Chapter 103 Willow Dark Flower Bright Another Village

In fact, Jiang Hao really wanted to say that Wang Lei's 100 million RMB was stolen from the general manager of Sun's construction company, but he saw that the surrounding villagers treated Wang Lei like a god.If I really tell the truth about the matter, I am afraid that I will provoke public outrage on the spot.

After thinking about it, Jiang Hao can only describe the 100 million RMB in the hands of the farmer in front of him as earned by him.

Following Jiang Hao's words, it was tantamount to a blockbuster falling in the middle of the crowd.

"What? I made 100 million yuan in Huahai City!"

"My God, this is too scary..."

"Wang Lei has only been in Huahai City for how long, and he has earned 100 million yuan... How is he making money here? He is simply using a rake to get money out of the money pile!"

"It's really unbelievable, amazing..."

The villagers around Wang Lei exclaimed, unable to hide the shock and excitement on their faces.

In terms of the current development of Wangcun, it is already the limit for the whole village to earn 20 yuan a year, but the farmer in front of him has earned 100 million yuan in Huahai City by himself. The fruit of five years of labor by all the villagers in Yuwang Village.

At this time, the villagers all stared at Wang Lei with the eyes of evildoers.

His eyes were full of envy and admiration, and he wished he could kneel in front of Wang Lei on the spot and ask the farmer to teach him how to make money.

Some people even wished to control Wang Lei and rob him on the ground, so that he could become a millionaire in an instant.

Looking at the astonished expressions of the surrounding villagers, Jiang Hao smiled wryly in his heart.

Who says it's not, Wang Lei's money-making speed is really terrifying.What made Jiang Hao even more speechless was that Wang Lei beat up the general manager of Sun's Construction Company. Instead of getting revenge from the general manager, he even gave 100 million RMB with both hands, which made Jiang Hao envious of Wang Lei. hatred.

But Jiang Hao also knows very well that not everyone can 'earn' 100 million yuan from the general manager of Sun's Construction Company. The root cause of the beating of the general manager of his construction company was still able to get 100 million yuan.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations around him, Wang Lei stretched out his hand to touch his chin, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, glanced at the elders and elders in the surrounding Wang Village, and then said aloud: "Everyone, now you should be responsible for my road construction alone. Are there any objections to all the expenses?"

Following Wang Lei's words, the surrounding noisy villagers of Wangcun fell silent as if they had received a unified password.

These villagers all stared at Wang Lei, their eyes were full of self-deprecating wry smiles and envy for Wang Lei.

"Hey, I didn't expect this little guy to be able to bear this huge sum of money alone at such a young age..."

"Back when I was the same age as him, I couldn't even keep up with him for a fraction of a month..."

"Who says it's not? When I was at this age, I still reached out to the housekeeper for money."

"You are really young and promising. You are awesome. You have earned so much money at such a young age. I can guarantee that Wang Lei's achievements in the future will be limitless..."

Amidst the low-pitched discussions of these Wang Village villagers, Wang Minghui's face was full of proud smiles, and he secretly rejoiced that he made the most correct decision at the beginning and raised Wang Lei regardless of all pressures, and now he finally saw the rewards from Wang Lei , Wang Minghui looked at the villagers around him staring at him, feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

However, Wang Minghui sighed secretly in his heart, it would be great if the boy in front of him was his own...

Staring at Wang Lei for a moment, Wang Minghui began to fantasize about the identities of his adopted son's biological parents, who could inherit this excellent gene from Wang Lei.

Thinking of this, Wang Minghui shook his head. It has been more than 20 years, and no one has come to recognize Wang Lei, and he doesn't know whether his biological parents are still there...

"Okay everyone, now the big guys already know my son's strength, and it's normal for the big guys to be hit a little bit now, but you have to know that Wang Lei is very talented, and you can't compare with it. You don't need to be depressed , Now that Wang Lei has decided to stay in our Wang Village for development, I believe that under his leadership, it won't take long for the pockets of the big guys to bulge."

Wang Minghui smiled at the villagers around him.

He opened his mouth again and said, "Now that Wang Lei has decided to bear all the costs of road construction alone, let him do it alone."

After Wang Minghui finished saying this, the villagers of Wang Village around Wang Lei all reacted with shame on their faces.

But it can only be nodded slowly.The worries about funding for the construction of cement roads just now completely disappeared.

"Yeah, this will trouble Wang Lei."

"Hey, the life of the big guys is very tight. Now the village is going to build roads, and the big guys are also powerless and can't help at all. Wang Lei, don't blame us big guys..."

Listening to the words of the villagers and elders around, and looking at everyone's ashamed faces, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said aloud: "I, Wang Lei, are already very happy to be able to help the big guy. This is my good fortune. How could I blame the big guy?" Well, well, everyone is gone now, I have to take Big Brother Jiang around the village to have a look at the next road construction plan in detail."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, the villagers of Wang Village around him nodded and then gradually dispersed.

Standing beside Wang Lei, Jiang Hao saw all the villagers' attitudes towards Wang Lei, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Wang Lei.

After a moment of silence, he asked aloud, "I think your village is not very big. There is only a fruit forest at the head of the village. Did you really earn 50 yuan by planting fruit trees?"

Under the watchful eyes of this big boss with a net worth of hundreds of thousands, the farmer standing in front of him shrugged lightly and said aloud: "To be specific, I should have earned 100 million. Those fruits sold to Fuhong Group It’s just a small part of them, and most of them were bought by Zhou Ting, the general manager of Zhou’s Fruit in the city.”

Wang Lei's words made the big boss with hundreds of thousands of dollars swallow hard.

"I rely on... the fruit forest of less than ten acres of land, let you earn 100 million yuan at once. What kind of fruit are you cultivating? This is simply gold..."

"Hehe, now I finally know why the Fuhong Group, which dominates Huahai City, is trying so hard to curry favor with you, a farmer, amazing!"

Listening to Jiang Hao's words, Wang Lei slightly raised his eyebrows with a proud face.

Said aloud: "Okay, you have plenty of time to envy me in the future, act quickly now, if you continue to babble, then I can leave the work of road construction to others!"

 Recommend the finished book: "The Strongest Farmer", the story of leading farmers to get rich


(End of this chapter)

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