Chapter 109

Although the carp caught from the pond had been nourished by the farmer using the Shennong Collection, it would take some time before the effect would appear.

After Wang Lei put the carp at home, he walked towards the fruit forest as usual.

Now that I have seen the enthusiasm of the villagers and elders in Wangcun for getting rid of poverty, before the concrete road was repaired, Wang Lei knew that he had to find a way to make money for the people in the village, and this, Wang Lei set his sights on Shennong Baodian above.

As long as he enters the second level of Shennong Baodian, Wang Lei can use the pond to find another lucrative job for the villagers and elders in the village.

With the previous experience, Wang Lei walked into the fruit forest and carefully checked the surrounding movement to ensure that no one came to disturb him, then the farmer sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

Time passed and it was getting dark.

At this time, Sun Xiaoxue took over the wages from Jiang Hao after a tiring afternoon, and the young woman was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Thank you again and again to Jiang Hao.

"Actually, Mr. Wang is the one you really need to thank. If it wasn't for him for helping you, I wouldn't be able to offer you such a salary of 200 yuan per day."

Jiang Hao said to Sun Xiaoxue.

Sun Xiaoxue listened to the words of the billionaire boss in front of her, and she was grateful to Wang Lei in her heart. If it wasn't for Wang Lei, she would never have been able to get such a high salary.

"Thank you, Boss Jiang, I know what to do about Wang Lei's affairs. If there is no business for me now, then I will leave first."

After saying this, Sun Xiaoxue took the money she had just earned and walked towards the canteen in the village.

Ten minutes later, the young woman knocked on Wang Lei's door with some simple food and wine.

"Uncle Wang, is Wang Lei at home?"

When Wang Minghui opened the door, Sun Xiaoxue giggled and asked.

Wang Minghui looked at the food and drink in the opponent's hand, was startled, and subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

Sun Xiaoxue's living conditions in the village were very poor, and she wished she could spend a penny in two. At this time, the food and wine in her hand might be insignificant in the eyes of others, but Wang Minghui knew that these food and wine were insignificant for a poor woman like Sun Xiaoxue. Over there, it means more than half a month's income.

"Hey, today Wang Lei helped me find a job that costs 200 yuan a day. Isn't it off work now? I specially bought some food and wine to express my gratitude."

While Sun Xiaoxue was talking, she had already walked into Wang Lei's house.Looking at the brand-new home appliances in the room, Sun Xiaoxue felt envious.

Now Wang Lei's life is already top-notch in the village, and no one can compare with him.

"Sit here for a while, Wang Lei is still outside now, he will be back in a while."

Wang Minghui made a pot of tea, put it in front of Sun Xiaoxue, and said enthusiastically.

"Look at you. I want to express my gratitude. It doesn't cost so much. We are all neighbors. Look at you, it's too strange."

Wang Minghui pretended to be angry at Sun Xiaoxue, and said aloud.In Wang Minghui's mind, the woman in front of him had lived a very hard life. Now that she had made some money with great difficulty, it was really unreasonable to waste it like this.

Seeing the smile on Sun Xiaoxue's face, Wang Minghui could only sigh heavily. Although Sun Xiaoxue was a woman, she was stronger than any man in her bones.

"Okay, don't spend so much money in the future. Wang Lei didn't help you to draw things on you. In the past three years when he was in a coma, you and Weiwei took care of him a lot. Now he has the ability to help you. , which is what he should do."

"You haven't eaten yet, I'll cook."

Wang Minghui looked at Sun Xiaoxue's tired expression and said aloud.

"Uncle Wang, let me help you..."

Sun Xiaoxue just opened her mouth, but she already waved her hand at Wang Minghui's side, and said, "You have been tired all day on the construction site, please sit on a chair and rest for a while, I will cook this meal."

After Wang Minghui finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Wang Minghui originally wanted to get the lean meat from the refrigerator, but just as he was about to open the refrigerator, he suddenly heard the sound of water splashing from the corner behind him.

Wang Minghui was startled by the movements in his hands, and looked back subconsciously.


When he saw the fat carp in the corner, Wang Minghui suddenly exclaimed.

Living in the countryside all year round, I have caught carp from the river before, but I have never seen such a vigorous carp.

Full of energy, the scales on his body gleamed with golden light.

"It's really the best among carp..."

Wang Minghui was speechless, hesitated a little, then closed the refrigerator door, and walked towards the carp placed in the corner.

"Hey, Sun Xiaoxue is a poor woman who is reluctant to eat on weekdays. Now she has been tired all day and finally has time to rest. Now she still wants to come and see Wang Lei... Hehe, this fresh carp It’s the best for making soup, and I can take advantage of this opportunity to replenish you..."

With a hearty smile, Wang Minghui fished out the carp that Wang Lei had nourished with the Shennong Collection, and put it directly on the cutting board.

A few minutes later, with Wang Minghui's skillful movements, the carp that Wang Lei used for the experiment had been slaughtered by Wang Minghui, his father.

Put it in the pot and cook it up.

Although the door of the kitchen has been closed by Wang Minghui, as he continues to cook the carp that Wang Lei has moistened with the Shennong Collection, a tempting aroma has passed into Sun Xiaoxue's nose through the door .

Smelling the enticing fragrance in the air, Sun Xiaoxue was shocked.

The exhaustion from just now was swept away immediately, "Oh my god, what are you doing delicious, Uncle Wang, it's so delicious."

Sun Xiaoxue hurriedly pushed open the closed door of the kitchen, and asked Wang Minghui aloud.

However, before Wang Minghui could open his mouth to speak, a hearty laughter had already been heard from the courtyard into the ears of the two people in the kitchen.

"Dad, what delicious food are you doing? I've eaten the food you cooked for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I've smelled such a delicious smell."

Following Sun Xiaoxue and Wang Lei's continuous praise, Wang Minghui was also very puzzled.When I was handling carp just now, I did it the same way as usual, but why does it smell so much better now than before...

Just when Wang Minghui was wondering, Wang Lei had already walked in from the outside.

"Yo, sister-in-law Sun is here too..."

After seeing Sun Xiaoxue, Wang Lei was taken aback and laughed out loud.

"Hehe, it's really time for you to come. Just now, Uncle Wang stewed a piece of fish, and it will be out of the pot later."

Wang Lei looked back at Wang Minghui and said with a smile, "Dad, when did you go out to buy fish? Why didn't I know?"

Wang Minghui turned his head and pointed to the water basin in the corner behind him, and said to Wang Lei, "Didn't you buy this?"

After hearing Wang Minghui's words, Wang Lei instantly felt struck by lightning, "You... you stewed... you stewed my experimental fish... my dear father..."

 Class [-] of "The Most Powerful Farmer" has been completed. It is a story about leading farmers to get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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