Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 136 Looking for Wang Lei

Chapter 136 Looking for Wang Lei

Following Wang Lei's words, all the villagers standing around turned their heads and looked at Wang Lei.

"What do you mean, how can fish farming be done without using fertilizer?"

"If you rely on dung alone, you can only do it for a few days. The fry need to grow, and the food they need in the process cannot be solved by a few shovels of dung..."

Wang Lei listened to the discussions of the surrounding villagers, and said lightly: "Everyone, I know what you think. But have you ever thought about how many harmful substances are added to the fertilizers we buy? All the fertilizers we raise are the best quality wild Fish fry, if fertilizer is used to raise fish, wouldn't it be a waste of these fry?"

"There are many people present who have raised fish, but I would like to ask, after you use fertilizer to raise fish, what happened? Did you get a bumper harvest as you expected?"

After Wang Lei uttered a few simple words, the disaffected villagers immediately stopped their voices.

A sigh sounded.

"Hey, last year I spent 2000 yuan just to buy feed, but in the end I didn't even get the cost..."

"Yeah, I'm at a loss too..."

"Wang Lei, since we can't use feed, how can we solve the problem of fish eating? We can't just scatter the fish in the pond and let them fend for themselves in the water? If this is the case, there will be no profit at all. what money?"

After hearing the questions from the surrounding villagers, Wang Lei thought for a while and said, "This..."

I didn't think of a way at all. After all, what the whole village needs to raise fish is a lot of feed, not a small amount.

"Everyone, go home and wait for the news. In the past two days, the feed problem will be solved by the big guys."

After thinking about it, Wang Lei could only speak to the villagers around him.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go back first and wait for your good news at home."

At this time, Wang Lei's status in the hearts of the villagers is completely different from yours in the past. With Wang Lei's continuous display of amazing skills, the villagers of Wang Village have already regarded Wang Lei as a god.

"Uncle Wang, what are you doing here..."

"Shh, keep your voice down! How can fish farming be done without feed? I'm going to the town to buy some feed. What we're raising now are all wild fry. There's nothing to say about good quality. Of course, we need to use feed. Fatten up, when I raise the fish, it will make Wang Lei look at me with admiration..."

Whispered discussions in the distance reached Wang Lei's ears, which made Wang Lei smile wryly.

Don't pay attention to things over there.I have made it clear that feed cannot be used to raise fish, but some villagers still don’t listen. If I continue to persuade them, it will not have any effect at all. Only through practical actions can they realize the harm caused by using feed to fatten them.

These people belonged to the kind of people who would not give up until they reached the Yellow River, and there was no need to continue persuading them.

Wang Minghui and Sun Xiaoxue stood beside Wang Lei, listening to the whispered words of two or three people in the distance, they shook their heads helplessly.

"Just wait, if you don't listen to Wang Lei, you will regret it later!"

"Yeah, haven't we experienced too many things? Those things have proved Wang Lei's ability. Now only by listening to his arrangements can we create miracles..."

"Wang Lei, have you figured out a way now?"

After Sun Xiaoxue babbled twice, she turned her head and looked at Wang Lei.

Now the family raises fish fry on three acres of land, and the daily feed needs can be calculated at hundreds of catties. Now the manure in hand is almost used up, and the problem of feeding the fish must be solved quickly.

"You think I'm a god, how can you think of it immediately when you think of it?"

After Wang Lei heard the questioning of the young women around him, he turned around and smiled wryly at them.

Knowing the reason why Sun Xiaoxue is anxious now, this woman has suffered for many years in the village, and now she finally sees the hope of a better life in herself, it is completely understandable for Sun Xiaoxue to be so anxious.

"Okay, let's go back now and leave Wang Lei alone, he will figure out a way."

Seeing the helplessness on Wang Lei's face, Wang Minghui hurriedly said to Sun Xiaoxue.Changed the topic, I didn't want to add any more burden to my precious son.

"All right……"

Sun Xiaoxue pursed her mouth, sighed helplessly, and then followed Wang Minghui towards the village, leaving Wang Lei standing by the pond alone.

"Hey, feed, it's best to use manure to raise fish. It's rich in nutrients, but where can I find so much manure..."

Wang Lei smiled wryly.Using the Shennong Collection can change the genes of the fish, but this does not solve the problem of fish eating. After all, this is not a problem that can be solved by using the Shennong Collection once or twice.

When Wang Lei sighed, the atmosphere in Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. in Huahai City was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

"Expert Zhou, can't even you see the cause of these trees?"

Li Wei, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., stood beside a middle-aged man and asked anxiously.

At this time, the newly introduced fruit trees in the company are facing a serious crisis, and large areas are withered.Li Wei has asked many people to treat the trees, but there is no way to cure them. Until now, even the cause of the trees' illness has not been found.

"Hey, Mr. Li, you imported these trees from abroad. Now that you're sick, you can be cured..."

"In this way, if you give me three days, I will definitely find the cause of the attack."

Wang Yun stood beside Li Wei, and after hearing what the expert said, she snorted coldly, "Three days, three days, this has been delayed for three days, if we can't find out the cause of the fruit tree disease In less than three days, all the fruit trees brought back by Mr. Li at a high price will be ruined."

"Mr. Li, I think Zhou Hong probably has no way to solve this matter. Why don't I go to Wang Lei?"

After Wang Yun's words came out, Li Wei was stunned, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Wang Yun, and said aloud, "Why are you looking for him?"

The voice of the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. is full of doubts and doubts.

Wang Yun said aloud: "Mr. Li, have you forgotten that Wang Lei can bring the fruit trees purchased from us to bloom and bear fruit within three months? Doesn't this already show his knowledge in agriculture? I think Now it’s better to let him come over and try, maybe he can find the cause of the problem.”

"This...why didn't you say it earlier!"

Wang Yun: "Mr. Li, I just remembered this suddenly. Since you have no objection, I will go to Wang Lei now."

Standing by the side, Zhou Hong listened to the words of the two beauties beside him, and asked suspiciously, "That Wang Lei is also an expert?"

(End of this chapter)

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