Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 129 Give another 60 fry

Chapter 129 Give another 60 fry

This completely exceeded Sun Xiaoru's expectations!
After hearing Wang Lei's explanation just now, Sun Xiaoru secretly sighed, the economic strength of Wang Lei's enemy cannot be shaken by a small company.

Sun Xiaoru originally hated Chen Aihua secretly in her heart. This damned woman blocked her cooperation with Wang Lei. There was clearly an opportunity to grow and grow in front of her, but Chen Aihua, this damned woman, had already spoken out, and no one could help Wang Lei!
However, after hearing Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. felt that he had misheard, swallowed subconsciously, and hurriedly raised his head to look at the farmer in front of him.

"Mr. Wang, did I hear correctly? Are you really planning to cooperate with me?"

At this time, the voice of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was no longer as proud as before. Although he was pleasantly surprised by Wang Lei's decision, Chen Aihua would be hit by Chen Aihua when he thought of cooperating with Wang Lei. He was not alone. The pressure that a small company can bear makes Sun Xiaoru feel very frustrated.

The excitement and arrogance just now were filled with wry smiles.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from Sun Xiaoru, Wang Lei knew what this woman was thinking about now, so he smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Sun, you don't have to worry about Chen Aihua's matter. The cooperation I will talk about next will definitely not Let your company be hit by Chen Aihua."

"It's like this. You came here this time to get the nutrient solution from me, so I will give you ten beakers of the nutrient solution. As a reward, you must provide me with 30 carp fry."

These words made Sun Xiaoru's eyebrows twitch violently. Seeing the smile on Wang Lei's mouth, she subconsciously asked, "For free?"

Wang Lei nodded: "That's right."


Looking at Wang Lei's answer, Sun Xiaoru couldn't keep her composure. The 30 fish fry that the other party said was 30 RMB!
Ten beakers of nutrient solution are exchanged for 30 yuan of fry, and each nutrient solution is worth 3 yuan!
For this astonishing price, Sun Xiaoru exclaimed again and again.

Although she has worked hard in the mall for many years and has already trained her mind to be as firm as a rock, but now, Mr. Sun's mood is still shaken by the farmer standing in front of her.

"This is the most expensive transaction I've ever done. A beaker of nutrient solution is less than half a liter, and it's worth 3 yuan... Hey, who let you master such a strange thing? I can Is there room for resistance..."

Listening to the sighing words of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei sat on the chair next to him and laughed.

"Of course I have. If Mr. Sun thinks it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it. This kind of thing is a willing transaction between both parties. I didn't force Mr. Sun to buy it."

When Sun Xiaoru heard Wang Lei's ridicule, she rolled her eyes and spat: "Damn! Others don't know the benefits of your nutrient solution, but I know it clearly. It can improve the growth rate of fry and improve genes. All have great benefits, and its value cannot be measured by money. I really don’t know what kind of shit luck you had in your previous life to be able to get this super formula.”

"Okay, you give me ten beakers of nutrient solution, and I will provide you with 60 fry for free."

Following Sun Xiaoru's words, Wang Lei froze for a moment.

This is an unexpected result.When Sun Xiaoru was in Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., she was flattering herself. She thought that this woman would provide herself with more fry when the deal was concluded, but she didn't expect that this woman would eat 30 fish!

This is 30 yuan!

"Haha, Mr. Sun, you are so generous and polite. I got a benefit of 60 yuan after chatting with you for a while."

Wang Lei stuffed Sun Xiaoru with a candied date.

As the saying goes, "Thousands of wears and thousands of flattery don't wear clothes". Listening to Wang Lei's flattery, Sun Xiaoru felt very happy.

I stared at Wang Lei for a moment, and said to myself: "You helped my Sun family five years ago. I said when I was in the company that as long as you have any needs, I, Sun Xiaoru, will do my best to help Mr. Wang. ..."

"Mr. Wang, have you considered how to seek revenge from Chen Aihua?"

Sun Xiaoru asked Wang Lei directly.

The farmer in front of him is kind to the Sun family. Now that he is in trouble, he must not stand idly by. He will definitely help if he can.

"I don't need to worry about this kind of thing. I have just started in Wangcun now, and Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. is a jewelry giant that has been entrenched in Donghai City for many years. There is a big gap between me and her. Outsiders In my eyes, given my current situation, if I say that I have thought of a way to seek revenge on Chen Aihua, I am afraid that outsiders will not believe it, right?"

"Hehe, let's do everything step by step. It is necessary to defeat Chen Aihua, but I also want to experience the process and fun of the struggle."

The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. standing next to him never expected that the farmer in front of him would say such a thing.

"Yes, when a person only has hatred in his heart, he completely loses himself. In this world, there are very few people who can have Mr. Wang's mentality."

At this time, Sun Xiaoru worshiped Wang Lei from the bottom of her heart.Although the young man in front of him was dressed in shabby clothes, his image grew in the heart of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., to the point where he needed to look up.

"Okay, Mr. Sun, please go out now and tell Minister Zheng what happened just now, and ask him to go back and make preparations, and send 60 fry to me tomorrow morning."

Sun Xiaoru nodded after hearing Wang Lei's words, then turned and walked outside.

Before leaving, he saw that Wang Lei had already walked to the table, picked up a utensil, and started to prepare the nutrient solution.

"General Manager Sun, why do you come out by yourself, where is Wang Lei?"

"How did you talk with Wang Lei inside?"

"Can you provide us with some more fry..."

The next second when Sun Xiaoru walked out of the door, the villagers who had been waiting outside for a long time asked anxiously.

Sun Xiaoru closed the door, looked back at the nervous and apprehensive villagers in front of her, and sighed in her heart.

These people have been poor for half their lives in the village, and now they finally see the hope of living a better life. It is normal to be able to behave like this.

"Don't worry, everyone. I had a very pleasant conversation with Mr. Wang just now. I will send this Minister Zhang to send another batch of fish fry over tomorrow. I guarantee that everyone present who didn't get the fish fry will have a share!"

 Recommend the story of "The Strongest Farmer" leading farmers to get rich.Eleven is over, book lovers who haven't read it can enjoy it.


(End of this chapter)

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