Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 142 Give You Nutrient Solution

Chapter 142 Give You Nutrient Solution

In the exclamation of the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., other people standing around also turned their heads to look at the farmer.

The eyes are also full of puzzlement.

Although it is said that fried earthworms are popular now, these earthworms are not bred in a pollution-free environment at all, and their intestines are very dirty, so they are not suitable for making fried food at all.

Looking at the doubts on the faces of everyone around him, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said: "These earthworms are rich in high protein and are the most ideal feed. I have been worrying about the problem of fish feed in the village before. After I came to Mr. Li, I have found a solution to the feed problem."

Wang Lei didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his plan to the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd.

"Yes, using earthworms to raise fish is a very good way."

The general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. sincerely praised the farmer in front of him.

"Not bad, Mr. Wang, you are developing very well now, and now you have started to raise fish. Since you plan to take all the earthworms from my place, it seems that Mr. Wang, you have made a lot of money in terms of the scale of fish farming. movement."

Wang Lei sighed and said, "There's no way. Now everyone in the village is counting on me to make money together. If this doesn't increase the scale, where will the villagers go to make money?"

Following Wang Lei's words, all the people standing around were in awe.

"It's really good. At a young age, he has become the hope of the whole village."

"When I was his age, we were still playing with mud in the village... Hey, I can't compare with him..."

"This boy has a bright future."

The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. listened to the praise of Wang Lei from the people around him, and he also admired Wang Lei.

This farmer can get rid of poverty in a short period of time, and now he wants to lead the poor in the village to make a fortune. This kind of courage is not available to everyone.

"Well, since Mr. Wang needs these earthworms, I will leave all the earthworms to you, Mr. Wang."

The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. wanted to build a good relationship with Wang Lei, so he giggled.

"It's just that Mr. Wang, you have to promise me that I can't just leave the earthworms to you, and let my fruit forest suffer a devastating blow..."

It is necessary to have a good relationship with Wang Lei, but if you just blindly try to please Wang Lei and cause your company to suffer a devastating blow, this is completely something that an idiot forced to do.

Listening to the words of the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei smiled heartily and said, "Don't worry about Mr. Li. Since I said that I will help you heal these fruit trees, I will definitely be able to help you heal them."

"In this way, you find me a separate room, and I will prepare some nutrient solution for you. Using the nutrient solution I prepared, it will take less than two or three days for Mr. Li's imported fruit trees to grow branches one by one. Dry and lush."

The general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. listened to Wang Lei's words and applauded on the spot.

Regarding the nutrient solution that Wang Lei mentioned, I have heard of it before. Wang Lei was able to take care of the fruit trees purchased from him to bloom and bear fruit within three months. This is inseparable from the role of the magical nutrient solution.

"Okay everyone, Mr. Wang and I still have some things to deal with. Please feel free, everyone. I will leave first."

The general manager of Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. turned his head and said to the forestry experts around him that in the heart of Mr. Li, Wang Lei was far more important than these forestry experts.

I would rather offend all the forestry experts present than Wang Lei.

"Okay, Mr. Li, you can go to work first."

"We should leave after a while..."

"Mr. Li, Mr. Wang can help you heal these fruit trees, and you can finally sleep peacefully..."

The forestry experts standing around laughed loudly at the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., but more people still focused on Wang Lei, admiring this unobtrusive farmer.

From the matter of treating fruit trees, these forestry experts already knew that although the farmer in front of him did not have a famous name in the forestry field, no one even knew the existence of this farmer, but this could not overwhelm his forestry talent at all.

Some forestry experts have re-established the concept of knowledge. After watching the simple process of Wang Lei's treatment of fruit trees, they have a new understanding of professional knowledge.

Amidst the emotions of these people, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. has already led Wang Lei towards an office not far away.

Ten minutes later, the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. took the nutrient solution from Wang Lei with great excitement.

"Mr. Wang, you rely on this nutrient solution to make the transplanted fruit trees bloom and bear fruit within three months?"

Looking at the bland nutrient solution in his hand, the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. was speechless.

Wang Lei nodded lightly and said, "That's right. Put this bottle of nutrient solution into water and water the sick fruit trees, and you will see the effect within three days."

"Mr. Li, I came here in a hurry, and I didn't know that you have a lot of earthworms here. Now, please mobilize the employees in the company to help me collect some earthworms so that I can take them back."

After hearing this, the general manager of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. nodded quickly and said, "This is no problem! Mr. Wang, you helped me save the company's precious fruit trees. I will arrange employees to help you dig earthworms for Mr. Wang. Arrange a vehicle for Mr. Wang to take you back!"

Listening to the words of the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Lei nodded in satisfaction.

It couldn't be better.

"Well, let's go there now. After excavating some earthworms, Mr. Li will arrange for employees to water the fruit trees with this nutrient solution. As long as the fruit trees absorb the ingredients of the nutrient solution, no matter how many earthworms there are in the soil, the fruit trees will be destroyed. There won't be any growth crisis."

After Wang Lei said this to the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., he walked directly towards the fruit forest in front of him.

Li Wei explained a few words to the department leaders around her, and a few minutes later, a large number of employees had gathered in the fruit forest.All started digging for earthworms in the soil.

And there is already a car parked next to receive it at any time.

In the process of excavating earthworms in full swing at Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., Wang Minghui looked at the villagers who kept throwing feed into the pond, and was anxious, "Guys, why don't you listen to advice! You can't spread feed in this pond." Ah, after the fish fry are fattened by feed, the quality will be greatly reduced!"

(End of this chapter)

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