Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 117 Attending the meeting

Chapter 117 Attending the meeting
"Hehe, Mr. Wang, you heard me right. I was just asking you about the secret of the company's success."

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. smiled at the farmer sitting beside him, and continued: "Although Mr. Wang is dressed as a farmer, I can feel that Mr. Wang is sure from the aura radiating from Mr. Wang. Not ordinary people."

The secretary, who was going to come in to deliver the development, was standing outside the door at this time. After hearing what his general manager said, the hand that was about to knock on the door stopped abruptly in mid-air.

His face was constantly changing.

"President Sun is a strange woman in business, and now she actually asks a farmer about this kind of thing..."

The female secretary exclaimed in her heart. If she hadn't heard this for real now, she would never have believed that Sun Xiaoru, who has always been proud, would show humility now, and it was still in front of a farmer.

Liu Ying smiled wryly for a while, then turned around and left with the coffee.

"Mr. Sun is mistaken. I, Wang Lei, are just a farmer. I am here this time, and I want to purchase a batch of fry from your company."

Now Wang Lei has decided to stay in the countryside for development, and he doesn't want to have any intersection with the past, so he immediately explained to the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.

"If Mr. Sun really wants to ask my opinion on the development of the company, then I can express some of my feelings since I stepped into the door of your company."

In Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. sitting next to him nodded repeatedly and urged him.

Although the farmer in front of him is unwilling to reveal his true identity, in the heart of this President Sun, he has already decided that the farmer in front of him can help him.

Wang Lei coughed lightly, his face became serious, he sorted out his thoughts, and said to Sun Xiaoru: "If the company wants to achieve long-term development, it must first have excellent products and be able to be far ahead of its peers. In this regard, your company has done nothing. You can be picky. But, Mr. Sun, don’t forget that an excellent company sells not only products, but also services.”

"Even if a company has the best products, if its service attitude is very bad, how will consumers feel? This intangible thing is often the most lethal. Since I came in just now, your company The security guard observes words and looks, wearing a pair of colored glasses, bowing his head to the bosses in luxury cars, and arrogant to some people in shabby clothes. Some seemingly insignificant people often become the most important Customer resources, please remember this, Mr. Sun.”

Following Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. sat beside him and nodded repeatedly.

For the analysis of the farmer in front of him, he praised again and again.

Over the years, I have been focusing on how to cultivate high-quality wild fish fry, but I have never paid attention to the "service" at all.

At this time, the words of the farmer next to him, to him, were simply words that awakened the dreamer.

Let the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. feel enlightened.

"Is there any more? Mr. Wang, please continue."

Seeing Wang Lei pause, Sun Xiaoru hastily asked.

Seeing the anxious woman in front of him, Wang Lei pondered for a while, and then continued to open his mouth and said: "There seems to be a lack of unity in the company. Some people always like to rely on some power in their hands and like to do things that exceed their authority. This is very important for the development of your company. It is also fatal."

Sun Xiaoru stared at Wang Lei suspiciously, and asked, "Mr. Wang is referring to Minister Zheng?"

Wang Lei shrugged slightly and nodded.

"If Mr. Sun can solve these two problems, I'm sure, relying on your company's high-quality wild fish fry, coupled with the perfect service attitude and the unity of all employees in the company, there will be another breakthrough in development. , Let the company tide over the current difficulties."

Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was speechless again and again. The farmer in front of him had a unique idea, but it hit the nail on the head.

"Okay, now I will hold a company meeting! I hope Mr. Wang can participate in the guidance."

After Sun Xiaoru finished speaking, she hurriedly walked towards the phone placed on the desk and informed the female secretary.

Seeing Mr. Sun's actions, Wang Lei smiled wryly in his heart. I'm here to buy fry!Not at your meeting!

But Wang Lei also admired Sun Xiaoru's passion for work in his heart, nodded secretly, and decided to attend the meeting of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.Anyway, there is no need to rush to buy fry.

After Sun Xiaoru's order was conveyed, all the department leaders in the nursery company flocked to the meeting room.

A few minutes later, when these people gathered in the meeting room and saw a farmer beside their boss, the atmosphere in the meeting room changed slowly.

Everyone has weird faces. This is an internal meeting of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. How can there be outsiders present?
And he's a farmer!
The faces of every department leader present were puzzled, while on Zheng Ming's side, after a moment of daze, there was panic on the face.

"Did this guy report me to Mr. Sun?"

After this thought came to the head of the sales department, Zheng Ming felt restless and blamed himself secretly. He really underestimated the farmer's ability just now, and he was able to get together with his boss.

While these people were guessing in their hearts, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. had already held the farmer's hand and walked to the front of the conference table.

Under the watchful eyes of those department leaders, he very politely motioned for the farmer to sit beside him.

The simple action made those department leaders of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. see that the farmer in front had an extraordinary status in his boss's heart. For a while, these department leaders all guessed about the farmer's identity.

Respect flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, this Mr. Wang was specially invited by me to attend our meeting. His ideas will have a great effect on our company's next personnel transfer..."

Following Sun Xiaoru's words, the department leaders sitting on both sides of the conference table were all shocked.

All eyes were cast on the farmer, feeling very inconceivable about Sun Xiaoru's words.

On Zheng Ming's side, after listening to Sun Xiaoru's personnel transfer, his heart skipped a beat.An ominous feeling welled up in my heart.

At this time, the sales manager was so regretful that his intestines turned green. He shouldn't have offended this farmer in the office just now!

The sales manager secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that he could keep his position...

(End of this chapter)

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