Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 138 Arriving at the venue

Chapter 138 Arriving at the venue
sit down?

I don't have time to sit down and chat with you right now. I have to take you back to the company as soon as possible. If you don't make a move, all the imported fruit trees in the company will die.

Accompanied by Wang Lei's words, this idea flashed into the mind of the female secretary of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. in an instant.

Sensing the emotional fluctuations emanating from the beautiful woman in front of him, the farmer sitting on the chair raised his head with interest, fixed his eyes on the female secretary of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., and asked aloud: "What are you doing now?" Come here to find me something important?"

After the farmer's words came out, the female secretary of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. nodded hurriedly, and opened her mouth and said: "Yes, yes, I am here now because I have something very important that needs to be resolved by you, Mr. Wang. Now there is a person in the company. A batch of important fruit trees fell ill, and many forestry experts were helpless, so Mr. Li specially sent me to pick up Mr. Wang. Cause an unimaginable blow!"

The female secretary's voice was tense and urgent, and her eyes were full of pleading for the farmer in front of her.

"Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up and have a look!"

Just now Wang Minghui said that something needs to be dealt with, but after entering the house, he has been lying at the door and listening to the movement outside. After hearing Wang Yun tell the fruit tree crisis encountered by Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Minghui did not hesitate at all. He hurried out of the room and said to Wang Lei.

"Now we can't solve the problem here for a while. You should go to Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. to take a look and use your forestry knowledge to help Mr. Li keep the batch of imported fruit trees."

In Wang Minghui's heart, Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. had spared no effort to help his family some time ago, but now that the other party encountered difficulties, they must not stand by and watch.

You have to backhand to help the opponent.

After hearing the words from behind, the female secretary of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. secretly rejoiced that Wang Minghui could stand up and speak for her at such a time, and the female secretary was very grateful in her heart.He raised his head, stared at the farmer in front of him, full of expectation, and asked softly: "Mr. Wang, please go and help our company, I promise, as long as you can help us get through this crisis, we Wei Eryu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. will definitely give you a generous reward for Mr. Wang!"

"I just heard that you and Uncle Wang are worrying about raising fish fry. As long as you agree to help Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., I can give Mr. Wang 10 yuan in my own name to pay for Mr. Wang's purchase. The cost of fish feed..."

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the beautiful woman in front of him, Wang Lei suddenly smiled, waved his hand at her, and said, "I accept Aunt Wang's wishes, but I never planned to use feed to raise fish from the beginning." , This will have a serious impact on the quality of the fish. Since Mr. Li is in trouble now, then I will go and have a look with Aunt Wang."

After hearing Wang Lei's words, the female secretary of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. became happy, and hurriedly nodded to Wang Lei, saying, "Okay, okay, then let's go now."

After finishing speaking, his right hand was already grasping Wang Lei's arm, as if he was afraid that the farmer would run away from him.

Seeing Wang Yun's actions, Wang Lei shook his head and smiled wryly, then turned his head and said to Wang Minghui: "Dad, you can wait here for a while, I will come as soon as I go. You don't have to take the matter of the pond too seriously, trust me, I will definitely will figure out a way to solve the problem.”

Wang Minghui nodded and said, "Go, I believe in you."

During the whole process, the female secretary of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. stood quietly by the side. It was not until Wang Lei finished explaining the matter to Wang Minghui that she hurriedly dragged Wang Lei outside.

Three hours later, the beauty brought Wang Lei into Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd.

At this time, in the imported fruit forest, the people who had gathered here before had not dispersed. Everyone was sitting or standing, quietly waiting for the forestry expert mentioned by the general manager of Weier Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. to come.

I really want to see how capable that farmer is, so that the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. attaches so much importance to it.

"Mr. Li, look who I brought you here now?"

Just as the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. looked at the withered fruit trees in front of him and sighed, Wang Yun's voice sounded from behind, which made the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. almost reflexively turn around and rush forward. Looking back.

The other people standing beside Li Wei also turned their heads to look at Wang Yun.

Under the watchful eyes of these people, Li Wei let out a laugh like a warbler. The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. was still full of frowns just now, but his face was full of smiles in the blink of an eye.

"Wang Lei! You are finally here now..."

The general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. let out an excited laugh, and rushed towards the farmer in a big vest and sandals.

Following Li Wei's movements, the other people standing around were stunned and stared at the farmer with astonishment.

"This... this is the forestry expert Mr. Li was talking about..."

"No way, at such a young age, I don't think he looks like someone who understands forestry..."

At this time, Zhou Hong was sitting under the fruit tree, and he had already cast his gaze on Wang Lei, and spat coldly: "Grass, a farmer!"

Sensing the unkindness coming from the right, Wang Lei turned his head and saw the coldness on Zhou Hong's face, which made Wang Lei's brows slowly wrinkle.

Then he looked away, smiled at the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., and said, "Mr. Li, you are too polite. If you have anything to do, just call me. Why let Aunt Wang go over there in person?" Pick me up."

The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. said to Wang Lei politely: "It's okay, you are my nobleman, so I can't treat you like that."

"Mr. Wang, Aunt Wang has already told you about the situation here. Now please take a quick look at the situation of my fruit trees. If they can't be cured, I will go bankrupt."

At this time, the voice of the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. already contained pleading intentions.

Under the gaze of the general manager, the farmer nodded solemnly and said: "No problem, I will show you now, don't worry, Mr. Li, I will definitely keep these fruit trees for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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