Chapter 131 Delicious
After hearing Wang Lei's words, the sales director of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was obviously stunned for a moment, and the color in his eyes changed again and again.

The tone of Wang Lei's speech just now is very similar to the tone he used to give orders to his employees in the company.

Hey, I didn't expect it, I usually give orders to others, but now it's a good thing, the role has been transferred.

Although the sales manager murmured in his heart, he didn't have any dissatisfaction. Now that he finally got the farmer's forgiveness, he must not let the other party blame him again.

"Okay Mr. Wang, I'll go there now."

After Zheng Ming respectfully said this to Wang Lei, he hurriedly walked towards the pond in front of him.

Looking at Zheng Ming's back, Wang Lei showed a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth. Although Zheng Ming had been repeatedly promising to change his ways just now, it was easier said than done. This sales manager who is used to ordering others can listen to his own words To do things, this already shows that he intends to completely reform.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei laughed aloud, then walked to the pond, rolled up his sleeves and got busy with the people around him.

Half an hour later, it was already getting late, and the 100 fish fry transported by Zheng Ming had all been stocked in the ponds of more than [-] villagers.

"Minister Zheng, you've been tired all afternoon, and it's getting dark now, so don't leave, stay and have a meal with us."

Seeing that Zheng Ming was instructing his staff to pack up, Wang Minghui hurried over and said.

Others can ignore it, but this Zheng Ming is the sales director of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. In this capacity, he can still roll up his sleeves and work hard. Now that the work is done, if he doesn't express it, he will let If people leave directly, Wang Minghui will always feel sorry in his heart.

"Uncle Wang, I accept your wish, but now I have to go back and report to Mr. Sun. We can't delay."

Zheng Ming already knew that the middle-aged man in front of him was Wang Lei's father, and he was very polite when he spoke.

Although the waist was too tired to straighten up, but the laughter kept coming from his mouth.

"This... that's okay! Minister Zheng, drive carefully on the road."

Wang Minghui saw that the sky was getting dark, and it was still two hours away from here to Sanping County.Driving at night was no safer than during the day, and if Zheng Ming had any problems on the road because of eating, it would be a bad thing.

After thinking about it, Wang Minghui no longer insisted on the idea just now.

"Mr. Wang, then I'll go back first. If you have anything to do, you can call me directly."

After Zheng Ming said this to Wang Lei, he hurriedly turned around and walked towards the white public parked not far away.

"Wang Lei, why do I feel that this Minister Zheng has always been a little restrained in front of you, just like a mouse meeting a cat. There is something between you and him?"

When the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. started the Volkswagen and drove towards the outside of the village, Wang Minghui slowly looked away and looked suspiciously at Wang Lei who was standing beside him.

"Hehe, Dad, you only see Zheng Ming's obedient side now, but you didn't see the expression he made on me in the office this morning. At that time, he deliberately troubled me..."

When Wang Lei came to this point, Wang Minghui immediately burst into coldness, "Damn it! He treats you like that! Damn you little bastard, wait until he comes tomorrow and see how I deal with him!"

In Wang Minghui's heart, Wang Lei is everything to him, and he can't make any mistakes.

Feeling the concern from Wang Minghui, Wang Lei put on a happy smile, waved his hands, and said, "Dad, when did you have such a violent temper? I haven't finished my words yet. Look how angry you are. Don't think about it carefully, if I was really bullied by Zheng Ming, how could he be so obedient in front of me just now. "

Following Wang Lei's explanation, Wang Minghui was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was a little anxious just now, and coughed in embarrassment.Then he hurriedly said to Wang Lei, "Hurry up and tell me, when you were at Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd., how did you make Minister Zheng so obedient."

Wang Lei shook his head and said, "Okay Dad, it's getting late now, hurry home and eat, and I'll tell you slowly when I get home."

Only then did Wang Minghui feel a burst of hunger. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay, let's go home and eat."

Then he walked towards home with Wang Lei.

The villagers behind them dispersed after cleaning the 'battlefield'.

A few minutes later, when Wang Lei opened the door and was about to walk in, Wang Minghui, who was following behind, stopped abruptly and looked up at Wang Lei in horror.

" mean you helped Mr. Sun's father five years ago?"

Wang Lei nodded, "I have completely forgotten about this. At that time, Sun Xiaoru casually mentioned her father's development manager, and I knew that I had such a relationship with Sun's Nursery Co., Ltd. You don't know, when Zheng Knowing the relationship between me and their President Sun, my face turned green on the spot."

"Haha, Zheng Ming deserves it right! Who made him want to bully my precious son! But to be honest, it's really good that Minister Zheng has changed so much in such a short period of time."

Wang Minghui has more appreciation and affection for Zheng Ming.

"Well, although Zheng Ming has some minor problems, his business ability is one of the best. Sun Xiaoru will definitely be able to develop the company better in the future with him as a general by his side."

"Okay Dad, you've been tired all afternoon, sit on the chair and rest first, I'll go cook."

After Wang Lei finished speaking to Wang Minghui, he walked straight towards the kitchen.Ten minutes later, the hot meal was served on the stone table in the yard.

"Oh, not bad. I'm the one who cooks all day. I didn't expect you, who basically doesn't cook, to be able to cook such delicious meals."

Wang Minghui sniffed the tempting aroma of the food on the table, and praised Wang Lei.

Hehe, if I didn't use some hands and feet, how could I cook such delicious food with my cooking skills.

Wang Lei smiled wryly in his heart.

"Dad, eat this meal while it's hot. I added some secret recipes to it. If you eat it often, it can relax the muscles and activate the blood. It's no worse than ginseng."

In the process of cooking, Wang Lei used the power of Shennong Baodian.

"I don't care about you anymore, I have to try..."

Wang Minghui drank the glass of white wine in front of him in one gulp, then grabbed the chopsticks and picked up the celery in front of him.

"good to eat!"

 The story of "The Most Powerful Farmer" leading the farmers to get rich, Class [-] is now over, so you can watch it all at once for a refreshing and enjoyable time.

(End of this chapter)

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