Chapter 114
After finishing the ribbon-cutting, Wang Lei sent Qian Hongtian away and got on the bus to Sanping County.

There is a nursery in Sanping County, which specializes in cultivating high-quality wild fish fry. The products are very popular in several surrounding counties and cities. This nursery is the goal of Wang Lei's trip.

After getting off the bus, Wang Lei took a taxi and came to Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. in the suburbs.

Seeing the long queues of vehicles lined up at the entrance of the company, Wang Lei had a preliminary judgment in his mind about the booming business of this nursery.

But when the farmer walked to the gate of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., he was scolded.

"Where is the poor beggar, hurry up!"

As this voice reached Wang Lei's ears, Wang Lei's face turned cold instantly. He never thought that he would be ridiculed like this at the door of a company that focuses on development.

Looking back, I saw a middle-aged strong man in a security uniform staring at him coldly, his eyes were not friendly, giving him a superior attitude.

"Are you talking about me?"

Wang Lei asked the big man in front of him.

"Fuck! It's not about you, it's about who! Get out of here! Don't get in the way here!"

Wang Lei listened to the words of the security guard in front of him, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"Although I'm dressed plainly, I don't seem to have offended you, right? Is it a little too much for you to scold me when you come up?"

Wang Lei looked up and down the security guard in front of him, anger flashed in his expression, and he asked in a cold voice.

The security guard spat heavily, and said, "I don't like you, why are you scolding me? Why do you still want to fight with me, shit, if I do, I will crush you to death!"

The security guard looked at Wang Lei with contempt. Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. is a well-known nursery base in Sanping County. All the people who come here to buy fry are big bosses who ride in luxury cars. They often deal with those big bosses. I am used to serving those rich people, and I don't pay attention to this kind of poorly dressed peasants.

However, just after the security guard finished speaking, on Wang Lei's side, the anger in his heart was burning.

I didn't expect that there would be such a snobbish dog in this world, who would insult him just because he saw that his clothes were a bit shabby.

"Hehe, let me tell you that in this world, no matter what their status is, people are worthy of respect as long as they are not cheated or deceived. A snobby eye like you who looks down on others is really disgusting."

Wang Lei stared at the unfriendly security guard in front of him, and spat coldly.

This made the security guard instantly confused.

Staring at the farmer in front of him with disbelief, " dare to scold me..."

Wang Lei shrugged his shoulders lightly, and said aloud: "For a snobbish dog like you, what's wrong with me scolding you? I still beat you!"

While speaking, Wang Lei already threw his right hand towards the security guard, and slapped the security guard hard.

Following Wang Lei's action, the security guard's eyes instantly became terrified. This is completely unreasonable. The average farmer would leave quickly after being insulted by him, but this farmer dared to fight him...

Wang Lei stood where he was, looked at the security guard with panic in his eyes, spat heavily, and said, "Fuck, a dog is a dog, and it barks so badly, I'm going to bully you. You are a snobbish person who is easy to bully. When you meet someone like Lao Tzu, why don't you call out, and give Lao Tzu a little more arrogance!"

For the security guard in front of him, Wang Lei didn't have any good feelings, and was very disgusted.

Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. has done quite a lot of business in several surrounding counties and cities, but it did not expect that such a powerful dog would be singled out to serve customers on the front line.

"You... what do you do?"

At this time, after the security guard was beaten, he was much more obedient, and the arrogance just now was gone. He stood in front of Wang Lei covering his face, and asked aloud.

Seeing the expression on the security guard's face, Wang Lei spat lightly and said, "I'm here to buy fry, is there any problem with grandson?"

The movement here has already attracted the attention of the people on the surrounding carts, and those people stepped out of the carriage one after another and moved over.

Seeing the security guard who was still extremely arrogant just now, after being slapped by the farmer in front of him, he suddenly became obedient, and the onlookers exclaimed one by one.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a bullying dog. I was really bluffed by him just now, damn it!"

"Smoking well, a dog like this kind of power should smoke!"

"What is the origin of this farmer? He is so fierce that he dares to beat people directly..."

Amidst the constant discussions of those drivers, Wang Lei kept his eyes away from the security guards, and said to those who had been irritated by the security guards: "Everyone, we all come here to buy fish fry, and we all say that customers are God, but as customers , to be humiliated in such a place, how can you swallow this breath?"

"We don't need them to serve us as gods, but at least we have to be respectful! However, this kind of power dog has completely affected the mood of the big guys..."

Wang Lei's impassioned words slowly stirred up the emotions of the surrounding people.

"That's right! We are here to consume, not to be humiliated!"

"Damn, we shouldn't come to this kind of place..."

"Yes, yes, I will call right now and ask my buddies to go to other places to get goods. Anyway, there is more than one nursery in Sanping County..."

In the responses of those people, the security guard's face was extremely panicked.

He subconsciously swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect that the farmer in front of him would be so powerful. He could easily stir up the dissatisfaction of the people present with the company. If the general manager of the company knew that he had offended these people, his job would be lost. Guaranteed.

"Big brother, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

The security guard hurriedly turned his head and said to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei turned around and sneered, "What did you call me?"

These words made the security guard stiffen, his face was startled, and then he quickly changed his words and said: "Grandpa, you are my own grandfather, I was wrong just now, my grandson, please don't be as knowledgeable as my grandson, you can't incite these people to leave , otherwise I can't eat and walk around."

Wang Lei sneered, and said: "I knew why I did it in the first place, but now it is entirely your own fault. The wild fish fries cultivated by Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. are of excellent quality and have many prospects for development, but it is because of your mouse shit , but the reputation of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. is very bad, if people like you are not expelled, it will be unreasonable!"

After saying this, Wang Lei turned his head and looked at the surrounding crowd, and said, "Okay, everyone, those who have grievances hold grievances and those who have vengeance, those who have grievances and those who have vengeance, the big guys are all people who have been bullied by this powerful dog. Wait here for their leaders to come out and give you a satisfactory answer, and I will leave first if I have something to do."

After saying this, Wang Lei directly pushed away the power dogs who were in the way, and then walked into Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.

At the same time, in the black Mercedes-Benz not far away, a noble woman sitting in the passenger seat giggled: "This farmer is interesting, call him to my office later."

(End of this chapter)

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