Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 128 Seeking Nutrient Solution

Chapter 128 Seeking Nutrient Solution
The first person to react from this sound of nature was the sales director of Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. standing beside Wang Lei.

The sales manager was stunned, and almost subconsciously turned around and walked out of the crowd.

"Mr. Sun, why are you here now?"

"My affairs here will be finished soon, and I plan to return to you in a short while."

Sun Xiaoru looked at the flattering Zheng Ming, frowned in dissatisfaction, and said, "Minister Zheng, I can understand your desire to stay in the company, but please understand that the company needs hard-working employees, and You are not a sycophant, I don't want to see your behavior again."

After saying this, regardless of Zheng Ming who was stunned, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. had already walked around and walked towards Wang Lei.

"Let me introduce you guys, this is General Manager Sun of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. who sold our fry!"

Wang Lei smiled heartily at the surrounding villagers, and introduced the identity of the woman who appeared at this time.

"Mr. Sun, what do you mean by what you said just now? Are you really planning to help us here?"

"We are in short supply right now, can you give us fish fry on credit for a while..."

Sun Xiaoru listened to the words of the villagers in Wang Village, but the smile on her face remained unchanged. Yingsheng smiled and responded: "Then it depends on Wang Lei's attitude in your village. If he can satisfy me, how many fry does the big guy need?" I'll give you as much as you want, and it's all free!"

The simple words of this Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. instantly won the favor of the villagers in Wang Village.

But on Wang Lei's side, he was shocked by the words of Mr. Sun in front of him.If you say you need a few thousand fish fry, with Sun Xiaoru's strength, you don't even have to blink your eyes. But now, I have to meet the needs of other villagers present, and at the same time ensure that I get enough fish fry. When the fish ponds are filled, roughly speaking, at least 30 fish fry are needed to solve the problem.

However, when the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. came here, he didn't mention the number of fry at all, and just opened his mouth to say such words, which made Wang Lei feel puzzled.

30 wild carp fry, this is 30 yuan, even if Sun Xiaoru is worth tens of millions, it is impossible for her to be so proud.

"Mr. Sun, you are here in person now, do you have something to talk to me about?"

After thinking about it, Wang Lei asked Sun Xiaoru aloud.

"Smart. Go into the room and talk alone."

"Okay everyone, I need to talk to Mr. Wang alone about something now, please wait outside for a while."

After saying this, Sun Xiaoru walked straight into the room. The whole process felt overwhelming, and she didn't regard herself as an outsider at all.

This made Wang Lei feel speechless.Turning back, he shrugged at the people around him and said, "You guys wait here for a while, I'll come out after a while."

After finishing speaking, he followed behind Sun Xiaoru and walked straight into the house.

At this time, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was looking at the decoration of the whole room, and turned around and smiled at Wang Lei, "Not bad, you've done well here, and now you're even a village official. "

Wang Lei took out a bag of tea leaves and a teacup from the cooker.

After brewing the tea, put it in front of Sun Xiaoru, smiled aloud, and said, "Mr. Sun, don't mock me here. What kind of officials are not officials? The previous senior village officials made mistakes and were imprisoned." Well, the village needs someone to take charge of the development, so the mayor and the leaders let me take care of it temporarily after discussing it."

Sun Xiaoru smiled lightly, then corrected her attitude, stopped chatting with Wang Lei, and went directly to the topic: "Mr. Wang, you should have guessed the purpose of my visit this time, right? Then I will say it directly, and I want to get something from you. A lot of nutrient solution."

Wang Lei looked at the serious look of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. in front of him, raised his eyebrows, but laughed, and said, "It seems that Mr. Sun didn't analyze the ingredients of the nutrient solution."

These words made Sun Xiaoru's face darken in an instant, nonsense, ask the question knowingly!
"Hehe, I really underestimated Mr. Wang's ability. To be honest, I have already had someone analyze the nutrient solution you gave me, but I can't get the ingredients in it. I think you are the only one who can do it, Mr. Wang." Prepare that miraculous nutrient solution that contains a lot of life elements. I am here now, just to cooperate with you, Mr. Wang, and let you hold half of the dividends of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.!"

On the way here, Sun Xiaoru had already considered it carefully, and she had to show full sincerity in front of Wang Lei.

Giving him half of the company's dividends seems a bit exaggerated, but it can take advantage of this opportunity to firmly bind the company with Wang Lei, so as to continuously obtain magical nutrient solution from Wang Lei, which is very important for the company's future development. In terms of, there are great benefits.

Sun Xiaoru's words made Wang Lei stunned for a long time before he could react.

Although I had thought just now that the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. would try his best to please himself in order to obtain nutrient solution from him, but he didn't expect that this President Sun would make such a big deal!
"Half the's tempting to think about it..."

Wang Lei sighed.

Sun Xiaoru looked at the expression on the face of the farmer in front of her, and smiled instantly, and said, "Mr. Wang agrees?"

Hehe, money can turn ghosts around, this is not a bad idea at all!

Sun Xiaoru laughed in her heart.

On Wang Lei's side, however, he shook his head, poured cold water on the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., and said aloud: "Mr. Sun, you are too optimistic. Don't forget about my enemy." What is my identity, if Chen Aihua knows that I have become the management of your company, then Chen Aihua will definitely do everything possible to retaliate against Mr. Sun, and the consequences are not something Mr. Sun can bear."


Sun Xiaoru gasped. She was so engrossed in the joy that Wang Lei could concoct the miraculous nutrient solution, that she completely forgot about it before she knew it.

Wang Lei's words made the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. tremble, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

Looking at Sun Xiaoru's expression at this time, Wang Lei shook his head secretly. Although in the eyes of outsiders, this beauty is an elite in the shopping malls, but with her mentality, it is definitely not a good idea to develop Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. to what it is today. Relying on Sun Xiaoru's business ability, but something else.

"Hehe, actually, you don't have to worry, Mr. Sun. Although I have no intention of joining your company, I can provide you with the nutrient solution."

(End of this chapter)

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