightly at Wang Minghui and said aloud: "Dad, I made 100 million in the city just now, so the funds to build roads in the village are very important for the current situation." It's not difficult for me at all."

Wang Lei's words exploded in the surrounding crowd like a blockbuster.

"What? You made 100 million yuan in Huahai City just now? Aren't all the super fruits you cultivated sold out? What else do you use to make money..."

"Yeah, Wang Lei, don't make us happy!"

"Your kindness has been taken by you, you can't bear the burden of road construction alone, let's raise funds together..."

Hearing the dissuasion from the surrounding villagers, Wang Lei slowly smiled, turned his head to look at Jiang Hao, and said aloud, "Please explain to the elders present."

Following Wang Lei's words, the villagers of Wang Village standing around turned their attention to Jiang Hao.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two people in front of them, the atmosphere of the villagers gradually changed.

Everyone stared at Jiang Hao nervously, and their eyes kept moving in front of the big boss with a net worth of hundreds of thousands and the villager.

"Haha, you heard me right just now, Mr. Wang has indeed 'earned' 100 million yuan in Huahai City!"

Jiang Hao laughed to the tense villagers of Wang Village around him.

(End of this chapter)

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