Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 121 Respect for Wang Lei's Choice

Chapter 121 Respect for Wang Lei's Choice
Sun Xiaoru's expression froze instantly at the female secretary's words.

His expression was astonished, and he kept exclaiming in his mouth.

"Is what you said true?"

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. almost subconsciously asked the female secretary anxiously.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Sun Xiaoru, the secretary nodded solemnly.Liu Ying knew very well about the affairs of Sun Xiaoru's family.

Five years ago, Sun Xiaoru's father faced a crisis in his career due to poor management. Just when he had nowhere to go, Sun Hongpeng met a benefactor who changed his chances and made him change the direction of development. By operating aquatic product farming, he saved the family from the fire. come out.

And the benefactor of the Sun family is none other than Wang Lei!
"I just confirmed that after Wang Lei was hit by Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., he stayed in Wangcun to develop. Now he buys fish fry to lead the villagers of Wangcun to make a fortune together."

Following Liu Ying's words, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. swallowed hard.

Unexpectedly, the farmer in front of him turned out to be the benefactor of his Sun family five years ago...

Thinking of this, the general manager hurriedly turned his head and looked at the farmer standing behind him with ecstasy on his face.

The leaders of other departments of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., who originally came with them, saw the expression on Sun Xiaoru's face at this time, and were full of doubts.

Don't really know what happened to this.
"Secretary Liu, what's going on?"

Someone turned around and asked Liu Ying in a low voice.

Liu Ying smiled lightly and ignored the other party.

Looking back, he turned his attention to the farmer. This farmer helped the Sun family five years ago. In terms of his relationship with the Sun family, if the farmer directly explained his identity to Sun Xiaoru, he would definitely be able to get help from Sun Xiaoru. She has benefited a lot from her, but this farmer didn't do this, which made Liu Ying feel very curious in her heart, and wanted to know what the farmer in sight was thinking.

Play tricks?
While the female secretary was meditating, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was already enthusiastically holding the farmer's wrist, and said aloud: "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect that you were the benefactor who helped my Sun family five years ago. "

"I know that you have been wronged a lot in the past three years. How do you want me to help you? Just ask. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you, Mr. Wang."

Following the words of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., other people standing around were stunned.

Everyone looked terrified and excited.

This is a promise personally made by the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. The life of this farmer will immediately undergo earth-shaking changes...

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be Mr. Sun's benefactor...

Great, this farmer's life will soon improve...

The people around were all exclaimed again and again.

I wish I could switch identities with the farmer in sight, so that I can live a prosperous life in one fell swoop with the support of a multi-millionaire boss.

However, under the watchful eyes of these people, the farmer shrugged slightly at the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., and said aloud: "Hehe, I just heard Mr. Sun mentioning the past events in your family. I wanted to hide the matter of helping Mr. Sun and your family, but I didn’t expect Mr. Sun to know about it now.”

"However, I have accepted Mr. Sun's kindness, and now I only want to get fry from you, Mr. Sun."

After Wang Lei's words came out, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was stunned and could hardly believe his ears. He had already said just now that no matter what kind of request Wang Lei made, he would definitely help with all his strength.

But unexpectedly, the farmer did not change his original intention at this time, and still wanted to get 30 fish fry from his hands...

"Wang...Mr. Wang...Are you sure you didn't say anything wrong?"

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. swallowed hard, raised his head and asked suspiciously at the farmer in front of him.

Under the gaze of the general manager, he saw the farmer in front of him nodding his head, his eyes were as clear as before, and there was no change at all because of his words.

Not even the slightest fluctuation.

Wang Lei's calm performance caused the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. to fluctuate violently. Now that Wang Lei is facing the dilemma of being suppressed by Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., how could he refuse his own help.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaoru slowly pondered, and after a while, she raised her head to look at Wang Lei again, and asked aloud: "Mr. Wang, are you willing to be suppressed by Chen Aihua without any resistance? That shameless woman, occupying You were kicked out of the company and seriously injured... Chen Aihua's series of actions are simply unacceptable."

Sun Xiaoru stared at Wang Lei while talking.

After Mr. Sun finished speaking, Wang Lei laughed aloud and said, "I don't need Mr. Sun to worry about the grievances between me and Chen Aihua. That damned woman is now a mad dog. Whoever bites me Who, if Mr. Sun helps me, Chen Aihua will definitely take revenge."

"I'll go! This guy is still thinking about others!"

"I didn't hear you wrong, right? What's his situation? If you don't hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to make a comeback... I think he said this on purpose, so as to preserve his last bit of dignity..."

Wang Lei's kind words caused the people around to discuss in low voices, their eyes full of disdain.

But on the side of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., in the speech of the farmer in front of him, he caught the confidence and murderous intent emanating from the eyes of the other party.

Even though he has fought in the mall for many years, the killing intent in Wang Lei's eyes still makes the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. feel shuddering.

"Since Mr. Wang is so confident, Mr. Wang must have a way to deal with Chen Aihua. I respect your choice, Mr. Wang."

"I will give 30 fry to Mr. Wang for free..."

Before the general manager could finish speaking, Wang Lei waved his hand and said, "I accept Mr. Sun's wishes. How much should the 30 fish fry be? small amount."

Wang Lei's words made Sun Xiaoru's goodwill increase exponentially.

"Okay! If that's the case, then I respect Mr. Wang's choice, and now I will let people catch fish fry!"

(End of this chapter)

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