Chapter 130
Sun Xiaoru was angrily yelled at by Wang Lei's actions, she is a complete prodigal, it is too late for others to confess this kind of supreme fetish, but you are treating it like garbage.

Looking at Sun Xiaoru who gritted his silver teeth tightly, Wang Lei smiled awkwardly.

Just now, I only cared about preventing Sun Xiaoru from spilling the nutrient solution from the bucket when Sun Xiaoru was transporting it.

For a moment, he completely forgot that although the nutrient solution was an ordinary thing in his own eyes, in the eyes of the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., it was completely supreme.

If I don't give Sun Xiaoru a satisfactory explanation now, I'm afraid I won't be able to live in peace.

"Ahem, Mr. Sun, I'm not thinking about your car. If this nutrient solution is spilled in the trunk, it will pollute your luxurious car..."

However, before Wang Lei finished speaking, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. had a dark face and spat, "Fart! It is my honor to be wet with this Audi car! Who told you to pour out this supreme thing without my consent, and it still fell on the ground..."

Sun Xiaoru growled and roared at Wang Lei.

This made Wang Lei quite speechless.

Sister, this nutrient solution is prepared by me for you. Isn’t it just sprinkled on a little bit? It’s not worth one-third of the extra I gave you...

But looking at Sun Xiaoru's cannibalistic face, Wang Lei didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction in his heart. He could only laugh along with him and said to Sun Xiaoru, "Mr. Sun, don't be angry. I did something wrong just now. I promise that there will never be a next time! You can see if this is okay, and I will prepare some for you after you use it up."

Wang Lei's words made the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. secretly happy.

"Hey, thanks to my cleverness, I can get some nutrient solution from this guy again."

With a stern face, he snorted at Wang Lei and said, "For the sake of being so obedient, I will forgive you once now, and don't let me see you do it again, or else I won't be as good as you!"

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and put the nutrient solution in the trunk for me! Put it away carefully for me, if after I return to the company, I find a drop spilled, I will ask you!"

Wang Lei was completely speechless, repeatedly apologizing.Put the bucket in the trunk of the Audi car.

And tie it up with a rope.

Sun Xiaoru stood aside, watched Wang Lei's movements, and nodded in satisfaction. She was still a very careful person.

"Okay, now I'm going back. Tomorrow morning, I will ask Zheng Ming to bring people over to bring the remaining fish fry. You will arrange people to wait in advance when the time comes."

After Sun Xiaoru said this to Wang Lei, she opened the driver's door and got in.

It wasn't until this woman, who was small in appearance but tough in heart, started the Audi and drove out of the village, that Wang Lei dared to reach out to wipe the cold sweat from his face.

"What a tigress, she pretended to be cannibalistic in order to get the nutrient solution..."

Looking at the black Audi that was about to disappear from sight, Wang Lei gave a wry smile, then turned around and walked towards the village.

At this time, the villagers of Wang Village hadn't come out of the excitement just now, and many people gathered together to discuss what happened just now.

"Now I feel relieved. We don't have to wait until next year to plant fruit trees. Now we can make money by raising fish with Wang Lei."

"Wang Lei is so courageous..."

"Look quickly! Wang Lei is back now!"

Among those people's discussions, some people saw Wang Lei coming from the village, and they all hurriedly turned to look at Wang Lei.

With Wang Lei's impressive achievements one after another, this young man who was once ridiculed by the villagers has now become the god in the hearts of the villagers of Wang Village.

"Wang Lei..."

"You're back."

"Brother Wang, you've worked hard..."

Some villagers tried their best to curry favor with Wang Lei, and they had nothing to say.

Looking at the villagers surrounding him, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said, "Everyone, go home and rest. When you get up early tomorrow morning, Minister Zheng from Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. will come to deliver the fry again to you guys. Then everyone will be tired."

After saying this, Wang Lei ignored the villagers, walked directly through the crowd, and walked towards the pond where the truck was parked.

A few minutes later, the sales director of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., who was originally stocking fry in Zhang Luo, saw the farmer approaching, hurriedly gave a few words to the people around him, and then walked towards Wang Lei. In the mind of the sales manager, the farmer in front of him should not be underestimated at all. He has a good relationship with Mr. Sun, and he can decide his fate in Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. with just a word.

"Mr. Wang, please slow down, the pond is wet and slippery, be careful not to fall..."

After hearing what Zheng Ming said, Wang Lei smiled wryly, waved his hand at the other party, and said, "Minister Zheng, I'm not a child anymore, my eyes seem to be looking at the road all the time."

"What's going on here now?"

"Don't worry, there are still two or three households to complete the delivery."

Zheng Ming said politely to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, after stocking the fish fry, you should go back and rest quickly. Mr. Sun just said that Minister Zheng will bring someone over to deliver a batch of fish fry tomorrow morning."

Zheng Ming hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's my honor to be able to help you, Mr. Wang...Mr. Wang, I have something to ask you..."

Seeing Zheng Ming's hesitant expression, Wang Lei rolled his eyes, then smiled lightly, and asked, "Is it related to work?"

Zheng Ming nodded hastily, "Mr. Wang, I offended you when I was in the company earlier, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, please say something kind to me in front of Mr. Sun, I can't lose this job. Otherwise, the monthly mortgage of tens of thousands would overwhelm me."

After being taught a lesson by Wang Lei at Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei saw all the changes in Zheng Ming.

With Zheng Ming's status, being able to put down his arrogance to beg a farmer who he doesn't like at all on weekdays made Wang Lei's affection for Zheng Ming soar.

"Minister Zheng, don't worry, Mr. Sun was angry at the beginning. Your performance in the nursery is obvious to all. Even if I don't intercede with Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun will not be willing to give up your general. As long as If you can completely get rid of your bad habits, I'm sure that Minister Zheng's position in the company will be promoted in a short time."

"With your good words, if you really get promoted, I will definitely invite you to drink, Mr. Wang."

Zheng Ming laughed happily at Wang Lei.

Wang Lei smiled lightly, and said to the sales manager, "Okay, hurry up and ask your men to put the fry into the pond."

(End of this chapter)

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