Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 108 Give You The Highest Salary

Chapter 108 Give You The Highest Salary
Feeling the anxious atmosphere off the court, Wang Lei knew that he could no longer tease the nerves of the folks and elders, otherwise, these people who have been poor for most of their lives would have to attack him in groups.

He covered his mouth and coughed heavily, and said aloud: "Everyone, after my discussion with Brother Jiang, the way I have found for the big guys to make money is to select some strong and strong people from among you to join the road construction work. .”

While Wang Lei was talking, he looked at the skinny villagers around him and sighed in his heart.

There are still strong people here, they are all 'left-behind children'.

Most of the able-bodied labor force in the village have all gone out to work in order to subsidize their families.

This made Wang Lei realize the seriousness. If he wanted to completely change the poverty of Wangcun, it was not enough to rely on his own ability, and he had to let the labor force return.

Only in this way can a torrent of development be formed and the poverty of Wangcun be reversed.

Following Wang Lei's words, the left-behind staff around the farmer were all replaced by excitement.

Happiness comes too fast to be digested for a while.


"Oh my God, I didn't expect that we could make money at our own doorstep without going out!"

"Haha, this is good news!"

The folks and elders around Wang Lei laughed out loud.

Wang Lei waved his hand to signal those people to calm down, and continued: "Depending on the difference in physical strength, so after my discussion with Brother Jiang, the daily wages of men who participate in labor are 100 yuan, and women are 80 yuan."


"The salary is so high..."

"When I was working outside, I could only earn 80 yuan a day, but now I can find a job that costs 100 yuan a day at my doorstep..."

"I signed up to join!"


"And I!"

When the villagers and elders in Wangcun realized the shock brought by Wang Lei, they expressed their opinions one by one, fearing that if they were a second late, the quota would be snatched away by others.

Feeling the enthusiastic emotions around him, Wang Lei slowly smiled.

Turning around, he smiled at the big boss who was worth hundreds of thousands, and said, "How about it, these people are all in high spirits, and they must be the best when they work."

Standing beside the farmer, Jiang Hao nodded excitedly.

The method proposed by Wang Lei just now can kill two birds with one stone for Jiang Hao. It can not only make up for the lack of construction personnel, but also save himself some funds.


Jiang Hao smiled at Wang Lei, then waved his hands at the surrounding villagers of Wang Village, and said, "Everyone, if you want to work, come and register with me."

Following Jiang Hao's words, the villagers who had surrounded Wang Lei turned around and ran towards Jiang Hao.

At this time, Wang Yangtian was the happiest among the crowd. This farmer just got a lease contract of 3000 yuan a month from Wang Lei, and now he can work for 100 yuan a day, which made Wang Yangtian happy. mouth.

Looking at the villagers around Jiang Hao who actively signed up, Wang Lei's smile grew wider.

Being able to bring happiness to others, Wang Lei feels sincerely happy in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Lei suddenly felt a figure appearing in front of him, which made Wang Lei withdraw his mind from his spiritual world, turned his head and looked to the side, and saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him .

"Sister-in-law Sun, what's the matter?"

At this time, Sun Xiaoxue kept crossing her hands in front of her chest, looking very nervous.

Looking at the expression of the young woman in front of him who hesitated to speak, Wang Lei asked aloud.

Following Wang Lei's words, on Sun Xiaoxue's side, she bit her lip, subconsciously nodded at Wang Lei, and said aloud, "Can you tell Boss Jiang to let me join the work... ...Although I have little physical strength, I assure you that I will definitely work hard!"

Sun Xiaoxue looked at Wang Lei expectantly.

Looking nervous, she raised her daughter by herself. Fortunately, Sun Weiwei, with Wang Lei's help, has already reduced all fees in the best school in the county.But for Sun Xiaoxue, the burden on her body is still heavy.

Life needs money!

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Sun Xiaoxue's speech, Wang Lei immediately felt pity for the young woman in front of him.

This young woman has worked so hard to raise Sun Weiwei, and all the burdens of the family fall on this woman. It is really pitiful.

"Don't worry about that. I'll ask Brother Jiang to arrange it for you later. Forget about the physical work. You cook for the big guys, and I'll give you 200 yuan a day."

Wang Lei's words immediately surprised Sun Xiaoxue from ear to ear.Others in the village work hard and can only get paid 100 yuan a day at most. As a powerless woman, I can earn 200 yuan a day just by cooking a meal...

This kind of high salary, even in the outer metropolis, there is no way to have it.

"Thank you."

Excited, Sun Xiaoxue nodded at Wang Lei.He knew that the reason why the young man in front of him paid him such a high salary was because he wanted to help him.

"Alright, come with me to meet Jiang Hao."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he took the young woman's hand and walked straight towards Jiang Hao.

After Wang Lei told Jiang Hao what he thought just now, the big boss with hundreds of thousands of dollars didn't even think about it, and directly agreed to Wang Lei's request.

This made Sun Xiaoxue stand by and watch, speechless, admiring and grateful to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei explained a few words to Sun Xiaoxue, then slowly turned around and walked towards the pond that had just been contracted.

A few minutes later, the farmer stood by the pond, looking at the sparkling lake under the sun, Wang Lei slowly pondered, how to develop this pond?

The reason why Wang Yangtian chose to abandon this pond is entirely because he has invested in this pond many times, raising fish, shrimp and even turtles, but every time he tossed and lost everything.

At this time, Wang Lei's brows were slowly wrinkled.

But in Wang Lei's heart, this pond in his own hands will definitely do a lot. After a moment of silence, Wang Lei looked at the sudden splash on the water, and his face was startled.

"That's right! The Book of Shennong can change the genes of plants, so can it also change the genes of pond water or fish and shrimp?"

Thinking of this, Wang Lei shuddered and his face was overjoyed.

He hurriedly took off his shoes, walked into the pond, and caught a carp, "Hehe, if the Book of Shennong can change your genes like a fruit tree, then I will make a lot of money! Haha..."

Wang Lei looked at the alive and kicking carp in his hand, and hurriedly mobilized the power of Shennong Baodian to penetrate into the carp's body.

Then he went home happily, ready to observe what changes would happen to the carp next.

 Recommend the story of "The Most Powerful Farmer" leading farmers to get rich, the [-]th is over

(End of this chapter)

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