Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 120 Investigate Clearly

Chapter 120 Investigate Clearly
Sensing the change in the surrounding atmosphere, Wang Lei smiled lightly, not paying too much attention to this kind of matter.

When Sun Xiaoru sent someone to deliver the goods to him, he would naturally know his identity clearly.

"Okay, Mr. Sun, now please take someone to see the fish fry."

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. nodded to Wang Lei, stood up from his seat, and motioned for Wang Lei to go first.

Afterwards, Sun Xiaoru greeted the secretary to her face and said in a low voice, "Check his identity."

The other party nodded, and then left in a hurry.

Although Sun Xiaoru was skeptical about Wang Lei's identity as a villager in Wang Village, there was one thing that he had just seen Wang Lei's insights on enterprise development. neglect.

Standing at the front, he personally led Wang Lei towards the pond where the fry were bred.

Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. covers an area of ​​nearly [-] mu, with carp, shrimp, crab, snakehead... a wide variety of aquatic products.

Following behind Sun Xiaoru, Wang Lei has a better understanding of this woman's ability. Although Sun Xiaoru is sometimes a little nervous when doing things, this cannot conceal her ability in aquatic product farming.

"Mr. Sun has learned about aquatic product farming before?"

Walking side by side with the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei turned his head and asked this beautiful woman with a pretty face and a curvaceous figure beside him.

"Yeah, I studied this major in college. After graduation, I stayed with my father for a few years. Then I left my father's arms and worked hard here alone to achieve today's achievements."

Sun Xiaoru's voice was full of pride.

Almost all girls at my own age stay at home to get married, and few of them choose to work alone like me.Sun Xiaoru felt very proud of achieving such impressive results today.

"It seems that Mr. Sun's family has been very successful in aquatic product farming."

Wang Lei smiled at Sun Xiaoru.

On the side of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., after hearing the praise from the farmer beside him, the pride in his eyes grew stronger, he nodded, and said, "That's right, three generations of our family have been in the business The aquatic product business is very clear about farming.”

"Actually, my father's aquatic product farming business was not doing very well five years ago. At that time, he was losing money repeatedly. Later, he encountered an expert's advice and changed his business philosophy. That's why he was able to achieve today's results."

When the general manager of Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. mentioned what happened to his father five years ago, there was a distinct change in his voice.

Wang Lei was a little curious immediately, and asked, "Is there such a thing? I don't know what that expert does?"

Sun Xiaoru smiled lightly and said, "He is in the jewelry business. He was in full bloom in Donghai City three years ago. Anyone in the mall who mentions his name will give a thumbs up... Oh, by the way, that person is the same as Mr. Wang has the same name and surname."

Following the beauty's words, Wang Lei paused.

Taking a careful look at the tall beauty with a finely crafted face in front of him, he asked suspiciously, "I don't know who is President Sun's father?"

Sun Xiaoru: "My daddy's name is Sun Hongpeng."

A simple sentence caused Wang Lei to twitch his eyebrows violently, then he smiled coyly and said, "Good name, let's go..."

After saying this, Wang Lei ignored the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.

The general manager stood behind, seeing Wang Lei's sudden performance, full of bewilderment.

After thinking about it, he didn't know what was wrong with it, so he shook his head, smiled wryly, and hurriedly chased after Wang Lei.

Ten minutes later, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. brought Wang Lei to the edge of the pond where the fry were bred.

"Mr. Wang, if you want to raise aquatic products, then I suggest that you don't just buy one kind of fry, you should buy several kinds, so that in the fish pond, there will be a perfect competition between different kinds of fish relationship, which is beneficial to the growth of fry.”

Wang Lei nodded.

"Mr. Sun, what is the price of your carp fry?"

Sun Xiaoru: "We are all wild fish fry of the highest quality here. The price of carp is 1 yuan per fish, silver carp is 0.5 yuan per fish, and black fish is 3 yuan per fish..."

Soon, the general manager introduced the prices of all the fry under his hands to Wang Lei one by one.

For this price, Wang Lei was secretly startled, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. breeds all wild fish fry of the highest quality. The golden sign of "wild" alone has already determined that the price of fish fry is far higher than that of ordinary fish fry.

"Yes, very fair. Then give me 30 carp fry."

Following Wang Lei's words, all the staff of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. who came along with him were stunned.

Breathe in the cold air.

Everyone's face was stunned and dumbfounded.

"Mr. Wang... Are you sure it's 3...30 tails..."

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. swallowed hard and asked Wang Lei.

Wang Lei looked back at the astonished woman in front of him, nodded suspiciously, and said, "Yes. I want 30 carp fry. Is there a problem here?"

Before the woman standing in front of Wang Lei could speak, the other people around were the first to exclaim:

"It's really a big deal! This is the largest single transaction amount since our company opened!"

"Last year, we thought that a single order of 20 yuan was already a record. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wang's order was 30 yuan. What a rich man..."

"Let me just say, although this Mr. Wang is dressed a bit shabby, he is not an ordinary person at all!"

"That's right, how can an ordinary person get a bill of 30 in one mouthful, and he's so understated, there's no objection in the whole process..."

Hearing the exclamation of the people around him, Wang Lei suddenly smiled wryly.

I thought something happened just now, but I didn't expect it to be because of this kind of thing.

Just when Wang Lei was about to stop those screaming people, he suddenly saw Sun Xiaoru's female secretary rushing to Sun Xiaoru from a distance.

"Mr. Sun, I have now investigated everything you asked me to investigate."

The female secretary's words interrupted Sun Xiaoru's joy in her heart, she slowly turned her head to look at the other party, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Wang is really a villager in Wang Village?"

"Well, that's right, he is indeed a villager of Wang Village. There is one more thing, I think you must be very interested to know, Mr. Wang, this Mr. Wang used to work in Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. three years ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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