Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 106 Contract Pond

Chapter 106 Contract Pond
In Wang Shaogang's triumph, Jiang Hao was already in a daze.

There is a feeling of being hit by a pie in the sky.

Doing small projects and constructions, like a grandson every year, begging grandpa to sue grandma everywhere, begging for work from others.

With more and more people pouring into this industry, the competition is getting stronger and stronger. With my own scale, I am lucky to be able to receive five or six orders a month.

I didn't expect to come to Wangcun for only a few days, and yet another business came to my door.

Jiang Hao was extremely grateful to Wang Lei in his heart. If the farmer hadn't brought him here, he would have never had the opportunity to make money one after another.

"With the size of this pond, if you want to fill it up, it will cost at least 10,000+ yuan, which is enough to make Boss Jiang a fortune... But there is one thing I have to explain to Boss Jiang in advance For a moment, Boss Jiang is also aware of the situation in the village. If you take over this job, I hope that Boss Jiang will be more flexible in terms of funds and give me a one-year delay. The ability, there is no way to come up with 10,000+ yuan for a while..."

Jiang Hao listened to Wang Shaogang's words, raised his head and gave him a big white look, this is a white wolf with empty hands.

But when he thought of the profits he could make, Jiang Hao could only nod to Wang Shaogang.

On Wang Lei's side, there was a hearty laugh, and he said to the embarrassed Wang Shaogang, "Cousin, money is not a problem. If the way you think of can really make money, then I will help you advance the money first."

Following Wang Lei's words, Wang Shaogang was overjoyed.

Wang Lei is now the richest master in the village, and it is really great to get his help.

Standing by the side, Jiang Hao was also sincerely happy for Wang Shaogang.

In my heart, I admire Wang Lei more and more. After this farmer becomes rich, he can reach out to help others. This character is really great.

"Cousin, can you tell me what you're going to do with the pond after you fill it up?"

Just when Wang Shaogang was immersed in joy, Wang Lei stood aside and coughed heavily, bringing the young man's thoughts back to reality.

"Of course it's used to plant fruit trees. I've already considered it. I'll learn from you when next spring begins. I'll shovel all the crops in the field and plant fruit trees..."

Wang Shaogang spoke happily, but before he could finish speaking, Wang Lei's brows were slowly wrinkled.


Wang Lei interrupted Wang Shaogang's words and said directly.

After the farmer's words came out, Wang Shaogang froze for a moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and he turned his head to stare at Wang Lei with an incredulous expression.

"Didn't you agree with me just now, why do you object now?"

Wang Shaogang asked Wang Lei suspiciously.

Wang Lei: "I have already said about planting fruit trees. Each household can only plant one acre."

Wang Shaogang immediately became anxious: "But...if we don't increase the amount of planting, how can we make more money..."

Amidst Wang Shaogang's anxious voice, Wang Yangtian had already walked over, and happened to hear Wang Shaogang's words in his ears. Wang Yangtian's face froze, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at Wang Lei, and asked aloud: "Wang Lei, are you sincere?" Sincerely lead the big guys to make a fortune, increase the area of ​​fruit tree planting, this is a good way to increase income, how can you refuse."

Looking at the doubts and dissatisfaction on the faces of the two people around him, Wang Lei knew that the other party had misunderstood him.

It is true to lead the folks and elders to make a fortune, but you must not increase the planting area of ​​fruit trees. Otherwise, using the Shennong Collection to cultivate a large number of super fruits will definitely attract the attention of the outside world.There will inevitably be unintended consequences.Now that I have mastered the Canon of Shennong, if I want to lead the villagers in Wangcun to make a fortune, there are many ways I can use, and I don't need to rely solely on planting fruit trees to increase my income.

"Second Master, I know that you are seeing the hope of making money now, so you want to increase the area of ​​fruit tree planting, but I have stipulated that each household can only plant one acre of fruit trees. If you increase the planting area now, then Other villagers followed suit one after another, wouldn't it be a mess."

Listening to Wang Lei's explanation, Wang Yangtian was stunned.Realizing that I was only interested in making more money just now, I completely forgot about it.

After meditating for a moment, Wang Lei said to Wang Yangtian again: "I think so, Er Ye, you lease the pond to me, and I will pay you 3000 yuan a month. Even if you don't have to fill up the pond, then You can also make money off the pond."

Wang Yangtian waved his hands again and again: "How is this possible? The pond is useless at all. I have been idling with it all these years. How can I make you wronged, no!"

Wang Lei shook his head and said: "Just do as I said, Er Ye, you rent this pond to me for 10 years, and I will give you 3000 yuan a month. This pond is useless in your hands, but in your hands In my hand, I can make comprehensive use of it.”

Wang Lei's words made Wang Yangtian's eyebrows twitch quickly, he raised his head and carefully looked at the farmer in front of him, and said suspiciously: "You don't want to use it for aquaculture, do you?"

Wang Lei nodded and said, "That's right, I have plans in this regard."

Wang Yangtian was stunned. He had also cultivated aquatic products in the pond before, but at that time he was losing money repeatedly. After many failures, Wang Yangtian had given up the idea of ​​using the pond and had left the pond idle for three or four years.

Seeing the solemn expression on Wang Lei's face, Wang Yangtian slowly began to think. When the farmer in front of him was eradicating all the corn in the family, he was ridiculed by the whole village. The action gave the whole village a resounding slap in the face.

"Well, since you want to try it, I'll let you try it. If you don't think it's good, then return the pond to me."

Wang Yangtian opened his mouth to Wang Lei and said.

In Wang Yangtian's words, a smile slowly formed on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, and he said aloud: "Then thank you, Second Lord, for your understanding. Wait a moment and you come to my house to get the whole document. I will contract your pond for 10 years."

After Wang Lei's words came out, Wang Yangtian smiled wryly. He didn't expect that his nephew would be serious with him, and he didn't make any tweaks at the moment, and said aloud: "Well, since you want to contract the pond so much, then I'll satisfy you, but I can say ugly things up front, if you lose money on the pond, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

 Recommend my finished book: "The Strongest Farmer"

  The story of leading farmers to get rich


(End of this chapter)

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