Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 137 Contradictions

Chapter 137 Contradictions
Li Wei withdrew her gaze from Wang Yun who had already left, looked at Zhou Hong, and opened her mouth to explain: "No, that Mr. Wang is just a farmer..."

Before Li Wei finished speaking, Zhou Hong who was standing beside him suddenly felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

As a forestry expert, I am still standing here, Li Wei actually asked others to come over to treat these sick fruit trees, this is already humiliating myself, and the person Li Wei called is not an expert in forestry, which makes me feel ashamed Zhou Hong's gaze was instantly unkind.

His face turned cold on the spot, he snorted heavily, and said, "Mr. Li, my impressive forestry experts can't solve this disease of fruit trees. A farmer can solve it? Are you deliberately humiliating me?" !"

Over the years, relying on agricultural knowledge, no matter where he went, he was treated with respect and respect. He never thought that he would be so humiliated by a woman now.Zhou Hong clenched his fists, trying to beat Li Wei.

"Hehe, Expert Zhou, now you are helpless with me. If you really have a way to solve the problem here, then you will definitely not delay the time as a person. Now I just want to quickly make the fruit tree sick. Find out the reason and save my loss, how can this become a humiliation for you?"

Li Wei felt the emotional fluctuations emanating from Zhou Hong, and said in a cold voice.

"Because you are an elder, I respect you. But you also have to show me the situation. I hired you to treat my fruit trees. I didn't ask you to come here to be an uncle! If you want to get angry , find someone else, don't play big cards with me!"

Looking at Zhou Hong with a cold face, Li Wei didn't have any politeness in her voice.

Zhou Hong listened to the words of the woman in front of him, and his eyes changed. There was some power behind the woman in front of him, which he could not offend.

"That's good. Since Mr. Li has so much confidence in that farmer, I really want to see how he can heal your fruit trees."

During Zhou Hong's speech, the posture of an expert was undoubtedly revealed. He threw the things in his hands aside and sat on the ground straight, with an attitude of watching the show.


Seeing Zhou Hong's performance in his eyes, Li Wei immediately frowned, and gritted his teeth angrily. He didn't expect this to be a rascal!

"Hehe, since Expert Zhou wants to see Li Wei's excitement so much, then I can only be respectful rather than obedient. Expert Zhou, you can take a good look here, and the farmer will definitely heal the fruit trees here! If If you can’t, I’ll screw my head off and kick it for you.”

As a man, Zhou Hong said calmly to the woman in front of him, "No, it's too dirty."

The fruit trees of Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. were sick. Li Wei not only invited Zhou Hong, but also other forestry experts present. Hearing the words in their ears, they all shook their heads.

"Crap, you're an expert, you know how to show off..."

"This kind of person is not worthy of being an expert at all!"

"I really hope that Mr. Li can slap this old guy in the face with practical actions!"

"Yes, let's see if he will be arrogant again in the future."

"It's a pity, Mr. Li now pins his hope of curing these fruit trees on a farmer. I don't think there is any expectation for this matter. How can a farmer know how to cure fruit trees..."

Standing under the fruit tree, Li Wei slowly turned her eyes away from Zhou Hong after hearing the comments from the people around her, and looked at the people standing beside her.

A smile appeared on his face.Although these people in front of them don't have any hope for Wang Lei, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. is very optimistic about Wang Lei.

After a moment of silence, Li Wei giggled at the experts in front of her, and said aloud: "Everyone, you are all elites in forestry. I want to know that you can transplant fruit trees in the midsummer season and let them grow in two months. Do the transplanted fruit trees bear fruit?"

After Li Wei's words came out, the person who had been discussing in a low voice just now was stunned for an instant, and looked back at Li Wei with astonishment in his eyes...

At the same time, in Wang Village, which is [-] kilometers northwest of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei was sitting on a chair in the courtyard, sighing constantly.

I thought that after using the Shennong Treasure to improve the quality of the fry, I could sit back and relax, but I was too naive before.

The problem of feeding fry was not considered from the beginning.If feed for the fry cannot be found soon, the fry will fight each other in the pond for survival.This will cause serious losses to the number of fry.

"Hey, I can't really blame you for this. You have been living outside these years, and you know very little about rural affairs. If you make a wrong step, don't blame yourself too much, as long as you can think of a remedy as soon as possible."

Sitting next to Wang Lei, Wang Minghui looked at his son's depressed appearance, felt very hurt in his heart, and spoke out to comfort him.

After hearing the voice from beside him, Wang Lei turned his head and saw the worry on Wang Minghui's face. He smiled brightly and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely find a solution to this problem." Get rid of it!"

"We will definitely not let the feed issue become a hindrance to our village's prosperity."

Wang Minghui nodded solemnly, full of confidence in Wang Lei.

At this moment, a light laughter suddenly came into the ears of the father and son from outside, "Hey, your father and son are discussing something, with such serious expressions."

Wang Minghui was startled when he heard the voice. He was very familiar with this voice. It was because the owner of this voice came to Wang Lei that his family's life improved.

Turning back hastily, looking at the person from Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Minghui smiled heartily and said, "Isn't this Secretary Wang? Why are you here now when you have time?"

Wang Yun giggled and said, "Uncle Wang, you must forgive me for coming uninvited. I interrupted your conversation with Wang Lei unintentionally just now."

Wang Minghui waved his hands hastily, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Secretary Wang is here to find Wang Lei, right? You two are chatting, and I have other things to attend to, so I'll deal with them now."

Seeing that Wang Yun's attention was not on himself at all, Wang Minghui turned around and walked towards the room very interestingly after saying this, leaving room for a private conversation with Wang Lei and the secretary of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd.

Seeing Wang Minghui's enthusiastic attitude, Wang Lei shook his head and smiled, and then said to Wang Yun, "Secretary Wang, come and sit down if you have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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