Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 105 Filling the Pond

Chapter 105 Filling the Pond

Following Wang Yangtian's words, Wang Shaogang's face was full of embarrassment.

Although he is much older than Wang Lei, his achievements are far inferior to his cousin.

Three years ago, Wang Lei was able to flourish in Donghai City. Three years later, Wang Lei's achievements are still impressive.

"Dad, don't make fun of me anymore. I've worked hard these years, but people are different. Wang Lei can't be treated with the eyes of ordinary people. He's like a monster. Think about it. Surpassing him is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky."

Wang Shaogang smiled wryly at Wang Yangtian who was standing in front of him, and sighed in his heart, full of envy and jealousy towards Wang Lei.

I wish I could switch my mind with that monster Wang Lei, and then allow myself to achieve a series of amazing results.

At this time, Wang Yangtian, who was sighing, heard Wang Shaogang's words, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and almost subconsciously raised his head to look at Wang Shaogang, clapped his hands, and said aloud: "Oh, you Look at me, I'm so envious of Wang Lei's achievements, I almost forgot an important thing!"

Wang Yangtian's astonishment and self-reproach made Wang Shaogang startled, he raised his head almost subconsciously, and carefully looked at the old man who had struggled in poverty for many years in front of him.

As a son of man, Wang Shaogang understood Wang Yangtian's character very clearly.Normally, he wouldn't be so startled at all, but now that Wang Yangtian behaved like this, something must have happened.Immediately, he asked Wang Yangtian suspiciously: "Dad, what kind of crazy idea did your old man come up with?"

Wang Shaogang's words made Wang Yangtian stare angrily, and then said: "Of course it has something to do with making our family live a better life. Although we can't compare with that monster Wang Lei, don't forget, In the spring of next year, the people in our village will follow Wang Lei in planting fruit trees and take the road of cultivating fruits to make a fortune."

"Now we have to think about this aspect. While Jiang Hao is leading people to build roads in the village, I plan to let him fill up our pond and use it for transplanting fruit trees in the spring of next year. The area for planting fruit trees is large. Well, wouldn't our family's income be inflated in this way?"

Wang Shaogang stood beside him, listening to Wang Yangtian's words, his eyebrows twitched rapidly.

Some time ago, Wang Lei cultivated ten acres of fruit, and he was able to earn the fruits of five years of hard work by the whole village.For the price of the super fruit cultivated by Wang Lei, Wang Shaogang was speechless.

Now the village has finally seen the hope of making a fortune by planting fruit trees in Wang Lei. There is no reason not to take the opportunity to make comprehensive preparations.

"Yes! Dad, you are really thoughtful now! As long as we increase the planting area of ​​fruit trees, we can increase our family's income in the coming year!"

"Let's go find Jiang Hao now!"

After Wang Shaogang said this, he hurriedly turned around and walked outside.

For these years, Wang Shaogang has been working alone in other places, and there is not much left after the income he gets every year after eating and drinking. After seeing Wang Lei make a lot of money by relying on the super fruit he cultivated some time ago, Wang Shaogang realized that if he followed If you continue to 'eat and drink' outside as before, you will be left far behind by Wang Lei.

Now he has decided to stay in the village and follow Wang Lei to develop.

Seeing Wang Shaogang's hurried back, Wang Yangtian smiled, and then he laughed and followed him leisurely.

A few minutes later, Wang Shaogang found Jiang Hao who was talking with Wang Lei among the busy construction crowd. The 28-year-old young man walked towards Jiang Hao without any hesitation.

"Boss Jiang, are you busy now?"

Before Wang Shaogang could reach Jiang Hao, he hurriedly asked.

Wang Lei looked back, saw the excitement on Wang Shaogang's face, and was slightly taken aback.Over the years, he had dealt with Wang Shaogang a lot, and Wang Lei knew exactly what this cousin was like.

Now that Wang Shaogang came over in a hurry, he must have encountered something and asked Jiang Hao for help, otherwise, his cousin would not have smiled so brightly.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, and said to Jiang Hao: "Let's stop talking about the lack of workers for the time being, and I'll figure out a way for you. Now, let's see what Wang Shaogang came to look for you in a hurry. What happened."

In Jiang Hao's heart, he hated others interrupting his work, but seeing the farmer's doting smile on Wang Shaogang in front of him, Jiang Hao could only suppress his dissatisfaction, nodded at Wang Lei, and then Turn around and look towards Wang Shaogang.

He asked aloud: "Brother Wang, you came to look for me in such a hurry now, what happened to you?"

Standing in front of Jiang Hao, Wang Shaogang slightly calmed down the emotional fluctuations caused by running around just now, and said to Jiang Hao: "Brother Jiang, I have a chance to make money in my hand, do you want to do it?"

These words made Jiang Hao stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at the farmer standing beside him. In Wangcun, except for Wang Lei who can bring him the opportunity to make money, no one else should have this ability, right?
After all, the villagers here in Wang Village are not ordinary poor...

Jiang Hao made rumors in his heart, but seeing Wang Shaogang's excited expression, Jiang Hao realized that this guy was not making fun of him, so he smiled slightly and said aloud: "Brother Wang will talk about the specific content first, As long as it is really a profitable job, I will definitely do it.”

At the same time, Wang Lei who was standing next to him was also staring at Wang Shaogang with great interest.

Apart from building roads in the village, there is no other place that needs Jiang Hao's construction. At this time, Wang Lei really wants to know what kind of money-making method his cousin has thought of to be so excited.

If my cousin's way of making money works, then I'd be more than happy to help him.

Under the watchful eyes of the farmer and the big boss with a net worth of hundreds of thousands, Wang Shaogang coughed heavily, his face became serious and solemn, and he said to Jiang Hao: "I want Brother Jiang to help put the Fill up the pond. Here, that's the one in the distance."

While Wang Shaogang was talking, he pointed to Jiang Hao for a pond in the west.

It covers an area of ​​about ten acres.It was sparkling inside.

A pond of this size is insignificant outside, but in a poor village like Wangcun, which occupies a small area, the pond Wang Shaogang mentioned is like a colossus.

"How about it? With the size of this pond, if you want to fill it up, Boss Jiang should be able to make a fortune, right?"

Wang Shaogang smiled brightly at Jiang Hao who was stunned, and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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