Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 119 I am a Villager of Wang Village

Chapter 119 I am a Villager of Wang Village

Just now I said to expel Zheng Ming, if I change my decision now, it will deal a serious blow to my prestige.

Sun Xiaoru thought quickly in her heart, secretly blaming that she only wanted to make a quick decision just now, and didn't consider the matter at all when making a decision.

Anxious in my heart, like ants on a hot pot, on the one hand, it is the majesty of the leader, on the other hand, it is the trauma caused to the company after Zheng Ming was fired.

At this time, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was in a dilemma.

Sitting at the side, Wang Lei caught the mood swings emanating from the general manager beside him, turned his eyes away from the department leaders in front of him, and looked at Sun Xiaoru.

Looking at the entanglement in the other party's eyes, Wang Lei shook his head secretly.

You're still too young... With your way of doing things, I really don't know how you developed the company...

Wang Lei muttered in his heart.Perhaps, in the process of Mr. Sun's development, he can always have both ways, and has never encountered any real setbacks.After all, Sun Xiaoru is a beautiful woman, what man would have the heart to hurt her?

Shaking his head, Wang Lei said to the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. who was in trouble: "Mr. Sun, for my sake, please give Minister Zheng a chance to change his ways. After all, how could this person He didn’t make any mistakes, Minister Zheng has been working hard in your company all these years, and now he hasn’t committed any heinous crimes, so there is no need to fire Minister Zheng.”

Following Wang Lei's words, the eyes of the troubled general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. instantly showed excitement.

He raised his head and looked at the farmer sitting beside him.

Sun Xiaoru knew that this farmer had seen his current situation, and this was a step up for him, and he wanted to help him resolve the embarrassment.

The general manager gave Wang Lei a grateful look, then pretended to think for a while, then nodded, and said, "Well, for Mr. Wang's sake, I will give Zheng Ming a chance to change his ways. But Zheng You must know that I will conduct an assessment on you in three months, if your performance within this period cannot satisfy all the employees of the company, then you must leave my Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd."

After Sun Xiaoru's words, Zheng Ming nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun, for giving me this opportunity to reform, thank you."

After Zheng Ming thanked Sun Xiaoru, he hastily set his sights on the farmer sitting beside Sun Xiaoru.

Just now Zheng Ming could see clearly that if it wasn't for the farmer to help him with a few good words in front of Sun Xiaoru at the last critical moment, with Sun Xiaoru's character, he would have been expelled by now.

Thinking of this, the sales manager stood up from his chair, walked straight to the farmer from Wang Village under the gaze of his colleagues from other departments, and bowed deeply.


"Now Zheng Ming actually lowered his head..."

"It's really unbelievable. In the past, our Minister Zheng would never bow his head to others..."

Amidst the exclamation of those around, Zheng Ming said respectfully to Wang Lei: "Thank you Mr. Wang, you don't remember the faults of villains, you can give me a chance to correct my mistakes, thank you."

Seeing the sincere apology of the sales manager, Wang Lei smiled and said, "You're welcome, I didn't take what happened earlier to my heart at all. I just want to take this opportunity to let Minister Zheng understand a truth, no matter what you can get No matter what the results are, you can't be complacent or complacent, this is a taboo in the workplace."

Zheng Ming listened to Wang Lei's words, stood obediently by the side, nodded and said: "Yeah, I have everything Mr. Wang said in mind, and I will definitely behave well in the future."

At this time, Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. looked at the scene in front of them and exclaimed in their hearts.

Zheng Ming usually takes credit for his pride. In the company, apart from himself being able to subdue this stubborn donkey, Zheng Ming has never bowed his head to anyone else in the company.

"That's right. It's really great that Mr. Wang can shake hands with Minister Zheng and make peace."

Sitting next to her, Sun Xiaoru laughed out loud at the right time.

Wang Lei turned his head and smiled at the general manager, and said, "Mr. Sun, I see that your meeting is over now, so can you settle my matter?"

After hearing this, Zheng Ming trembled uncontrollably, and stared at Wang Lei in horror.

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean..."

Feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from the sales manager, Wang Lei suddenly looked confused, did I say anything, how did I scare you into such a moral...

Immediately afterwards, Wang Lei realized that the sales manager must have misunderstood what he said just now, and probably thought that he still had to deal with him. Thinking of this, Wang Lei couldn't help but wry smile.

He patted the sales minister on the shoulder earnestly, and then said to the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.: "Mr. Sun, I am here to purchase fry. If you are finished with the meeting now?" If so, then please arrange some people to take me to see the fish fry."

Sun Xiaoru reacted from Wang Lei's words, seeing the tension on Zheng Ming's face, she couldn't help giggling lightly.

He nodded at Wang Lei and said, "This is easy to handle. I will definitely provide you with the best quality fry for Mr. Wang."

"I just don't know where your breeding base is, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Lei: "Wang Village."

Sun Xiaoru's eyes were full of admiration, and she gave Wang Lei a thumbs up, watching everyone's face. The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. directly praised Wang Lei: "Yes, Mr. Wang can go to that poor place in Wangcun I chose to lead the villagers there to make a fortune, and this spirit is worth learning from.”

"Yes, Mr. Wang is really nice."

"This kind of courage is unparalleled. The poverty of Wangcun has discouraged many investors. Mr. Wang is able to find his own way and choose to develop in this kind of place. He must have absolute certainty..."

Hearing the compliments from the people around him, Wang Lei smiled faintly, waved his hands at those people, and said, "I think everyone has misunderstood. I'm not a big boss, I'm just an ordinary farmer in Wangcun."

Following Wang Lei's words, all the department leaders present were shocked.

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. suddenly turned his head and stared at Wang Lei incredulously, his eyes full of horror.

"Wang...Mr. Wang...Are you telling the truth? Are you really a villager in Wang Village?"

The general manager's voice was full of disbelief.The young man in front of him is full of aura, and no matter what, he will not be connected with the poor village of Wangcun.

Not to mention, he came out of Wang Village...

 Recommend the story of "The Strongest Farmer" leading farmers to get rich

(End of this chapter)

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