Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 118 Wang Lei Helps Zheng Ming

Chapter 118 Wang Lei Helps Zheng Ming

At this time, the leaders of various departments of the company sitting on both sides of the conference table stared at Wang Lei, an outsider, with different thoughts in their hearts.

"This farmer can actually attend our company's high-level meeting, hey..."

"Don't be fooled by his appearance, look at his aura, it's not something a farmer can have at all!"

"Yeah, this guy's identity is probably not trivial..."

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. listened to the discussions of the people around him. A smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, he waved his hands and said, "Everyone, be quiet. Now I am going to conduct a personnel transfer."

After Sun Xiaoru's words came out, those people sitting on both sides of the conference table stopped their voices and turned their eyes to this woman.

Especially Zheng Ming, the sales manager, his face was full of worry at this time.

The heart was thumping, beating very violently.

At this moment, the sales manager wanted to slap himself. It would have been great if he hadn't offended the farmer in his office just now... Who would have thought that this farmer had such great power and could be so valued by his boss.

Under the gaze of the sales manager, the smile on Sun Xiaoru's face gradually disappeared and was replaced by seriousness.

Coughing lightly, he said, "In order for the company to achieve better development, it is necessary to clean up the company's ethos. When Mr. Wang came in just now, he was ridiculed by the security guard. What does this mean?"

"In our company, some people look at customers with colored glasses. This has a very bad impact on our company's image. Manager Zhang, as the manager of the security department, I hope you will rectify this aspect vigorously , I don't want to see the same thing happen again."

While Sun Xiaoru was speaking, the majesty exuded made the middle-aged man sitting third from the right sweat on his face and nodded hastily.

Sitting next to Sun Xiaoru, Wang Lei watched how the people around him feared Sun Xiaoru, and gained a better understanding of Sun Xiaoru's methods.

It is not without reason that this woman was able to use her own power to develop a small-known fish fry breeding base to the scale it is today in three years.

In Wang Lei's contemplation, Sun Xiaoru turned his eyes away from the manager of the security department wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and looked at Zheng Ming, the sales director.

"Minister Zheng, do you have anything to say?"

Sun Xiaoru's words made Zheng Ming's body tremble, and he could clearly see his Adam's apple rolling.


Zheng Ming faltered, realizing that he was being targeted by Sun Xiaoru now, and I am afraid that the job transfer this time had something to do with him.

"Manager Sun, don't listen to the villain next to you. My performance in the company over the years is obvious to all."

Zheng Ming stuttered and said to Sun Xiaoru.

"What's the situation? Why is Minister Zheng afraid of being like this?"

"He has a grievance with that Mr. Wang?"

All of a sudden, discussions erupted in the meeting room, and everyone stared at Zheng Ming in disbelief.

This middle-aged man has been working in the company for two years, but his performance is very outstanding. The sales department under his leadership can create a turnover of hundreds of thousands every quarter.

But there is a bad place, that is, there are too many things.

The popularity in the company is very poor.

"You don't need to rush to explain to me, I have seen all your performance in the company."

After Sun Xiaoru said this to Zheng Ming, she turned her head and looked at the leaders of other departments around her, and continued: "During the two years since Zheng Ming came to the company, I think everyone should be very aware of the subtle changes that have taken place in our company. Are you clear?"

"Two years ago, every employee in the company was united as one and never formed cliques, but now, everyone's thoughts are not on work at all, and they keep making small moves behind their backs, chasing the reason. This is not the same as Minister Zheng. leadership related to..."

Following Sun Xiaoru's words, Zhu Xiaodong saw that the people sitting around the conference table nodded one after another.

"It seems that this Minister Zheng is not an annoying person in the company..."

Wang Lei shook his head secretly.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Sun Xiaoru's voice again: "Minister Zheng, let's get together and get together, wait a minute for you to go to the finance department to go through the resignation procedures, and I will pay all the compensation you deserve according to the provisions of the contract." You make amends."

These words caused an uproar in the conference room.

Everyone couldn't believe that Sun Xiaoru wanted to fire Zheng Ming now!
On Zheng Ming's side, his face was terrified. This was something he never expected. Because he ran on Wang Lei, he would now be punished like this.

I still have a huge loan to repay on schedule. If I lose this job, I will face a serious economic crisis.

Sun Xiaoru's decision was beyond Wang Lei's expectations. I thought that Sun Xiaoru would take this opportunity to suppress Zheng Ming and make him restrain his style in the future, but he didn't expect that the general manager of Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. would directly Zheng Ming should be fired.

Although he was ridiculed by Zheng Ming before, in Wang Lei's heart, he and the sales manager did not have a deep hatred, and there was absolutely no need for this to happen.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei hurriedly turned his head to look at the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., and said aloud: "Manager Sun, your punishment of Minister Zheng is too serious. In my opinion, as long as you temporarily transfer Minister Zheng It’s fine to take a new position, and to see the effect later, if he can get rid of his problems, he will be used again.”

"After all, Minister Zheng has held the position of sales director in the company for many years. There are many things that he handles most effectively. Of course, if Mr. Sun wants to recruit another sales director from outside, that's fine, but Mr. Sun wants I know, that will have a certain impact on your company's production."

Zheng Ming never imagined that the farmer in sight had the upper hand at this moment. If he suppressed him, he would definitely make him pay a heavy price.But I didn't expect that in this case, instead of suppressing himself, the farmer would help him instead.

For a moment, Zheng Ming was very grateful to Wang Lei in his heart.

Turning around, he stared at Sun Xiaoru nervously, hoping that Mr. Sun could follow Wang Lei's advice and change his punishment.

On Sun Xiaoru's side, his brows were already slightly frowned at this time. Wang Lei's words just now made the Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. feel enlightened. will have an impact on the company.

(End of this chapter)

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