Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 113 Repair the road and cut the ribbon

Chapter 113 Repair the road and cut the ribbon
Sun Xiaoxue stood beside Wang Lei, looking at the surrounding villagers who had doubts about Wang Lei, with anger on his face.

He snorted and said, "You keep saying that you want Wang Lei to lead you to get rich, but now that Wang Lei has pointed out the way to make money for you, you still doubt Wang Lei! Are there people like you!"

Wang Lei waved his hand at Sun Xiaoxue and said, "Forget it, let them go. Life has not been easy for the big guys these years. Many people in the village have failed in aquatic product farming. Now they hold The hesitation is understandable."

The villagers of Wang Village standing around listened to Wang Lei's words, all blushed and bowed their heads in silence.

"Okay, anyone who wants to participate in this breeding plan can register at Sun Xiaoxue's place now. Before the fish fry are officially raised, everyone present has the opportunity to sign up to participate in this way of making money."

After Wang Lei said this to the villagers of Wang Village, he turned his head and said a few simple words to Sun Xiaoxue, then turned and walked outside.

"Everyone heard what Wang Lei said just now. If you want to sign up, sign up quickly. If you miss the opportunity, I don't want to see you."

Sun Xiaoxue was very dissatisfied with the questioning attitude of the villagers in front of Wang Lei just now, and her voice was full of anger.

What the hell is this group of people who keep saying that they will follow Wang Lei to the death, but now that it's time for them to express their views, they all shrink back.Grass!

Sun Xiaoxue spat coldly in her heart.

Then I sat on a chair and began to register the names of the few villagers involved in farming.

When Sun Xiaoxue registered the name of a sparse page in the small book in his hand, more than ten days had passed.

At this time, the cement road in the village has been repaired.

After taking the notebook from Sun Xiaoxue, Wang Lei briefly glanced at the number of names on it and shook his head repeatedly.Unexpectedly, his prestige in the hearts of the villagers was still not enough.

"Okay, let them do as they please. When the villagers who participate in farming make money in the future, these wait-and-see attitudes will naturally participate."

Wang Lei smiled at Sun Xiaoxue, then handed the little book back to the young woman in front of him, and said, "Let's go, the mayor is already waiting outside to cut the ribbon for our village."

After saying this, Wang Lei took the lead and walked outside, and Sun Xiaoxue hurriedly followed.

Ever since Qian Hongtian learned that Wang Lei had repaired the road in the village, he rushed over to celebrate Wang Lei.

The mayor stood in front of the monument of merit and virtue at the head of the village, looking at the monument of merit and virtue specially built for Wang Lei by the villagers of Wang Village in order to thank Wang Lei for his dedication, Qian Hongtian was very envious in his heart.

I have been the mayor of the town for more than ten years, and I have never enjoyed such treatment as Wang Lei.

"Hehe, Mayor Qian kept you waiting, I'm so sorry."

Just when Qian Hongtian was secretly envious of the tall black merit monument in front of him, a loud voice came from the side.

Take back your mind and look back.

I saw a young man with a strong figure, followed by a young woman with a beautiful figure and a mature charm, walking towards him quickly.

"Haha, brother Wang, what are you talking about? It's my good fortune to wait for you."

Qian Hongtian smiled loudly at Wang Lei, and rushed to meet him.

In the mayor Qian's heart, although the farmer in front of him was young, he possessed abilities that ordinary people couldn't match, and he was worth cursing.

The villagers of Wang Village standing around saw the majestic mayor showing such enthusiasm for a farmer, which made everyone envy and worship Wang Lei in their hearts.

"I heard that you plan to raise aquatic products in the village?"

After Qian Hongtian came to Wang Lei's side, he asked aloud.

Wang Lei nodded and said, "That's right, I've been preparing for it a while ago, and now that the road in the village has been built, I can finally go looking for fish fry. However, people in this village still have some doubts about this way of making money... "

Disappointment could not be concealed in Wang Lei's voice.

Qian Hongtian laughed loudly and said: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as you can let the people in the village see that you have gained real benefits from aquatic product farming, they will follow suit."

Wang Lei: "Haha, what Mayor Qian is saying now is exactly what I think in my heart. People in the village are scared of being poor, and it is understandable to have doubts when encountering such a thing now."

Then the farmer changed the topic, raised his head to look at the energetic Qian Hongtian in front of him, and laughed loudly: "It's an honor for our village, Mayor Qian, to come and cut the ribbon for this poor place in person."

Sun Xiaoxue felt speechless as she watched the two people in front of her keep exchanging pleasantries and saying nasty words.

If these two people continue to brag about each other like this, even if they give them another day and night, I'm afraid they won't be able to finish the job.

Immediately, he hurriedly turned his head and pointed his eyes at Jiang Hao, who was standing not far away and was constantly laughing.

"Hey, hurry up and stop it..."

The young woman mouthed to Jiang Hao.

After Jiang Hao understood, he nodded, then walked straight towards Wang Lei, and said aloud: "Mr. The auspicious day has been delayed."

Standing beside Wang Lei, Qian Hongtian saw that the big boss with hundreds of thousands of dollars was so respectful and polite to Wang Lei, which made Qian Hongtian envious of Wang Lei in his heart.

"Okay, let's cut the ribbon now!"

Wang Lei smiled at the big boss with a net worth of hundreds of thousands, then gestured to Qian Hongtian, and the two walked side by side to the place where the ribbon was cut.

Until the farmer clamped the scissors on the ribbon, the villagers of Wang Village still felt like they were dreaming.

Over the years, the village has been plagued by muddy traffic problems, and the mayor has no funds to solve this problem at all.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Wang Lei saw the hope of improving traffic.

"It's really good, you can already make such a move at a young age..."

"Hey, I don't know whether Wang Lei's aquatic product farming can make money. We keep saying that we are running for him to seek development, but in the end there are very few people who follow him in farming. I really feel sorry for Wang Lei..."

"Wang Lei will understand us. After all, this investment is not a small amount. Once it fails, it will not be affordable for a poor family like ours."

"Yeah, after all, many people in the village have gone through the way of farming, but in the end they all lost their money..."

In the discussion of these villagers, Wang Lei has already cut the ribbon in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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