Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 141 I Want Earthworms

Chapter 141 I Want Earthworms

" let me go!"

Zhou Hong hissed at Wang Lei, his voice full of panic.

The farmer in front of him was young, but his hands were surprisingly strong, holding Zhou Hong's wrist like iron tongs, causing Zhou Hong unbearable pain.

"Let go? Hehe, what you said is really nice!"

"I can't get used to people like you who beat women..."

Wang Lei sneered while continuing to exert force, following the farmer shaking his wrist, on the side of the expert Zhou, who perfectly cooperated with the farmer's movements, his legs were almost kneeling on the ground.

"Mr. Li, how do you think this kind of scumbag should be dealt with?"

For Zhou Hong, Wang Lei didn't have any good impressions, so he turned his head and asked the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd.This woman was a victim just now, and now we need to listen to her opinion.

However, following Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. slowly recovered from the shock just now, and looked at Wang Lei in disbelief.

I was completely impressed by this farmer's skill and admired him deeply.

Just now, I thought I would be slapped in the face by Zhou Hong, but I didn't expect Wang Lei to be so skillful, and he subdued Zhou Hong at the critical moment.

"Mr. Wang can figure it out."

Li Wei didn't think much, and said directly to Wang Lei.Now it can be seen that Wang Lei does not have any good feelings for Zhou Hong. With him around, Zhou Hong will not end well.

After hearing the words of the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei nodded lightly, and then looked towards Zhou Hong.

A smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

But on the side of that expert Zhou, the farmer in front of him was shaking violently with a smile on his lips, and his face was full of panic.

Seeing the expression on Zhou Hong's face, Wang Lei suddenly felt very sick.

He spat and said, "Teaching a disgusting person like you is a serious humiliation to me. Since Mr. Li forgives you for what you did just now, then I don't need to care about this piece of trash like you..."

After Wang Lei's words, Zhou Hong breathed a sigh of relief. From his actions just now, he realized that the farmer in front of him was not easy to mess with at all. If he wanted to teach him a lesson, it would be easy.

However, before this Zhou expert could be completely happy, Wang Lei suddenly changed the subject and said, "Now fulfill the bet we made just now, kneel down and kowtow to admit my mistake."

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Hong's eyebrows twitched violently, and his heart that had been let go just now suspended instantly.

He raised his head sharply, his eyes widened.

" asked me to kowtow to you..."

Zhou Hong said subconsciously.I wanted to humiliate Wang Lei just now, so I made the bet, but I didn't expect that Wang Lei could really heal the fruit tree.

"Hehe, let's admit defeat..."

Wang Lei showed a bright smile at Zhou Hong, and before the other party could react, his right hand shook down. Zhou Hong couldn't bear the pain, and knelt heavily in front of Wang Lei.


Zhou Hong was furious, this was a great shame and humiliation.He has a noble status, but that damn farmer humiliated himself in front of everyone.

Resisting the pain from his arm, Zhou Hong turned his head and looked at Wang Lei, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"What? Not convinced?"

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Wang Lei smiled faintly at Zhou Hong, and the smile on his face was instantly replaced by coldness.The whole person seemed to be a demon, and his eyes turned cold.

With a sudden wave of his right hand, he directly slapped Zhou Hong's face.

There was a crisp ear scraper, and then Zhou Hong flew upside down like a scarecrow.

Wang Lei strode forward, and when Zhou Hong fell to the ground, he stepped on the opponent's chest.

The whole process is done in one go, as if it has been rehearsed countless times.The people standing around saw Wang Lei's actions and exclaimed one after another.

"Tell you, you have to have a bottom line in life. Since you have made a bet, you can't break the contract! Integrity is the most basic bottom line in life. Damn, you want to go back on your word after losing? Damn, do you think there is such a thing in the world?" Is it a good thing?"

Zhou Hong was trampled under by Wang Lei, feeling extremely uncomfortable as if a huge boulder of gold was pressed against his chest.

He wanted to resist, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move Wang Lei's foot away from his chest.

"I'll go, this farmer is too fierce, he just trampled Zhou Hong under his feet."

"It's too violent..."

"Isn't he afraid of Zhou Hong's revenge at all?"

"This is really wonderful! I have long wanted to step on Zhou Hong, an old man, and now this farmer is so handsome!"

Listening to the discussions around him, Zhou Hong realized that he was completely screwed.

At this time, I don't know how many people are watching my jokes. If I continue to challenge Wang Lei, with this peasant's method, I will definitely not let myself end well.

Thinking of this, Zhou Hong began to regret his recklessness just now, and should not have offended the farmer.

"Yes... I'm sorry, what I did just now was wrong..."

After a moment of silence, Zhou Hong struggled to get up from the ground and apologized to Wang Lei in order to save face.

"Hey, that's right. All right, since you're so obedient, I won't make it difficult for you. Hurry up and get out, don't stand here and make me sick."

Wang Lei spat at Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong lightened all over, turned around and ran towards the distance in a hurry.

"Hey, it looks like this place will become Expert Zhou's nightmare from now on, even if he is asked to come here, I'm afraid he won't dare to come here..."

"Hehe, why is he still here? Bringing shame upon himself."

"Hey... deserve it..."

The people standing around looked at Zhou Hong's fleeing back and shook their heads.

Wang Lei turned his gaze back to the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., and said aloud, "President Li, have you thought about how to deal with these earthworms?"

The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. said directly: "Get someone to come over and kill these hateful earthworms."

Wang Lei hastily waved his hands and said: "It seems that Mr. Li hates these earthworms so much, how about this, Mr. Li don't ask someone to come over to kill the earthworms, I will help you prepare a nutrient solution, using this nutrient solution can make the fruit trees grow greener. He recovered in a short time. As for these earthworms, Mr. Li will stay and let me deal with them, what do you think?"

Following Wang Lei's words, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. twitched his eyebrows violently, and subconsciously asked, "Mr. Wang, what do you want to do with these earthworms?"

 Recommend "The Strongest Farmer"


(End of this chapter)

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